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About GunDOS

  • Birthday September 27

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Virologist (10/37)



  1. Welcome to Paradise! I hope you enjoy your time here!
  2. Welcome to Paradise! I hope you enjoy it here!
  3. No, no no and no. Rev is hard enough to moderate on single shifts. Having it in rotation? Nevah. I'd rather have highlander.
  4. Welcome to paradise! Hope you enjoy your time playing here.
  5. You’re not gonna get much support from the staff, if a feature requires admin supervision to work. We’ve a lot to do every shift. Babysitting one more thing isn’t something anyone, especially myself likes.
  6. It’s an interesting idea, but it means that Borgs would probably be just blown instead of locked down. And I think being stuck in one place, is far better then being dead.
  7. Welcome to paradise! I hope you enjoy your time here
  8. Read the rules and our beginners guide located on our wiki. Have fun and welcome to paradise!
  9. It’s a soft-suit, not a hardsuit. And you don’t get slowdown from those. Movement speed, is really not an advantage considering they can’t take the suits off. In addition, they also suffer slowdown if they somehow manage to don another suit other then the standard plasma one. As for heparin, you have a point. I forgot they had no blood. They still catch on fire when S.R’d. And you cannot always rely on S.R being instantly available, that is why we have all treatment options open at roundstart. I’ve said in my previous post why it’s inpractical to clone them. I refer to the above point, it’s not a hardsuit. And other suits can be worn instead of the plasmaman suit, the issue is the new suit does not extinguish them. This effectively kills the plasmaman before they are extinguished when they remove their original suit, making such a suit-swap inpractical for a lone plasmaman. This can be solved by my “several second” fix I posited before. If you want an example of this, I suggest setting yourself on fire. And then trying to put yourself out without stopping-dropping-and-rolling. That’s a good simulation of what it’s like. As for your statement on powergaming antags. In my time here. I’ve seen plenty of Vox, but zero plasmaman successful antags. This however, is just my personal experience. So please take it with salt.
  10. Personally, as far as plasmaman go. They only have a couple defined positive features; A: They spawn with a spacesuit, and are space-proof. And due to the fact they wear helmets, are immune to gas/smoke. B: They serve as a status symbol for players who’ve racked up 100+ karma. As for negatives; A: They explode immediately on contact with air, meaning any antag can instantly kill them by stunning/stealing their helmet. This doubles as making the plasmaman uncloneable, as they will just burst into flames again on being ejected from the cloner. And due to the lack of helmet, can’t be extinguished. B: As antagonist changelings, if they change form they will catch on fire. And if you are not fast, you’ll die. As traitors they cannot change clothes, meaning once security disovers the bad guy is a plasmaman. Bye-bye stealth. As shadowlings, when they turn into the shadowling antags they eject their clothes, which has a high chance of killing them outright due to fire. C: If you die as a plasmaman, that’s it for you. Cloning is arguably impossible for them, unless you either have a highly competent experienced medical team. (You need two of them for the quick method). Or you need to be put in a new body, which at that point. Why not just make them uncloneable? My proposed solutions; A: Instead of the plasmaman going on fire instantly, make it take several seconds. This gives you a chance to both clone them properly. And for the plasmaman to react to their attacker. B: Instead of the plasma suit being an “exosuit” make it a jumpsuit and keeping the helmet as is. This lets you put items over it, allowing you to customise your plasmaman’s appearance somewhat. It also lets antags change clothes to preserve stealth. C: Either change how changeling transform works, or shadowling transform works. To only ejecting clothes at the very end. Or remove shadowling and changeling from the roster of what antags plasmamen can be. D: For the sake of synthetica, allow RnD to make the damn suits! TL;DR: Plasmamen suffer from a multitude of issues, and debuffs. With very little in the way of buffs bar “muh karma status”.
  11. Yea, I think that’s a good idea.
  12. GunDOS

    New brig

    Personally I’m with @ZN23X on this, it’s only useful in very rare circumstances. And makes the whole place look kinda crappy imo.
  13. @Threeinone we actually have lavaland almost implemented here, it’s been a project for a number of months. We just kinda need someone to do the final push.
  14. *beeps!
  15. ...I don’t remember that
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