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Everything posted by Eljacko1

  1. Name: Rancresh Kaytam Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Tajaran Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): "Trader"/Anything really Biography: Rancresh grew up in rough conditions, often having to fend for himself and commit petty crimes to stay alive. Due to this, he's known as a thief by most of his neighbourhood and instead of being offended by these accusations, has instead become accustomed to them and taken the role more seriously. He often breaks into unguarded places , leaving no trace. He attempts to "trade" his findings to anyone willing to buy them, and has managed to gain a lot of money in doing so. This has also led him to be hired by the syndicate countless times. Rancresh speaks in galactic common to most, but when confronted by someone unable to speak his home tongue, he often mocks them or makes sarcastic remarks. Qualifications: Has little to no qualifications, knowing only what he has learnt from observing others. Employment Records: Has been employed by Nanotrasen to work in a number of positions. Has also been recruited by the syndicate several times but has been told not to speak about said recruitment. Security Records: Has not been caught for petty theft, however has admitted to crimes he did not commit for a friend, giving him a bad criminal record. Medical Records: Has assisted eyesight after using a welder too many times without protection. Nothing else to note. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): An all blue tajaran with a red mohawk, red ears and red retinal overlayed eyes. Under his uniform you can see green stripes running across his entire body. He doesn't look very old.
  2. Name: Jack Bash Age: 35 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Security/Surgeon/Blueshield Biography: Grew up in Kings Landing, the capital of Luna. Due to his families extreme wealth, he was well known in his home town. One day he wanted something more from life, and so he set out in a small shuttle, at the young age of 16, on what he thought was an adventure. After drifting through space for a while with no set direction, he ended up in the middle of an asteroid belt. One hit his ship, sending it spiraling down into the unknown, the engine being too damaged to function properly. Eventually he started to feel the effects of the speed he was travelling, almost crashing into Mars without noticing until it was too late. The citizens helped him, but were unable to give proper medical treatment for his burns and bruises. That was when he was pointed towards the NSS Cyberaid. He immediately signed up and was on the next shuttle over to the station. There he was given new prosthetic feet, and offered a job from a small selection. He immediately chose to be a surgeon, and earned a medal for his skills after a couple of years. After a while, he got an illness, one that was not treatable, and the members of the station offered him a choice: Either deal with the illness, taking the pain and eventually ending up dead, or having his brain put into a robotic body known as an IPC. He chose the second, becoming an IPC named BASH Qualifications: Medical qualifications. Was told he was able to perform surgery with a blindfold, but he insists that he was sat in a chair the whole time. Employment Records: (I'll update these another time) Security Records: (I'll update these another time, too) Medical Records: (You guessed it, i'll update this one when i do the others) (I will update this one and write a full one out for my now constant character of BASH another time, but for now this is what i've got)
  3. Oh, hi, NTSAM! Definitely remember seeing you around.
  4. (About a year and a bit to be exact) Well, I never thought to do this before, so I guess i'll do it now. I used to play a character called Jack Bash, but due to something that i decided would happen in his backstory, I now play an IPC named BASH (inventive, i know) Perhaps i'll actually write up the backstory one day and post it somewhere....but for now you'll have to guess, or don't...i mean, i'm not forcing you So, I guess some know me, and some don't, but hi to all none the less.
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