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About Taedra
- Birthday 01/05/1995
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shitposting intensifies, also feel free to post any comments and such. o7
Jun 4, 2560 I stood braced against the window, gazing down at the little blue ball below. The lights in my room were dim, and I was alone. Sometimes when the engines became silent, I could still hear voices echoing in my head. Pulling like hooks, trying to gain purchase. I however, still remained myself. The operation had been a success. We had eliminated all traces of the infestation and all crew were accounted for upon evac (dead or alive). Overall our casualties were within projected limits and we were already beginning to pack up. I tried to think back to what happened days before. I remember being dragged underground in the tunnels of the city. I remember its red eyes piercing into my skull. I remember forgetting names, faces. Her name, her face. Good thing I have many friends to come pull my sorry ass out of the fire. Before I turned I remember Sathli's squad were the first to reach me. They had tracked us down in the mud soaked tunnels that were in disuse. One of the last remaining shadowlings had hit my unit hard in the middle of a patrol. We were all captured and dragged off into the tunnels. Missing our check in time, other squads came looking. They had made it just in time. The firefight was brief, bright UV lights and chemically treated ballistic weapons made quick work of hostile threats. The shadowlings were weak by then and couldn't stand to fight a straight up battle. I remember Sathli herself carrying me out of the tunnels before I blacked out. The door to my room slowly slid open and the light from the hallway bled into the room. Its brightness made my head start to pound and my ears rung for a moment. I heart a familiar sound of talons clicking against the floor before the silhouette came into focus. Sathli stood before me. "Hey, Tae. You hanging in there alright?" Her voice spoke softly. It filled me with comfort. I nodded and she came closer and let me brace against her. She just silently held me up against her, waiting for my reply patiently. "Yeah. I'm starting to get there. Just still a little fuzzy. How is everyone else?" I leaned against her more. Her cool scales felt good against my body. "Recovering, as usual. Some of the cloned shells still haven't woken up. But its still to early to call for now. Come now Tae, this isn't the first time you've gotten into trouble yeah? I'm gonna have to start charging you per pound each time I carry you somewhere." She smiled at me. I smiled back and let out a small laugh. "Fair enough" I though. I did always seem to know just how to get into trouble. "Hate to say it, but I think that NT may be our best bet to end all this." I looked to the floor remembering my friends from the Cyberiad. Perhaps its time I went back. "Well, lets hope it doesn't come to that Tae. I'm sure someone will figure out how to stop all this soon." She patted me on the back with her words. For a moment I remembered a face from my encounter, but the image was to Bright in my mind. I tried to steady myself, pushing off my friend slightly. "Say Tae, where is Rune?" She asked. "I think she is in the rec room working out." I looked to the door wearily. "Lets go join her, might do you some good to stretch out." I grumbled at her suggestion but nodded slowly. I pushed Sathli in the direction of my desk and she helped me walk over. I reached to one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of steel aviators. I weakly put them over my eyes and bit my lower lip. I leaned into Sathli's ear and whispered. "Danger zone." We both laughed as she helped me into the hallway. The light engulfed me and a smile spread across my face. Surely, without my friends I would go mad. With my friends however, perhaps I can still do some good for this world.
cheers! o7
Well. I decided to go full grey tide this round, got me some black jumpsuits, insulated gloves, a bottle of alcohol and a piece of paper named 'nuclear authentication disk' I scavenged maint for all the cardboard and donk pockets I could find then it was time to find my nesting place. so begins my saga and so I waited but nobody cared at all. But everyone started to care once all of the heads were dead to the Xenos infestation so I did some grey tide looting, starting with the captain gun and then working my way up to snatch the nukie disk. I swapped it with my fake nuke disk, I dont think anybody will notice. took the pin-pointer too for good measure. so eventually we made our way to evac and well..... we took the shuttle and departed for CC I made one last rallying cry to the crew to bolster them for the fight ahead! so yeah....
First off, this is from that round some of yall may have heard that involved a HoS entering Melee with syndie bee's... it was one of my finer moments I think. Most of the round looked like this to me. Up next, learned the secret art of the ninja and passing through flaps. My first steps to becoming the next hokage. The next two are some epicness on other players parts Here we have Alice Church sentenced to death, preferred method: Firing squad. Executed by Captain Theodore Gregory and blueshield Kalaya Gutierres. Here we have a fancy atmosia setup by Gin Gerrail. I like how he setup the mix line to have output connectors that can also take from the outbound mix as well. I especially like the use of injecting air from the mix line to put into the cooling line and using heat exchangers on the scrubbers line. Pretty fancy overall. and lastly this is one im sure everyone has done. But I finally tried my hand at doing some basic engineering fixings. Fixed the old bar with disposals to boot. I've always felt it needed one. That's all for now but I'm trying to get better at screenshotting the epic moments
You're the team here to get Van Dorn right?
I approve
Deity: The cult worships a great red dragon known as Venris the Voiceless. This "Dragon" was said to be present at the creation of the known universe and is a keeper of a great metaphorical library of all knowledge. Beliefs: The cult believes that knowledge is sacred and that living creatures (Including artificial life) are the vessels through which knowledge is attained. The knowledge you attain in life is said to be used as your "toll" to cross into the afterlife, guided by various spirits. "Knowledge" and experience differ from person to person, making each perspective valuable in its own right. Machines and computers are great blessings that are tools not to be used and tossed aside, but to be handled with care and lived along side with in order to gain more knowledge. The People: Most people who say they follow Venris tend to live by a general code of honor. Killing isn't a sin in it's own right but it is heavily frowned upon, since such a permanent act is only necessary because we do not posses the knowledge to confront certain conflicts more efficiently. (Imagine the act of incinerating a changeling. We don't know of a way to really peacefully deal with them so we do what we must.) Reckless pursuit of knowledge can bring great loss and pain, the idea of ethics and morality are strong in the cult. The cult is composed mostly of Human populous, however it welcomes anybody into its flock. High intellect professions such as doctors, engineers, and various science fields are held in high regards within communities. Hierarchy: The cult has a single "Pope" who is referred to as the Shepard. The Shepard is an elected position every 30 years drawn from the pool of the council. The council is comprised of people who are at the heads of various "Guilds" within the cult. Each member represents the interests of their guild and the places under their care. Thus forming a voting democracy of elected officials under the Shepard. Composition: While The Order of Venris is nothing compared to the economic might of NanoTrasen, they are in their own right a booming corporation. What began as common beliefs among merchants and miners quickly grew into a booming coalition and eventually a single entity. The bright mind who managed to pull off such a feat three generations ago was Yulis Eir. Yulis Eir was a successful business woman who took on her father's space faring business after he passed away. One day her ship vanished during a scheduled FTL jump appearing one week later after the scheduled arrival at the correct place. The crew of the ship were all missing safe for Yulis and whatever she saw had changed her. She became plagued with "visions" (most outsiders speculate she was simply a madman who murdered her entire crew.) of the great dragon that she had claimed chose her to be the voice that the dragon lacked. With religious fervor now fueling her, she devoted the rest of her life converting as many as she could to her cause using her economic assets to forward the religion and secure it a place in the history to come. To this day the religion stands as a minor economic entity on the great galactic stage. So the idea for this came when I was simply in a round running around spouting on about the Omnissiah and how the maint bots were blessed by the machine spirit to do good work for the station. I finally decided I needed to have something else that I have more creative freedom with for when I was playing as chaplain. The idea for the religion is a mash up between the idea of machines being sacred and a religious cult that I am in the middle of working with a close friend of mine to implement into a Dungeon World campaign he is running. I wasn't honestly sure what thread to post this under but regardless I think it will be something interesting for me to use when playing chaplain. Hope yall enjoyed a bit of it at least and feel free to use it as you please.
Name:Reis Lugria Age: 26 Gender:Female Race:Vulpkanin Blood Type: o- General Occupational Role(s): Robotics, Janitor, Nurse Biography: Reis Lugria was born on the Vulpkanin homeworld in a small coastal town. She was born a mute but with a passion for tinkering. During her early years she spent her free time between fishing and playing with electronics. At the age of 17 her family and community had saved enough money over the years to pay for her to travel to a engineering college to major in robotics. Since graduation her family and community enjoy her regular paychecks from NT on a regular basis. Qualifications: Bachelors in robotics. Public First Aid qualification Employment Records: NT deployed assets for 3 years Security Records: Medical Records: Pacemaker Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Reis Lugria came into existence during a bout of extreme nostalgia, hence her name. (Reis being the first name of a minor character and Lugria being the last name of the main characters mother.) Her character design was inspired by the mimic class (See Personnel Photo.)
maybe a bit? I mean there is no pantsu but whatever U.U [spoiler2]damn... I lost[/spoiler2]
^ what I failed to do as HoS once.
The rewrite is done up to this point, I'm quite happy with the improvements (How small they may be). I would really like to thank the community for its helpful feedback and for reading so far. A HUGE shout out to the discord user: Dragon. Last night they had really helped me out a lot, and as a result I spent a lot of the night and most of today re-writing all of the post so far. I hope the improvements helped make it a better read and I thank all of you who have read before and after the rewrite so far. This community has been pretty awesome to me and treated me very well. I look forward to more adventure with you in game to inspire more of these senseless writings!.