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Everything posted by Metacide

  1. Considering it blocks virtually everything, I think it'd be a good idea to make that visible and obvious or remove / reduce the chance - people kept trying to disarm / disable / taser / laser people using it, and none of those work at all because it magically blocks them, which you wouldn't expect from a chainsaw. There also is no click delay, I heard, making it tremendously lethal. It did seem that it was ragingly madly OP in many ways - I don't think bumping up the cost a little will change anything.
  2. It's terrible, please remove until it can be balanced. Just saw a round where two traitors used them and killed most of a crew of 70+, with none making it to the shuttle. To quote TheDZD: it "costs less than dual eswords, does 50 damage (dual eswords do 34), acts as dual riot shields, and is almost guaranteed to dismember on hit". It stunned 100% of the time according to the person using it. It deflects all but lethal projectiles. Looked really terrible, even if it's only used relatively rarely. TheDZD could provide more info, I'm sure. tl;dr: most out of large crew died myself included, wasn't fun, i'm salty, remove pls
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