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Everything posted by Malkaz
Welcome to the game. You are only allowed to cause plasma fires if we are under attack of the Honksquad. They are evil.
So, the race is the Elemental. But wait. Wait, waaaaaaaait. Forget the guy in flames burning everything and spitting fireballs. Forget the ice golem freezing sec and looting the sec gear. My idea is about a race of "normal" crewmembers, but with different sprites, of course. Breathing would be optional for the coders/admins to decide, but the main advantage of the race would be the capacity to survive under extreme temperatures. So a fire elemental could walk around in a fire and help to rescue wounded (but It would be nice if he could take damage from water and extinguishers), while a ice elemental could survive a space walk without EVA suit (but with crit damage to fire based attacks?). Aside from the advantages above, they would be normal crewmembers like anyone else, working, able to touch and interact with people (but maybe contact can give chills/burning sensation, without damages unless he's using harm intent). Also, a fire elemental can light his own cigarette. Screw you, machines trying to steal our money for a stupid lighter!
Maybe a rank of Mentor? No special treatment or anything, just a different color to the name of the mentors so the new guys will recognize who to ask any doubts.
Just played as a Machine People, and this is what I have about them: Warning: Blood Level LOW: 0% 0cl Subject's pulse: 0 bpm. They ARE dead. They don't need to breath. They need hardsuits for space walks. Eyes burn with welding (No much logic here) EMP does no damage (Just turns the radio off. If they turn to be their own radio, seems like a good explanation for the extra EMP damage)
Yes, but the "borgs but better" is not 100% true. Depends on how you see it. Borgs can take more punishment, have a bigger variation of modules, have the AI to back them, and they have some authority, as part of the station defense under the AI commands. While Machine People are actually crewmembers, with far less authority (depending on the job), depending on the player's roleplay, with some cyborgs perks, but also "human" (or any race) perks. A hybrid.
A few ideas about this new and wonderful race: - Capable of using robotic channel. No headsets for them, they are their own radio(?) - Need to breath just like everyone else, as they are not 100% machine, but no need to use hardsuits (remembering that space walk is not so easy and peaceful, the lack of an extra protection is not a good thing). - Extra damage for EMPs./ overload sensors with flashes. - Medicine cannot heal them. Instead, they would need the same procedure as a cyborg. Roboticist is their god. - (OPTIONAL) Like pAI they can hack doors. But it's a long and slow process, just like the pAIs. But just doors, no hacking APC without the proper tools. - (OPTIONAL) From time to time they need to recharge their batteries. Recharger like cyborgs, or finding new power cells (their hearts?). Being half machine and half human, they should be able to do the surgery on themselves (just ID-Crowbar-powercell-crowbar-ID) -
If the barber were a normal job, I wouldn't mind with the actual code. But it's a KP job. 5 KP is as expensive as a rich marriage, you know? The job deserves at least something to make it appealing other than being, basically, an assistant with a different job name and a place to call "This is my spot".
http://s27.postimg.org/bmzqc72ya/SS13.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/k41yjm2iy/SS132.jpg And now?
Just player as a barber, and I have a few ideas. Thanks to the Paint, I made this: First, what the barber looks like. The arrows indicate: Pull the barber (where the razors should be) down to allow more space for the balcony. But the main change would be that the balcony would be a SMALL private area, much like the bar's area or the library's room. here is the changed pic. Maybe the balcony could be pulled down, connecting it with the razor's table, to allow a 3x2 area for the barber.
MedHUD only works if the borer is controlling the body. If they host is controlling, then we can't find out. And this item would help a lot, since borer rounds are, usually, pure chaos without true objectives. And I think that item is too good to be given at the start, but only one for one, or two, Heads seems to be too little. By building it, there's a chance of having as many as they need, but of course it's not a cheap material.
Just to add: Tajaran punches have a good chance to cause bleeding damage. Kidan does not have a language and cannot use any kind of protection to the eyes. Also, lore wise they can't use any hardsuits, but the game mechanics allow them to use a full hardsuit. Also, Kidan have an extra damage protection. The basic taser weapons rarely hurt a Kidan. And once I played as a Kidan, and got a Marauder's missiles to the face. Most of the damage was deflected by my extra defense, and I was alive. But I was in crit and died after a few steps. We are talking about a damn Marauder here, but still, it's something to be happy about. Unathi and Tajaran can use human hardsuits. But for rps, please pretend that this is painfull, because of the lack of space for tails, horns, ears and such. Inside EVA there's kits to turn hardsuits into Unathi/Tajaran hardsuits. But after the kit, no matter the hardsuit you have, it'll turn into an engineering hardsuit for the species of your choice. Tajaran is plural, Tajara is singular. And they usually talk in third person.
After a chaotic borer round, I've got this idea: A new kind of hand scanner able to provide information about the subject's body. Aside from the basic "burn/toxic/suffocation damage, it also shows if there's some unknown thing inside of the body. And I mean xenomorphs and borers. Yes, it is a really good item, that is the why I think it shouldn't be available at first. R&D team can fabricate this item, after they acquire a certain level of research (materials and biological both to 4 or more?)
I don't know which to vote, because i think they shouldn't be treated at the start. But they should be treated after they get an ID and a job. So....second option?
No, no. It's laws would be slightly different. Still serve, protect, but for the Heads, and Captain. But of course, he can't attack or kill a crewmember randomly.
I just took this screenshot and it pisses me off. Because it is the definition of SHITTYCURITY! Two security officers beating someone! BAN HE!
A small number of Vox (one or two?) could start as crew members. Like the NT Rep, their job would be watch the station, but to see if the humans are ready/want peaceful cooperation instead of the "VOX! SHOOT!". Basically birdiplomats. Got it? Bird. Diplomats. Badum tss.
The Surgery room is too small. Could you make it bigger? Maybe with two tables for surgery and double the items for surgery (scalpel, retractor etc); Again about the surgery room. The scanner there seems to be bugged. I tried using it to check if my patient was healed, but the scanner console wasn't working. I had to drag the body to the scanner outside the room. Why don't you take the scanner inside the surgery room out, and create a straight path from there to the scanner outside? Make the observation room smaller to allow one corridor? The medical supplies (the kits) are too little. Khajiit, my doctor, usually gets one of each kit because he works at the entrance, healing any patients (well, except for some griefers and clowns...), and if needed, he can be a surgeon. (I like the color of the cap/jacket). Maybe three, or even four, of each kit. But three would be fine, i think. About the entrance. A idea would be to take out the last two scanners on the left wall, put the CMO office there, and the first scanner would stay there, while the CMO office could be changed to a place for more scanners, without the walls. It might be VERY helpful, as it would be a straight line: Entrance --- Scanners --- Surgery. Alien doctors could really use a wirecutter inside of the medbay instead of travelling outside, facing the dangers of the panana peels and the wet floors just to grab one. Also, flashlights. And replacement lights. And the last.... McArthur Wing! D< EDIT: Two more things! One, a control that can lock/unlock the ambulance, in case someone non-medical take it (Weirdly, it's common. NO MORE CLOWNS SHALL TOUCH IT!). And second, an "ambulance" for security, but instead of the roller bed, a small jail attached, to lock the prisoners inside of there and transport safely and quickly to the brigs. And again, a lock/unlock system could be good.
Alright, my english is not that good, so don't expect a huge list like the others. This is just some BASIC hints to avoid some heavy shitticurity: - Security Officer, Warden, Detective and Head of Security, no matter your job, you have to follow the Space Law. Even the captain (unless there's a really good explanation). Which means, you can't give a 30 minutes sentence for the theft of a screwdriver. - Do not be afraid to question some orders. Your superior might hate you for this, but he might be a griefer. A question won't kill you. Unless your superior is the HoS armed to the teeth and hallucinating. Avoid this crazy bastard at all costs. - About your weapons... Keep. It. Inside. Your. Backpack. No, you can't carry the stun baton on your hand. Unless it's code blue, red, or the sacred level "Run you fools". - Always carry handcuffs and the basic gear that you might need. This is your choice, but remember the flash, taser gun stun baton and handcuffs. - For the Head of Security. You are the number three of the station. If the captain is out, the HoP is in charge. If the HoP is out, then YOU are in charge. So, get ready to some hard tasks. And if you need to log out, warn the admins about it. Seriously. - Warden is the HoS Jr. Not as much access, but when there's no HoS, you are in charge of the brigs and security. Also, always keep one window open with the space law. - Update the records. Seriously. Update it. No, seriously. I'll know if you don't update it. And i'll get the Faithless after you. - DO NOT ATTACK FIRST. Always, and i repeat, ALWAYS, ask to the suspect to follow you to the brigs for questioning. Even if there's a red W above his head. But if he runs away, attacks an officer, or if he's a direct threat to the station, then you can attack first and talk later. If you spot him committing a crime, you are allowed to use your authority (read here: Stun Baton) to arrest him. And if he kills someone... Get him anyhow you can. But alive. - When brigging someone, remember to take his items. All of them. If needed, even his clothes. The locker is there for this, there's a fashion orange jumpsuit right there. It's the gossip all over Paris. Make sure that your prisoner is pretty. - Vandalism is a crime? Yes it is. But remember: A clown/mime with a cranyon is NOT THE SAME as an engineer breaking the station apart. - Clowns and mimes. Do not attack them unless ordered by the HoS or the acting captain. Seriously, they are guilty only 90% of the times, remember of the 10% where they are innocent! - Report. If your superior says "Report in" you better report. "I'm Ash Ketchum, patrolling the Pokemon World". It might even save your life. And report every time you answer for a call. You might need some backup. - Armor? Depends. There's a basic set of armor inside the locker. You may use it, unless the HoS (or acting captain) says "Get this thing off". And do not ask the Warden for more stuff. And if you are the Warden, do not loot the Armory for no reason. Actually, do not loot the Armory at all. Only when needed/ordered to do so. - Vox. Same thing as clowns.No, they are worst. Clowns are allowed aboard the station, while the vox... The acting captain decides. But they have some nasty items, get ready for a dirty fight, as they like some hit-and-run. - About the races. Tajaran and Unathi (maybe Skrell too, but i don't know, never played as one), can't wear the jackboots, so run to get a pair of sandals. And some items are only-for-humans. I played as the Unathi HoS, and i couldn't wear the Security hardsuit to fight the Vox outside the station. - If your prisoner is wounded, first you take him to brigs and set his time. There's a health analyzer to the left of the brigs. If it's simple, call a doctor to the brigs. If it's something more complicated, get him to the medical bay, but ask the doctors to keep you updated about the prisoner. Forget this hint if security staff is understaffed, try to check him first before forgetting him inside a cell until his time is up. - ALWAYS. ALWAYS have at least ONE officer, if there's no Warden, to update records and watch over the brigs. You have portable flashes (watch it, they can paralyze the cyborgs) and barriers. Use them. There's a maintenance access to the right, close to the detective office. Keep it defended, as it's also the path to the security escape pods. - And the last: When the shift is over, remember, get all the prisoners and stuff them inside the prison cell of the shuttle. Don't leave them there.
The AI can't listen to all the radios at once? Well, i thought it could. But it also could make the life of the player a (bigger) hell as it tries to coordinate the whole station. Why not verbs " DISABLE CHANNELS" and "ABLE CHANNELS" on the IC tab, so the player can choose to disable/able/speak/listen to a few, or all the channels at once? Just a hint, might be useless, as i don't know a thing about coding and the adm-things-they-can-do-with-one-click- with-the-magical-adm-tab.
Indeed. Hard. And fun. The adm could match the list of ghost with the whitelist/Karma to pick someone that could play this (VERY) hard role.
Exactly. The blueshieldborg would be immune to the evil acts of the Malf AI. He could even comunicate with the captain to inform him about that. But the other cyborgs? Well, GLaDOS controlling Atlas and P-Body. Also, one simple thing the blueshieldborg could have. Simple, so simple, yet, effective: Fingers to actually carry things. And at least one or two slots to keep things (the captain could give to him important items as he would keep it safe better than most people aboard the station).
Instead of Cenctomm sending the criminals to the station, the own criminals (i think a small number would be better, like 3) could reach the station after the prison shuttle carrying them is blown, or they could just take control of it. Well, either case, they could eventually reach the station (in case of the shuttle is blown, they would be using the shuttle warden's hardsuits). And there, the fun begins. They are obviously out of the crew manifest, and want freedom. They could hide and act like a motherfucking ninja, avoiding security, borgs and Heads (maybe they could have some items from the prison shuttle, but nothing "OHMYGODCALLERT"). Or they could try to hide as a crew member. And according to what, and how, they act, Centcomm could track them and send a message. ANNOUCEMENT. YO. BLOODY BASTARD IS ON BOARD. WE'RE REACHING THE STATION TO GET HIM. BUT DO NOT PANICK, ERT IS JUST GOING TO THE STATION FOR A FAMILY MEETING. THERE'S NO DANGER TO THE STATION OR THE CREW. PEACE OUT. (Alright, how do i turn this off? I don't want them to know that the prisioner is a killer, rapist, half xeno, halk blob and half slime). Basically, the same as DS/Syndicate reaching the station: In secret. But with less, WAY less, equipment.
A small teleporther connecting the Outpost (Mining or Xenoarch) to the R&D could be useful. Or even a small outpost between the two, only for non-organic material, as it is made just to send crates and artifacts quickly.
There could be a small room, close to engineering, where the FEW vox invited could refill their tanks. Or they could ask for an engineer to give them/fill for them. The racial discussions about the Vox would be so much fun. I play mostly as a tajaran, and i love when someone calls him a cat, because the character hates it. It's a great chance for a good roleplay.