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Posts posted by gnugnu12


    One round I came across this game thought "oh it cant be much different to the other ones" well wasnt I wrong...


    I lose and find out the game GIBS you and then it ended up changing into another game entirely, dont get me wrong I dont mind a game that could hurt you but gibbing?!? thats just over the top for a mindless mini game, like, imagine if a high importance job role played it without knowing, boom gone bye bye to all the important gear too...


    I get that this is ss13 and shit explodes and so on, but moving that into the silly mini games which get you small prizes really?


    this is why I think the outbomb cuban pete game should not be able to gib people.



    Ok so I get that back long ago when kidan had their riot shield mechanic not having eye-wear was kind of what offset it as no wearing sunglasses to stop flashes and blinding, however that mechanic has been replaced by 20% reduction to brute damage but even so, sunglasses are not what I'm here to talk to you about today because It doesn't bother me if Kidan get them or not even though it'd be useful for sec Kidan and could be optional addition to what I put below.


    What I'm here to talk about is Meson Scanners and Medical Scanners which are extremely useful if not down right required as they give you help with specific jobs such as shaft miners or medical staff.



    • Mesons are required by miners or else mining becomes vastly more time consuming




    • Medical scanners allow medical staff to quickly get a basic idea of patients condition.



    I feel we need variants of said scanners which Kidan can wear, Either being kind of like how you use mod kits for hard suits or some entirely new ones built for Kidan eyes specifically.


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