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Posts posted by Stephanov


    Name: Cyberiad Cola

    Flavor: Cola

    Description: "A locally made cola to compete with the Space Cola Company"

    Reference to: NSS Cyberiad


    Name: Whackaclown Water

    Flavor: N/a

    Description: "This Water company's iconic mascotte features a clown being beaten up"

    Reference to: Clowns, shenanigans


    Name: Lawyer Latte

    Flavor: Coffee & milk

    Description: "Nobody has an OBJECTION to this flavour"

    Reference to: Phoenix Wright (video game), laywer


    Name: Borer Buster

    Flavor: Sugar water

    Description: "This drink was originally prescription only, but then people realised that sugar induced water is hardly grounds for needing a doctor's note."

    Reference to: Cortical Borer


    Name: Nifty Nosferatu

    Flavor: Tomato juice, iron supplements and a hint of lemon

    Description: "The can features a vampire sucking on someone's neck."

    Reference to: Vampires



    Ever just wanted to use a machine and by pure accident you press the light bulb that was slightly hanging over it and you burn your hand?


    I know I have.


    I would like to suggest touching light bulbs, or their removal me moved to the grab intent, so that as long as you're on the help intent it just says "That bulb is probably warm, better put on some gloves."


    Your thoughts?



    I was thinking earlier. Nanotrasen is a company, right?


    And as many companies, it has regulations, penalties and rewards.


    So, why not change the quality of the shuttle according to crew performance? Just to add a little flavour.


    At first I was wondering wheter code-wise such an idea is actually feasible but after a short discussion with Regens, it appeared plausible


    Why? Because a lot of times the station is left in a rush while it can still get fixed, or people cannot be bothered to do their job cleaning, getting rid of corpses and what not.

    So here's an idea for changing the quality of the shuttle in accordance to performance.


    <-10k performance: Creaky wooden floors, the temperature is either uncomfortably warm or cold, life support might fail during the trip, only cheap plastic stools, no medical section, no security section. The shuttle arrives at Central. All crew get notified that their contracs have ended due to their disastrous performance. Everything aboard the shuttle is consequently incinerated and/or EMP'd (Or maybe for flavor even more measures of getting rid of this horrible crew can be thought of)


    <-5k performance: Creaky wooden floors, the temperature is either uncomfortably warm or cold, life support might fail during the trip, only cheap plastic stools. The shuttle arrives at Central. All crew get notified that if performance doesn't increase in future shifts that they will be reprimanded and / or fired.


    <-2,5k performance: Wooden floors, cheap plastic stools. The shuttle arrives at Central and the crew gets informed that they are penalised for their lousy performance.


    Neutral performance: The shuttle as we always knew it. Upon arrival, Central informs the crew there's a lot of room for improvement but that their performance was adequate.


    >2,5k Performance: Normal layout. The shuttle is equipped with better medical equipment including a defibrilator for those last minute saves. The shuttle has a few soda machine for those thirsty crewmembers. Upon arrival Central commends the crew for their performence, but insists that they can do better.


    >5k Performance: The top right corner is converted to a bar. The floor is replaced with a more robust reinforced metal. The medical section has upgraded sleepers, a ready to use cryo tank and a bounty of advanced treatment equipment. The security section gets a security dispenser, several chargers and a poster saying "Shitcurity, not even once!" The cockpit has a table with cigars and champagne. Upon arrival central commends the crew on their fine performance and that they'll all receive a raise.


    >10k Performance: The ship has robust reinforced metal walls and floors, all chairs are replaced with comfy chairs. There is cigars and champagne all over the shuttle, together with a few issues of "Robust Crew Magazine", The medical section, bar, security and cockpit are as above. Upon arrival central commends the heads of staff for their brilliant leadership, everyone gets raises and paid vacation.



    Continued screening is acceptable, however, at the alert status that they were at (Yes, I'm aware that the captain changed it without approval of the other heads), it was entirely against SOP to act upon suspicion for this type of behavior.


    Actually it was announced that this was a screening on a volluntary basis, where nobody needed to actually show up if they didn't want to. (Especially since we de-escalated to green) Was more to rule out a few people rather than to hunt people down. It made sense in my character's eyes seeing he (as replacement HoS) showed up later in the shift.




    As for procedures not being followed, hey if nobody complains to the HoS ICly instead of bawwing in LOOC/OOC I don't see how not both parties are partially to blame. Trained security officers are still people, and people make mistakes. Doesn't that seem fair enough?



    Lastly, shouldn't one aim to diffuse uncomfortable situations in OOC rather than add fuel to the fire?



    Okay, here we go.


    -People commiting obvious crimes, then complaining in LOOC about being arrested.


    -Doing your job as security, then people still spewing shitcurity and trying to obstruct justice when you actually deal with something properly.


    -Captains who appoint their OOC friend as their assistant, then give them all access because fuck knows why. Though I'm not sure if this still happens.


    -Playing HoP and people calling you incompetent ICly or OOCly because you refuse to give them access / a job change without a head's permission. If I wanna play a bureaucrat, I will play a bureaucrat. Bar shortages.


    -When people have a 20-minute tirade at people in OOC because they don't agree with what they did in that round or the previous round.



    It's been a while since I visited the forum. Figured I'd be worth while to say hello since I've been drawn back into the server these past days.


    I'm Stephanov, Dutch, 25. Frequent characters are Maxwell Lancaster and my more recent Percival Fairfax.


    See you guys around!



    That's a nice idea stephanov, I was wondering if you could do a flowchart for treating the patients too? What takes priority (e.g. if bleeding out, inaprovaline, blood in, surgery to clamp bleeders, and only then dealing with the actual damage).


    The thing is I'm not much of an expert on being a medical doctor.


    The idea of this was more to group things together instead of having what you'd call a "shopping list"


    I'm glad you like it though, I'll try to get to finishing this when I have time.



    Disposals shouldn't hurt you. Should also be possible to combine with an extinguisher and office chair for extra craziness.


    Actually the disposal one sounds pretty good aswell. Though I think the damage is more from motion rather than friction in the tube, isn't it?



    You're a traitor and happen to be chemist too, awesome.


    Now space lube has many fun uses, but how about an actual useful one.


    What if I were to cover my own character in said substance, making it impossible to use grabs on me for a while.


    "x tried to grab y, but they were so slippery that they were unable to get a grip"


    Thoughts? Comments?



    I think Borers should be a bit quicker to remove via surgery, considering that by the time you get out one, an infected host will vomit out another three. And also Bio Hoods and Suits should protected you against borer infestation. They help against facehuggers, so why not them?


    I would really like more borer counter-measures as such. I personally can't stand borer rounds cause the moment they're in my character I just wanna flip a table. :/



    Random thought: How about everyone that's in the station gets one random disease resistance? Think about it, it's not like you've never had a disease before you signed up for the station. It would be realistic to have an existing immune system before it gets supplemented.

    And maybe make it so doctors get two random ones instead seeing they're always around the sick.



    Well, it's meant to be a challenge. Whether the crew succeeds is another question.


    I can imagine cent comm saying something along the lines of:

    "Look here you little shits, you've been having short shifts all the time now. This needs to end. We hired full-timers, not part-timers. You just try ending the shift prematurely, we double dare you."


    If we'd have some active admins, they could just recall the shuttle instantly or at least so much as make it uncallable (or is that only possible during DS?)


    People going SSD would indeed be a problem. We'd need an active force removing sleeping people and dumping them in cryogenics.


    If any such event would be attempted, it would also be important to tell the regulars about it so they know when it is.


    What could be done as well is that half-way during the shift cent comm sends an inspector, triggering an end-shift if things look too bad.


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