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Posts posted by Crom

  1. How about we shift the direction of what to do with them. Maybe the better solution is an alternative to HoP where they can get approved for a new job by the heads of their area? That would allow some of these more chaotic bored players more occupied and concerned with getting out of their status then hounding the only department that reacts too them.

  2. How can you just accept that some players are just OK to be murdered without much of a passing thought? This does not contribute a decrease to the level of assholes running around. This just turns the good players into the assholes instead. This is a tactic that will only invite ruin.


    bears mention that you really don't have a lot of ground to suggest the administration are poorly trained


    I was given many seperate philosophies on how to operate the server. Was punished for following one way or the other. It all depended which staff was currently around. Half the staff wish for a strict roleplay guideline where as the other half lobbied for a more chaotic and lax approach. So I would be told to ban clowns who sneaked into the bridge and at other times i would be told the clown has the right to HONK and would be punished in-game for it. I was never instructed how to use my admin commands by any party. In fact i was taught how to use some of the more advanced functions by turning to non-staff.


    When it came to handling bans I was told by one party to resort to permas with a light hand in unbanning. The other party scolds permabans. As an admin i learned that the only true method is what it means to YOU. This is not a great way to handle a server.


    But I have poor ground to stand on in perspective to any internal problems seeing as how I was subject too it. So please disregard anything I say.



    de-listing is a lazy solution to a serious issue. nobody is willing to make the real calls to the problem despite being easy to progress towards. but everyone is content with the easy answer that truly solves nothing and hurts everyone as a whole.


    more players means more staff to handle. unwillingness to increase the staff has been a major paradise issue for a long time. more staff of course means lower quality in them with corruption, but that is easier to tackle then having everyone murdered by greytide.


    another issue we have is poor admin training. or rather. none. none at all. which may be one of the root aversions.




    (AI) andrewmeythaler 2014-04-18 09:14:30 mactoperfuror

    Reason: "Cannot grasp how to use laws. Appeal in the future if you think you can go without killing anyone." IP:

    UNBANNED by admin necaladun on 2014-05-04 14:04:43




    I am disappointed this ban did not last a month. As this was not nearly enough time for you to grasp the seriousness. it irritates me even. Despite this, I have no intention of disputing this if Neca saw this as acceptable.


    HOWEVER. This is not the place for you to be posting about this. This is not a complaint, appeal, or otherwise. It is merely a comment. Please keep this to the general topics next time.


  6. Well, when we miss that Centcomm moment, and we wait for when the round comes up next, we would have to kick people out that just begun the game. that is less fair. We also cannot have a designated time for it either, as our server is populated all day, and all night. So we are not trying to inconvenience you in any way, we are actually attempting to make it more convenient for you. It is just not immediately appearing that way.

  7. From what i have gathered, the codebases all come down from an incident. SS13 used to be a closed source, and one of the devs once trusted with it, had released it to the public without permission. The one who released it is the creator of Centration.


    ...Right. Thanks for that humbling insight Zgun. You sure your not the one with the complaint instead?


    You are in no position to know if i talked to the clown, how often, how few, and if it was positive or negative. Sounds to me you have an issue with vengeance. THe clown and you were no longer together anymore, and the fight was finally over. But you decided to grab a glass shard with hostile intent after the fact. When confronted all you were concerned with was the clown being punished for leading you to stab him. Now that i gave you a mere warning to the point you gained an autoban, you must have vengeance on that admin. How dare he try to resolve this in a way that did not benefit or please the person victimizing others. Its almost as if that Badmin was trying to say that you was in the wrong, and was unconcerned over your pettyness and attitude. But that very thought must offend your sensibilities as well.



    I was shocked that i have not made one of these yet. Figured i might as well do now.


    What i am to you as a ss13 player.


    I joined ss13 in way of a friend inviting me to his own personal server. Bored of learning the game alone/duo i ventured out too a larger server, NoX Server caught my eye by name alone. I grew to enjoy it there, but the lack of admin love and grief was too much for me. (also turns out that most of my rounds i was actually releasing the sing, and had no idea that i was incorrectly setting it up, yet nobody reprimended me) Out of anger i left NoX and went to BestRP. One of the admins there truly stood out for me, Kodos. He worked hard to create a very fair enviroment and allowed everyone he came across to have a sense of fun with his antics. This inspired me as a player, and i stuck to the server for a long time up until Neca/Kodos/Fox ect. had decided to split off into paradise. Been here since the first minute they announced it. My roommate became an admin, and i wanted to work hard to attain the same. Its been a bumpy road getting too this spot (and an emotional ride, lemme tell yah) But my philosophy is to spread the good feelings i got when i met Kodos. Not an easy task since i have anger issues, but i feel i have done good so far.


    I tend to play very chaos loving chara's. Youll tend to find me getting a laugh out of tormenting some poor soul in a simple fashion like a damned clown. My robustness tends to fluctuate like mad. one moment ill be the first to die in a firefight without hardly doing anything, and the next ill be crafting an epic tragedy in another round. Maybe its coffee influenced. :|


    What i am too you on a personal level.


    I am 26, almost 27. I am a cherokee indian living in oklahoma. My passions are Second Life, Spriting/Animating/Texturing. For all my wacky behavior alot of the time, i actually consider myself an intellectual. i appear arrogant at times because i actually think I AM smarter then most of everyone. :ugeek:


    Macto Per Furor = Fight with Madness in latin.





    The ensuing chaos of a round where two diplomats of kidan and diona were to meet on the station and discuss a peace settlement. The captain ignored centcomms orders to pacify the situation, and immediatly drew a gun on the queen of the kidan race. Ordering her to leave the station. The Queen being offended and quite pissed sent a warship to the station, and assaulted the station with assasins. The assasins took the captains head, and used the communications console to demand the dionas head. slaughtering wave after wave of crew throwing themselves at the kidans, the kidans finally began to falter at the final push, ERT missing the action completely. At the end, the station executed the Queens consort.



    Earthdivine once wiped out the DS in our server's history. (dont have alot of info as too how earth pulled that crazy shit off, wasn't there for it that day) I myself, once locked the DS out of their own shuttle for 20 minutes taunting them with very Handsome Jack-ish taunts, and forcing them to not setup the nuke before they finally busted in.


    EDIT: I decided that i should tell the story, afterall, i mean thats what the OP was about.


    I was an engineer, and it was an extended round. I was building myself a private little "Hangout" off of the arrivals dock in space. I pushed open the metal doors to it, i spotted three dudes heavily armed in black walk up the hall, i quickly shut the door and prayed that i was not noticed, and welded my door in. When i felt it was clear, i had walked out of my hangout and noticed that my decision to build in the upper dock was a good thing, as the shuttle would have occupied my space. Then i figured ill take a look around the shuttle, and figured it would just be a damned shame if someone had managed too lose such a toy. So i grabbed my construction materials and started to manually deconstruct the door. I figured that if i made the door technically no longer a door, it might not be able to be shot down anymore (powergaming, i know, but this is DS here, you need all you can get. Bring all your wit to the table, or accept the laser to your head, ya know?) I started construction on a turret, and more walls to defend my position in case my idea was bunk. I knew that once they began beating on the doors, i was a goner in no more then 5 minutes. Eventually a DS on foot noticed me, and shot at the door to no avail. Either my plan worked, or i was having a stroke of luck. he talked on his radio and began to walk into space, breaking the glass and attempting to break in through the other doors. That i had merely de-wired thinking that they would not have tried that tactic when they could just blast through the front doors. Then a muarader walked up to the front doors, and began shooting at the doors. After the first two shots i started to panick, and then i noticed that there was a blast door button, laughing my ass off i clicked it, and felt so secure now that i started blasting taunts at them. "Oh man, guys, i walked into this shuttle and found these AMAZING cookies. You gotta come in and try them." "Guys, you have no idea what you are missing with these cookies." "SO Good." "Man, would you believe that these guys would just leave their shuttle for some asshole engineer to take?" Then it occured to me. They needed the shuttle. "You know guys, if you detonate that nuke, you just get caught in the blast. You would like, need a shuttle to get somewhere safe or something. Hey! I got one of those!" Eventually, someone grown a brain and placed C4 charges on the doors. I did not survive for more then 4 seconds after that. In the grand tally, they spent 20 minutes to realize they could have done that or grabbed wirecutters. I suspect my victory may have been done over engineering being a mysterious lady, who should never be discovered.



    I think the music corruption is an untruth. now a music focus can effect your life but you would normally have other influences around you for it to take hold. Jazz wasn't the devils music, metal did not inspire kids nationwide to murder despite its oftentimes strong context, rap does not make a person feel more confident in popping a dude. It takes personal experiances to shape a person, not what is playing in the background.


    For the kids bit, children are capable of learning right and wrong on their own, the reason they conclude incorrectly is by the parents fault or special circumstances. A person who steps out of bounds is because they have usually found a reason why it was profitable in some way. To rebel/to gain profit/for a laugh/even if just to see a result.


    I don't get that paranoid vibe your talking about. I do not see it in other people around me.


    Now, i personally do not think morality exists and is meta and non-existent. All about as much fancy as "THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP" as it blasts away giant monsters with a laser attack. Words that label things, that don't exist, or exist on such a level that the tie-in is almost pointless. Morality is not one of those more pointless words, as it gives a vague idea of right and wrong. Morality has given us some power over how others act in a beneficial manner. Because of this vague term though, we have people confusing morality with justice, which damages the law while harming others. For example homosexuality. Law is blind to Homosexuality because it has no true effects to society. Morality judges all, and can shape law due to its unguided nature, allowing the Law to see homosexuality. Which shows us Moralities ugly pervasive nature. So the true wrong, might be the illusion that we can see right and wrong.


  13. How does one maliciously put themselves in a chute? I can imagine building a chute slide that looks lucrative and interesting, but actually throws you into space. Hell even if i put up a sign that says "Ride Me!" (going to do this now) but i cannot see a single victim of my charade put themselves in it maliciously.

  14. The existence of the deathsquad is actually intended to prevent outbreak of the worst. or to prevent something reaching centcomm. Meaning that centcomm has finally broke, and decided the station is now a lower value, then the potential threat it carries costs. meaning when the station has the potential to cost centcomm more then the station itself is worth, the station is too go byebye. While the ERT has been given value of innocent life. Showing that centcomm does place value on its staff. TECHNICALLY the station being purely overun with criminals still wouldn't be enough to scare centcomm into sending a DS, as an ERT wave should be enough to wipe them off the map, while keeping their station intact. Centcomm looks like an evil corp, but its actually fairly capable. (dont be fooled by the admins sending DS to end rounds, they are just trying to do just that)

  15. Centcomm contacts the station that it is hauling criminals to your location as your station is the nearest with a functional brig. The inmates on the shuttle are surrounded by beaten down dead sec officers, and are equipped with stun weaponry. Their objective is too take so many people hostage and negotiate with centcomm for their freedom. This gives the NT rep a unique role, centcomm with unique interactions, antags with non-murder objectives, a chance for the station to fight back. failing that, an interesting round with ERT's as the targets have hostages, and ERT's have to try to keep innocents alive. Allowing for MORE negotiating. Should be a good RP experiance.

  16. Hi, MactoPerFuror here! I tend to use a few charas on the station, and am very active on the server. Youll know me mostly as Leo Swarner, that one jerk. I am very good in engineering, and i take serious charge when i am captain. But despite loving those roles, i am mostly random roles or a miner because i have lazyness issues, or i love learning new things.

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