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About Sothangel

  • Birthday 03/06/1994

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  1. I think ragin' might be better as the actual game-mode, with a Major event being a single wizard, perhaps, with objectives not too unlike what the revenant has (Avoid being seen/torment the clown/help existing threats when they need it)
  2. If people are going "lol no they'll escape from Perma" and breaking Space Law to do this by giving illegal executions? Let us know. I'd love to correct that.
  3. Yep, being named after a star or a chemical is the way to go. I play Procyon, one of the first timers I played her was also one of the first times I played as a miner. I found the kitten out on the asteroid and wondered if it was named after the founder, and took like the first 4 letters of their name at first. :p
  4. Pusen just wears their own beret, fuck uniform
  5. This has come up before in the guise of firing pins that detect loyalty implants and such - A very strong security buff, and as pointed only traitors have a counter to this - Vampires and shadowling thralls would be most impacted by this, changelings could live with this change.
  6. IPCs don't need this buff, I can't support this.
  7. Could be pretty neat, actually. I assume that it would scan the person who purchased it, and wouldn't clone other traitors?
  8. Mhm, power to brig indefinitely is going to throw evidence out of the window and render a lot of things pointless.
  9. The old system was, what, 14/21/28 days playtime for heads of staff and Captain, right? Ultimately I'm not sure there is much we can do, there are always going to be people who are not amazing at particular jobs, but enjoy them nonetheless. There is no perfect solution here.
  10. Yeah, I'm against this entirely. I don't see arming the masses having any good results whatsoever.
  11. I should really pay attention more
  12. My only concern would be people carrying around 300u bluespace beakers of pure plasma and just drinking that, if they could heal from it.
  13. Regarding the premise of it takes one person to fuck up and bad things happen - It isn't quite on the same scale, but how many times have Wololo-enslaved people immediately snitched on the Chaplain/Traitor when they deconvert?
  14. Only if the plasma blood is flammable because fuck that'd be awesome
  15. Using knowledge gained whilst you're dead after you get revived is not permitted, talking about objectives and stuff is fine in deadchat, even people talking about the objectives they had and such. The only issue is using this knowledge IC when you have no way of knowing.
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