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Everything posted by ProperPants

  1. Maybe throw toxins and xenobio into it, and use the left over space as a new cargo, and just rearrange science as a whole. If I could map I would make that. You two have sparked something in me. I suggested this two months ago. Is it finally coming back with new support?
  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I've always wondered why scientist has so many alt titles when they mean absolutely nothing. I think everyone should have access to the EXPERIMENTOR and their respective area, and that normal "Scientists" should have R&D access. I also wish the outpost would be totally removed, since it's still useless.
  3. After hearing people bitch and whine about "science is too strong" and "science abuses their toys" and "scientists shouldn't have access to implants," I made a suggestion to put the implants in lockboxes. It went opposed by a certain someone, then the rest of the thread went slightly off topic. It was the same point you're making now. Good luck with getting this anywhere.
  4. I can think of something else that no one does enjoy, but absolutely no effort is being made to improve or remove it. This I know people dislike OOC. Complaints about germs are probably IC complaints, comparable to real doctors not wanting patients to contract infections. At the end of the day, does anyone really dislike germs? Probably not, or at least not that much.
  5. Please. The one time I was arrested I literally just knocked on the glass and screamed because there was nothing else to do for ten minutes other than annoy fucking everyone.
  6. And one of the possible 5x5 projections is a mini-Nar'Sie.
  7. "Exssssscuzzzze me, cccchef. I'm actually a vvvvvegan. No cheesszzze in my meal, thanksszszzs.
  8. Johann, stop making these individual posts and just make a Super Corgi Overhaul suggestion thread.
  9. I don't know exact numbers, but perhaps to offset the extra armor, Kidan could also get only half (or 1/4th or whatever fraction) of the protection value of any armored clothing. inb4 snowflek coding
  10. This does make a lot of sense. Just to clarify, the tape roll despawns totally after the five seconds? My one thought is that it would be easier at this point to just remove headset, but this also prevents screaming (which is a million times louder now in every case thanks to an update) and speech in general. I think this idea is balanced, or close enough to it. +1
  11. Christ, I'm doing this in two parts because it's so long. This one I'm not too sure about. Is the CE literally the only person (besides Captain) who can set up power? If not, it's not a huge deal, so long as they tell an engineer to set up power. Really, what do engineers do all round? Especially, what other pressing duties do they have at the very start of a round? Priority 1 should be power. Or banned for valid hunting, or killed in a maintenance tunnel. If medical was relaxed and the CMO was not absolutely needed elsewhere, it would be fine. If they were needed, they would go. The same is the case for the RD - do projects and whatnot if you can, not if somebody needs you. The heads of each department are the same as their underlings, plus a little bit extra. The CE is an engineer. They can do whatever engineering things they want so long as nobody gets harmed. The CMO is a doctor. They can do surgery, or make meds, or make a virus, or do genetics. The HoS is an officer. They enforce peace and make arrests. The RD is a scientist. They can do research, or robotics, or toxins, or xenobio, or chem mixing. Barring true command staff (IAA, Blueshield, Captain, and HoP), the heads are hybrids of command and their department and are perfectly allowed to do both. Command comes first, of course, but they can do their department's duties if not needed elsewhere. If they aren't needed in command, and they shouldn't do their department stuff, what would you have them do? Sit in their office, twiddling their thumbs and faxing CentComm shitposts out of boredom? Even in a case of crisis, such as Code Red and above, what could each head do? RD - Not much. Not a fighter. Has no weapons. Can print guns and tools for Security and Engineering during a crisis. Can even make medical grenades if asked. If it comes to an extreme point, the Captain will outright tell the RD to grab a gun from the protolathe, unlock it, and tell the RD what to do. CE - Not much. Not a fighter. Can fix emergency breaches with the RCD. If needed in an extreme, will fight when provided weapon. CMO - Not much. Not a fighter. In an emergency, sit in medbay and heal/clone the flood of people coming in or fight under Captain's orders. HoS - Literally the only one who can and should do something. HoS's job is to keep the peace and arrest offenders - both of which are desperately needed in an emergency. Acting during an emergency is just an extension of the HoS's job during any other code. There aren't many situations where command is full of tasks to do at every moment. If a meeting is called or a single head is told to come to the bridge for command stuff, they will listen or get demoted. If the situation is critical and it comes to the point where anyone but the HoS and Sec has to directly deal with combat, then the station is beyond fucked. The Captain will order each head what to do, and they will listen or get demoted/jobbanned. Outside of these extreme situations, there isn't much to do in command and therefore no reason not to do departmental stuff.
  12. In many ways, this takes care of itself. R&D - Can't print guns. Only weapons they can make are flamethrowers and stunprod. If they make one or two and you aren't in the room when they do it, you can't know. If they start stockpiling, it's likely you'll notice and take action. Robotics - If they make deathmechs and rampage, someone shouts on comms and you shut the mech down from your office. If they don't rampage, they're doing nothing wrong. If they abduct people to borg them when not an antag, the person shouts on comms and the abductor likely gets banned. If they are an antag, what do they gain out of forced borging? A borg would tattle. At this point, they're just killing people like an antag should. Toxins - The only thing they can do is blow up themselves. You cannot drag take a Toxins bomb anywhere too important without someone noticing. If they did make a bomb as an antag and plan on using it, and you aren't there to see them making it, there's nothing you could have done. If you do see them making a bomb, you assume it's for a bomb test. If you sit in the room and wait, they use it for a bomb test to trick you. If you sit there forever, it's just boring as fuck for both of you. If you happen to notice them the moment they take it out of the room, you take action. Chemistry - If they are making deathchems and grenades for testing on monkeys in the test chamber, good for them. If they are an antag and making deathchems for antag stuff, it's easy to hide beakers and grenades. If you sit in front of Test Lab door all day watching, it's boring for you and them. Plus, then who's watching that shithead in Toxins? Plus, you're not a TSA Agent - you don't need to search people coming in and out of the Test Lab. PLUS, Science has a shitton of exits through maintenance tunnels. Xenobio - If they make tons of shit, wonderful. If they release it and it's hostile, take action - kill their pets and get them demoted. If they are an antag and they released hostile shit, what could you have done? Sat in Xenobio watching to make sure they never released anything? Boring, plus who's watching Toxins and Test Lab? Genetics - Not supposed to give out genemods. They normally ask permission. If they rampage, the solution is as simple as a syringe gun and mutadone. If they are an antag genemodding themselves, nothing you can do to prevent it. Unless you were sitting in the room watching the entire time, but then who's watching everybody else? Assuming every single science slot was filled and everybody is an antag, it's impossible for one person to watch everyone at once. In the time it takes to check on one department, someone from any of the other departments can sneak out with their weapon. Assuming only one person is an antag, you can't know who. You can choose to helicopter over one subdivision of science, because it's boring and you're more likely to pick the one that doesn't have an antag in it. Assuming nobody is an antag, you shouldn't need to babysit everyone (aside from the fact it's impossible). If they start doing catastrophic actions, they will get jobbanned or banned banned. Short of actually seeing the SciChemist putting a grenade in his bag, or the Toxins mixer dragging a bomb out, you can't really prevent someone from going rogue. If you do see such drastic actions, you use the handy-dandy telebaton to subdue them, assuming they didn't listen to words first. So, everything boils down to the fact that it's impossible to watch everyone at once and nobody wants to get banned for self-antagging. Of course the RD will act appropriately if they notice something suspicious or hear someone yell on comms "deatchmech!" But up until the moment of crisis, there isn't much the RD can do to babysit.
  13. Why is it a bad thing that RD is played differently from the rest of command staff? Why shouldn't a top level scientist work on science projects? Why should the RD have to babysit the protolathe if it does nothing harmful? People print too many weapons isn't much of an argument since the weapons are all lockboxed. This is a video game, not real life. Realistically, if such a station existed, RD would pay closer attention to the protolathe. But at that point, access to Research and Development wouldn't be given to Xenobiology, Xenoarchaeology, or Chemical Researchers. It would be given to one or two people, who would be hired by a corporation for being responsible, not insane. This is one of the goofiest games on the planet - RD doesn't need to babysit anyone. You fire or arrest (or ban) people if they are causing harm to others, not babysit them every waking second of your life. Even if someone goes magically got a hold of a ton of guns and decided to use them, they would be taken down, you would get cloned, and they would get banned.
  14. About #7. Kidan could have a scream on the level of a cicada, but it would have to be only when taking damage because accurately adding such a scream would be leagues beyond how annoying Vox screams are. Cicadas' songs can reach the sound level of a lawnmower, rock and roll concert, and even a chainsaw. Again, this CANNOT be a normal scream, as it would be too loud. It would have to be on the level of an explosion in sound - able to be heard from rooms away.
  15. inb4 someone ignores tzo I agree with everything you said, though. What would be a lot more interesting than lockboxes is a moderate map redesign to include security checkpoints in high-risk/vulnerable departments (Science and Engineering really. Maybe Medical). Metastation has these checkpoints, and the plasma station away mission does too. I've always found these charming, but never get to see them being used. They also seem quite useful and practical - just have security search anyone suspicious coming in and out, and have them monitor what is given to whom.
  16. Chitin (the stuff insect shells are made of) is shown to have some advantageous healing properties IRL (when used in certain applications such as surgical string for stiches). Of course this is 2D spess, not real life. Not too many bugs can spit (none that I can think of off the top of my head) - a few can spray. inb4 someone suggests . Of course this would be too OP. However, oil beetles release a painful chemical that can burn skin when they are threatened. Maybe Kidan could have acid blood or minor (quite minor) damage reflection?
  17. In my opinion, EVA suits (and the NASA suit and related suits) should just make the sprite of the user invisible. All clipping issues solved. If possible, make the helmet and the suit cause the head and body to be invisible separately.
  18. At this point I'm just curious. Is "regular" tape scotch tape that you put in those little office rollers or the huge silver-colored duct tape? I'm think it's duct tape because one strip of scotch tape is too small to cover a mouth, but I'd like confirmation. EDIT: Can confirm. Duct tape not OP. Very UP, in fact. I opened my mouth wide and pushed out with my tongue. Free in three seconds, if even that long.
  19. This is the first thing that popped into my head.
  20. If we do have a biomechanic department that's split between science and medbay, I have an idea as to where it could be implemented on the map. It would be in the EXPERIMENTOR room, which is already incredibly close to medical, as seen in the screenshot. The little reinforced wall by the psychiatrist office could be replaced with medical access doors, and the door from science leading into that room could be made robotics access only, if the room were to be joint robotics-medical. The EXPERIMENTOR could be moved to Xenobiology, in the top-right-most containment cell. After all, nobody needs that huge room for the machine.
  21. Alright, I actually don't care about implants, but people are accusing scientists of abusing implants. Take them out of the protolathe then and leave them only in the exosuit fabricator. Here's Dave the Headcrab, a mentor, expressing concern about implants (he is the non-quoted text): Here's TheDZD, an admin, expressing concern about implants: Here's me expressing concern about implants: Genetics powers can be solved in two seconds by a syringe gun and some mutadone. Genetics SOP dictates they can't abuse or hand out powers (and if you want to dis SOP don't even dare talk to me - that's Tully's project). I made this trying to appease to the people who have concern with implants, but I frankly don't give a single fuck. Just don't say I didn't try when people whine about "science 2 stronk" and "science abusing toys." I did try.
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