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Tauka Usanake

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Posts posted by Tauka Usanake


    A pug with a name like Winston or Ferdinand. +1

    I like that. A pug on the station would be nice.


    Give him an actual MULE called Packer +1

    Ooooooooh, that sounds even better, but the poor pug...



    Well if I recall, there's a node organ that prevents facehuggers from hugging them. The only question is if there's a organ that lets them use the xeno hivemind or not.

    That would be interesting. However that would only be useful for other people who have it, basically a hard-to-get encryption key or what you use in your headsets. Being able to talk to xenos could be something you could give Xenobiology but otherwise as traitors go it wouldn't or rather shouldn't help them in the slightest.


    Would be nice if it could, but it wouldn't



    2 Years in a skype group

    Cool, Skype can finally be useful to me again

    followed by two months in a Discord group


    a mountain of drama

    Yay, stories

    massive personal experience

    I could use some more of that

    loss of sleep

    What's sleep?

    forgetting to eat once in a while

    What's eatting?

    and my everyday thoughts being proliferated by the game 24/7, even while I sleep probably

    OMG I can spess in my sleep?!

    All for the color purple and 2 extra letters on my GA tag

    Meh, I like blue more. Deal breaker :P



    First: Half of you all suck


    Second: I wouldn't imagine it to be too hard to code. Well, not IMPOSSIBLE. You'll have to create some kind of logic that would dictate what to who to who to what and after that the simple character edits would go through. For any late joiners they wouldn't get anything special and just get the clothes and name addition.


    Third: I was thinking more along "The station is now a Japanese high school" which is what I'm sure everyone is cringing at. If not, then imagine Japanese high school drama after a badmin gets bored. It's what I would do.


    Fourth: Fuck SAO and everything related to it except SAO abridged. That shit is funny as fuck.


    There is nothing wrong with this suggestion. Badmin commands are MEANT to be this shitty, just like Highlander or "the floor is lava". Hell, none of you could make a solid argument that this wouldn't make for some interesting gameplay. Sure the server could go crazy eventually but if you badmin once then you're sure to badmin more afterwards



    SolGov is /already/ the canonical name - just FYI.

    I don't know how I feel about that. I have nothing against Starship Troopers (besides everything) but I'd hope with all my being that those parallels are not met





    After ages of trying to fix my atmos rig working for literally no reason, the atmos crew got things working. It's not ideal, because the mixer was putting out the mix at 1400 kPa instead of the 4500 it was toggled to. Still, got good power out of it.

    I hope someone makes a guide to the turbine because I'd like to try it some time. Unless someone already made one? please say yes



    So an old staple of SS13 is the anime mode badmin command. It dresses everyone in schoolgirl costumes and the AI announces it's like a Japanese anime. Well, I'd like that to be expanded upon a little.


    I'm going to outright say make this into basically a full blown anime thing with the crew each a different archetype of anime character. Tsundere would be a favorite I'd imagine but there are also kuudere, dandere, and also the dreaded yandere which I would imagine antags to be, but with a twist of killing everyone EXCEPT their target.

    Other archetypes could be the bokukko or ore (basically a tomboy), the otaku (neeeerd), the hikikomori (shut-in) which may not make it on the station but might be interesting still, the kansai or osaka (idiot), magical girls which might just be wizards, and a few others I'll just leave out because no one will like their idea if not this suggestion in whole.

    Another thing that could be added into this would be a school boy suit so that not everyone is in a sailor uniform. Be a nice thought at least.


    The most interesting of this (and most likely the single reason it may not be liked) is a system where players would be given a senpai and their archtype would govern how they make senpai notice them. Some archetypes obviously wouldn't work in this system or not on their own at least, but it would be interesting to see play through.


    This would honestly only work on slow rounds or Extended, basically rounds where nothing is going on at all and maybe some jobs would be hindered by certain archetypes so filtering would be needed. Otherwise this would be a completely badmin command that I bet would never be used but would be nice for those boring as shit rounds just to see what would happen. It would be a messy bit of code to throw together but ultimately something I think would be interesting and pretty special.


    Leave your comments on how shit this idea is


  8. You know what would make this shine? A gamemode where all existing technology (save for cyborgs and IPCs or maybe just IPCs) on the station just flat out DIES and the crew is required to makeshift everything before CentComm sends recovery to the station. Then again such a gamemode would be tough to balance let alone code I bet. Oh well, I still like the idea of this item


    I think pest infestations should be more annoying than they are currently. Have them spread a little faster if possible and/or if the server can handle it.


    I'd like these guys to not be construct-able right away, we got maintenance drones for that, but rather have R&D design the circuit board for the machine to construct them. Sure that might make them a little less common but I feel that would be the best way for them. And it's not like tech storage couldn't have an extra board kept away.


    Yeah, this looks like a nice little thing. I'd go for it



    I mean, werewolves would nice


    We already have Vulpkanin, just pretend.

    inb4 vulps start biting everyone vampire style in hopes of "turning" them into the true master race


    inb4 every round is now vulp vampire round


    and inb4 we have werewolf vulp rounds but that will never happen because race-specific gamemode



    My pity to those who would trust me such power.

    This is totally me. Also, depends what being senior admin means. I can do responsibility but powers would most likely be abused eventually at least once.


    You know what? I'd give a whole bunch of my free time just to be of assistance somehow. I mean for one I want to assist in the code base but that's something totally different I am barely capable of doing. Any form of adminship is another thing


  12. Yeah, let's just make SolGov that world that every political corporation would want and have NT say "lol nope" and do their own thing. We don't need SolGov using some pre-existing power as a template even if it would be easier to write off. If anything take something from one of the existing Sci-Fi universes and use whatever they used for Earth/Sol System government

  13. I think the Robotics guest pass should be moved into R&D personally. R&D is more likely to have someone in there who can give access to someone for the Science wing of the station. I see no problem with Robotics having it, expect that Robotics is kind of has its own thing for letting people in if they want to become a cyborg

  14. As subject says. I've been playing as psychiatrist lately and for when I do get someone who wants some help I don't have any materials to write anything. I'd also argue that I can't write any notes down about the client and that would be nice if I could. Just give the psychiatrist a paper bin, clipboard, and a pen

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