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SomeGuy9283 last won the day on September 10 2017

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  1. It is not really needed, as the ways mentioned above can make it Icly and OOcly available to other people. Having someone else's whole backstory available in the same fashion would not be a positive addition, in my opinion. If you want to be a 300-year old amazon princes from Jupiter, try and get that across without monologueing or launching texts walls.
  2. The flavor text is just for things visible at a glance about your character. Ultimately, the onus is on you to tell your character's story with RP and interactions with other players, ideally in an organic way and not by massive monologues. If you want people to readily access info about the char to take into OOC consideration, may I suggest making a character record and perhaps linking to it in the flavor text? I don't know if there's any policy for or against that, but it certainly is better than a text wall being launched at someone giving you a quick look over.
  3. Was wondering when you would pick up on this thread.
  4. OK, now you have to tell us the story.
  5. Plants human flag on table Begone Xeno!
  6. I took away greyshits' maint access. They're under the HoP, so I can have him do that if he agrees. Pissed off some lizard men something fierce.
  7. I'm starting to agree. CE is worst head, and roboticists just make themselves Phazons anyhow.
  8. Well, first search the roboticist, then have both prods scanned for prints. If roboticist has nothing else suspicious, and the CE's DNA is on one stunprod, charge roboticist with weapon possession and CE with kidnapping based on clear capability and intent to do so. If CE cannot be proven to have used either prod, roboticist gets battery and weapon. If both prods can be confirmed to be CE's, roboticist gets off scot free, unless... An examination of injuries on the CE puts the roboticist's victim status in question.
  9. Or run. Run. Run now. OK, well, then you're here forever.
  10. Mass-murdering space-hobo turncoat with a first aid kit. Interesting.
  11. Four harmbaton swings is the most I have been able to get away with against a non-antag.
  12. Shout out to my fellow sec mains for puting up with this
  13. @Saul Argon shameless inside joke
  14. Literally anyone who gets 45 kp but doesn't get vox:
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