Karma accessed new ghost mode!
When you choose to ghost, you can choose to go into poltergeist instead.
Poltergeist cannot see observer style ghosts or revenants.
Poltergeist must possess an item for his abilities to activate. He can only control the item in a limited fashion. The longer he is in said item, his power grows. If he leaves said object his collected power pool is expended. With power pool he can whisper, change the tempature of his immediate area, and activate a slighter faster 'Boo!' spell. With a maximum power pool, he can use it all to curse a target nearby the object, which allows him to transfer himself into the person. For maximum haunt. Can also whisper to sleeping or unconcious people. Maximum power pool expendage also for making the target fall unconcious, so that he can speak to them in their sleep.
Keep in mind, maximum power pool collection should take like, 5+ minutes.
Chaplain will have to make people drink holy water, or his various other tools to damage the poltergeist. Anyone could remove the poltergeist, if they have the tools. A dead poltergeist is into a ghost observer status, with no way to return to poltergeist.
EDIT1 - polt should have a cap of about 4 active at any time.
\\\ I try so hard to think up ways to make the chaplain more useful. Cause nobody wants greytide alternative chaplain. Now hes like pest control!