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Posts posted by Bigtimetripod

  1. 9 minutes ago, TullyBBurnalot said:

    Hum, yeah, removing the reaction-on-hit doesn't make it any less deadly, it just SLIGHTLY delays the damage onset.


    This what confused people. A admin said that it stops doing 75 burn. Yes there is instantly in the end, but it was lost in there. 

    Now for new 2cents with this new info.

    This is the Nerf Fluoro needed. As of right now, if ye click fast enough, ye can kill a man with 3 syringes with fluoro acid within a cycle. With this, ye would need at least 6 seconds to kill a man with fluoro. Its still deadly, but stops people from spamming and Insta-killing a hallway of people if holding enough syringe guns.

    If this is true, that ye can reapply fluoro each cycle to deal another 75 burn damage then 1+ from me. Spamming and killing a man within a cycle is very cheesy, this will stop this.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, TullyBBurnalot said:

    If I understand chemical reactions properly, it basically moves the first "reaction" to the first reaction tick after the person is hit.

    If that is true... Then Fluoro acid still retains it original properties aka dealing 75 burn when hit with 11+ units, but takes a cycle to get here.

    In my opinion, this whole issue started with the fact that the 75 burn is removed and Fluoro acid just cycles down as it should with the damage it usually deals per cycle.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Jovaniph said:

    Making the excuse that this is a stealth merge is childish. I for one made PRs that hasn't been discussed in the forums and so many other do the same. GitHub is open to public viewing for everyone to see and saying that this is a stealth merge while many other PRs get merge for similar/other reasons seem more or less like a double standard. This website even takes you directly to GitHub.

    As for my other argument. I actually have a shit ton of experience as to what happens when someone stabs you with a needle full of morphine or dilaudid (more powerful than morphine that can knock your ass cold). It's not an immediate reaction, but it takes about 5-10 seconds before you drop. Anesthetics takes about 30 seconds to about a minute and i'm no stranger to it since I've had it probably 6-8 times in my life. I agree with this PR in a sense but at the same time, the reaction must be quick but not instant.

    Since i'm finally after a long day at work on a computer, i can format this stuff better and give a more detailed explanation without feeling my fingers are going to fall off...

    Sayin' this is a stealth merge was pushing it a bit, but as history shows, that PR that change chemicals in a big way made by Fox usually pass, even if there is overwhelming negative feedback. Fox has been one of the longest and most trusted members of this community and one of the first maintainers. Do not get me wrong, i respect the man. Coding Byond is a nightmare in a square, but he still does it after all the years. 

    As a person who has had a few surgeries, i have personal experience how RL "knock-out" medicine works. Once it reaches yer vain, ye go numb from the arm immediately and few seconds later yer out cold for a few hours. I know this is a game, but what draws me into SS 13 is the semi-realism and the depth. Getting hit with hard sedatives in RL and keep walking? I wanna see ye try. Have someone ever spilled sulphuric acid from a car battery on their hand? Burns like shite and leave quite a nasty burn, right? Imagine 100x times the power of that and it falls on yer chest... Goodbye organs and quite the painful death.

    39 minutes ago, EldritchSigma said:

    I would want to see any of you IRL taking a full 15 ml conc fluorosulphuric acid injection without collapsing immediatly in pain. It is meant to burn and kill. It is IRL a superacid for a reason...


    30 minutes ago, Jovaniph said:

     For years World of Warcraft have done balances and nerfs. Did people complain? yeah. Did it force people to play a certain way? yes. Did it work and is WoW still popular to this day? Yeah. It works.

    WoW and popular? Stop living the dream. Blizzard stopped reporting active subbs for a reason. Its estimated that around only 1 million active users still play it and dropping fast... compared to its peak of 12 million active users at Q1 2010 then WoW is basically dead soon.

    28 minutes ago, TullyBBurnalot said:

    EDIT: 4) This is a functional difference of 1 tick, in-game. That's about 1-2 seconds.

    So instead of a instant 75 burn, the 75 burn is dealt a cycle later? @TullyBBurnalot

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Wheatley29 said:

      "I ded pls nerf" 

    This PR is another example of something that has been in forever and suddenly gets stomped to the ground.


    I tried to reason when Phlogistion lost its ignite, it got removed (months later got it back). I tried to reason once again when Neuro-toxin was curbstomped into the sidewalk, nohting. And now this...


    First it was distraction chem aka phlogistion.

    Then stun chem aka Neuro-toxin.

    Now only real damage dealer without the wait chem... 

    This feels like a buff to security rather then i ded plox nerf... Why not bring back the age old argument of removing insta-stun tasers? 


    Ye might say "Ye just salty cause science gets nerf!". No, chemists get nerfed and anyone who has any proper knowledge of lethal chems. Even a greytide can mix chems if their smart enough.


    This seems like a cover up... "Dart no longer proc reaction"? Why not "Syringes and shotgun darts no longer trigger chemicals" Its simple and would turn way more heads then something that is only half the truth. 

    This feels rushed and not talked about at all. Again a stealth merge try and people will raise their voice after it has been merged, then come questions that why wasent it announced? Well it was, but PR didn't let people know what was exacly changed and then its too late...


    This is put together rushed and on mobile, ill later start editing while on a computer.




  5. Had a crack at the new RnD... 



    No tier 4 upgrades (bluespess) for machines until a miner buys a lazurus injector and gives it to ye. That also means no NV huds until that cause there is no other way to get magnets up enough.


    Only way to achieve combat 6 now is by combat shotgun (which is also more expensive in cargo now). 


    One thing i do like. Brains (humanoid) act as level 6 (something like that) bio tech. So ye can max biotech with extracting monkey brains.

    No logical way to achieve power 6 without xenobio getting yellow slimes and DA one of the recharging batteries.


    Seems kinda rushed this change and more options then 1 should be made to get tech levels up. 


    Also no experimentor anymore so why not just remove it anyway and leave it a empty room for science to build crap. The maintenance unknown tech crap aint worth it also, since 9/10 times they are useless like magnets 2 or materials 3.



    Tzo I think the issue isn't that RDs don't have anything to do it's that they're usually indulging in what they're supposed to be stopping their minions from doing, most of the RDs I see behave like a scientist with an ID upgrade and an ego boost.



    Them two are the issues RDs have as of now. They are either a kindergarden teacher or a glorified scientist with fancy ID. Spliting science would limit scientists "creativity" meaning there would be less of a chance for them to blow themself/station up in a firey mess.


    When i play as RD, im strict. Someone breaches SoP, i usually get em fired. People seem to think science is a "fuck around zone with plenty of toys", but soon as someone goes against SoP under my command, im strict. Science does have access to more "!FUN!" and is a more laid back job, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you like and ignore everyone.


    Since RDs do have a rep for being a glorified scientist with a fancy suit. People even start talking back to their direct superior. I have had many instances where Robotics builds a combat mech on yellow without sec. approval and starts talking shit to me that i do not know anything. It usually ends that person gets fired and usually lands in brig cause most of the time they retaliate when it take their "toy" away.


    Since scichem and xenobio can behave most of the time. Combining RnD and robotics makes it easier for RD to supervise em. Ofc i have seen RDs that go against SoP, but thats the Captains problem then.



    Biggest issue/problem with having the whole science as it is right now is the "scienceOPploxnerf" crap.


    Robotics can build any mech they like right now. More dedicated roboticist always get themself their own protolahte just because they do not have to keep asking for more parts. Even when asking, scientists almost always print the crap robotics ask, so really not seeing the issue there. More robust/smarter roboticist can find the parts around station if you know where to look/deconstruct.


    Also building combat mechs is regulated by the SoP. RD/Captain can fire the person who built it, if it was built without premisson, on the spot.


    Bored RnD scientist always builds mech fab. and chem dispenser just so they could save a minute walking/asking. Again, not seeing the issue. Maybe start limiting the access to the boards? If must, lock em up in boxes? Allow circuit board imprinter only to be operated by the RD?


    Xenobio has always been seperate and changing that is hard. Cannot have slimes running around in RnD lab also. Xenobio needs new content, because once you play thru it a few shifts, its mastered.


    Hmm... maybe if we ever do get a new archaeology, xenobio and archaeology could be their own branch. Since the last archaeology was OP as fuck if you knew what you were doing, it deserves a slot on its own already.


    Scichem and toxins are basically the same. One deals with liquid/powder chemicals, while other deals with more gas like forms of chemicals. So combining em would be logical.


    As a person who has single handedly hijacked a shuttle as scientist knows how much power this job has. I do not mean walling off shuttle doors. No... i killed almost everyone on station including a 8 men security force and i walked away without much of a hassle... I did my homework and hour long prep, yes, but once you master science and it remains as a single job, i understand where the "scienceOPploxnerf" comes from. To word it differently, powergaming heaven.



    Can we like... start considering this again?


    RnD merged with robotics and Toxins/scichem/xeno be another "sub-department".


    We had maps, PRs and all that crap. Would be easy just to continue where we left off.



    Well... this is odd and 6 months ago i thought i would never return here... but fate works in mysterious ways.


    Either way, Haya!


    I'm BigTimeTripod or Tripod for short. In-game i go by the name of Markyoo-Uurom the Drask. Some long time veterans might even remember my old in-game name that was Mark Elmid.


    Why re-introduction?


    Well 6 months ago i was a pretty regular player. I was quite active and and started to develope quite the history. First time ever i played on Paradise was at the end of 2015, end of autumn if i remember correctly. In my time playing here, i even was promoted to the rank of Mentor. Started my Youtube series also near... may or june and now has gathered over 3000 views on all my Paradise antag runs combined! The support for my Youtube videos was massive and i can still see the effects now.


    I have been poking around the server for 2 weeks now and have been on a few shifts. Im happy to see few old friends and i have even become a tiny celebrity. Some people have recognized my name from my videos and said some nice things. Always good to see nice people and old friends.


    But the TL:DR version.


    Im slowly getting back on the station and would like to see ya all soon. I hope everyone can put aside past grievances and turn a new page. :)


    Also... there are a few other things.


    I would like to thank two people.


    They are Earthdivine and TullyBBurnalot.


    I would like to thank Tully for helping to realize that you cannot be everyones friend and that there are always some, that will disagree with everything you think is right. I'm also glad to see, that ye Tully have climbed the ladder of administration and you deserve it. Also ye got me into CDDA. :P


    Earthdivine, i would like to thank you for reaching out to me and having that hour long talk with me. Without you i think i would have never returned. You said yer not good in PR, but damn... after that talk i calmed down and thought everything thru. I'm sad to see that while i was absent, you have retired from yer position as Head of Staff. I wish you good luck in yer future endeavours.




    I have a apology to make to the new Head of Staff FreeStylaLT.


    I left in july without as much as saying a word. I wanted to write a letter sayin ill be leaving for a unknown period of time, but by the time i got around to it ye already got ahead of me. So i want apologize for leaving without prior notice and abandoning my mentor duties. Also, congratulations on the new rank. :)


    Hopefully i wrote down everything i wanted to say and wish to rejoin this community.


    On a side note. Ill be having knee surgery in march, so expect to see me around much more then cause... you know... i will not be able to go to work or leave my apartment for that matter.



    Or, even better? A taser. A regular goddamn taser. Sure, no tox damage and not self recharging, but also isn't super-illegal.


    This is one of the main points i have to agree on. Taser lands ye 15 minutes for 304 while e-bow is auto EoC... no way to obtain it outside of the uplink. (Just in case ill add this... RnD e-bow is not syndicate e-bow, that lands 15 minutes max.)



    Im sorry, if i sounded hostile or anything, but its just my professional opinion.


    Also just in case, mentors are people who have offered to share their knowledge of the game to help newcomers or some other questions that might come up. Mentors are not staff, being able to bwoink people, does not give one the title of staff.


    I understand yer standpoint as a doctor trying to save people, but scientists workin in toxins are more likely to be attacked then OR if bombs are being made.


    Requesting the ORs to be moved is not an innocent and a small request, i would take mayor remapping of medbay, since its hard to fit 2 5x5 rooms somewhere else in medbay.


    My suggestion to ye is, that find some metal or a wrench and get metal from few table parts and use 4 pieces of metal to block off maint. access IF it has been breached once. Do not go around medbay blocking doors off "just in case".



    Oh... another "I ded plox nerf"...


    Wiznerd can just use teleport spell to get in, no problems. Tators have e-mags, takes 2 seconds to enter. Learn and live by hacking? Veteran player can hack a door open in 3 or less seconds, depends in lag and if byond is in a good mood.


    Getting into somewhere does not mean its over... Slings can communicate and im sure he said hes in surgery. Tator with emag can get into armory in 10-15 seconds if he starts from sec maint. Wiznerd just teles in. Slings are not interested in it cause they cannot use weapons. Vampire just jaunt...


    TBH, surgery is not that important of a Room. Ye can just set one up in the medical storage if ye really want. Magic of surgery is that ye need a table and tools. If yer dethralling Slings, ye really do not have time for N2O.



    ALSO! SLINGS and LINGS are 2 very different antags.



    Im seeing the "I ded plox nerf" complex here. One of the only weapon that tator has access that is on the par with tasers. But due to its high cost, its used very rarely. The age old combo of e-sword and crossbow is dying out.


    My opinion is to even lower the cost 10 TC since hour into the round, smart tator can obtain one for free basically, but just larger version of it.


    10 rad for 8 tc for a weapon that shows visible darts being fired at target? No... we have Rad-laser for that and does the job even better.



    Modifiers for the telesci are always random. Them certain cords will not work always if never again.


    (pHD in telepad use :P)



    EDIT: Yeap... i wrote that before phone died, cords are right, but i messed them cords up with telepad inputs :P Sorry.



    So Haya,


    I was contacted today by Grey, a fellow i have helped out in the past. He asks me, since im this bigtime (no pun intended) scientist, can i write him a mini guide to max illegal. Im was more then happy to help and as of right now writing this in my bed and on my phone i thought, why not share it with all of ye...


    Since i have not seen any guide on how to max illegal tech, i present to you


    Tripods guide to illegal technologies!


    Copy of a message i sent:


    Oh, haya once again!


    Amm... there are a few ways.


    From illegal level 3 its the same way to continue for either of the ways ye use.


    If ye have the materials for and and can get Combat level to 6 (either Experimentor infuse Durand board or order a combat shotgun from cargo) then building a xray gun can bump illegal up 3 (DA 2 xray guns)


    Another way is if yer a traitor and willing to sacrifice one or two TC to bump it up (can be very useful to sacrifice 2 tc to get energy crossbow that is 12 TC on the uplink(if ye have an emag or armory access ID, lockboxed)).


    1 TC way: Order one C4, DA it, add one diamond to Circuit imprinter, print AI tyrant module, DA (usual way)


    2 TC: Order 2 C4, DA both, illegal level 3 now and continue the usual way.


    On the abandoned mining outpost where there is a pod and xenosuit, in one of them walls spaces is a syndicate space suit with suspicious toolbox. If a miner gets it for ye or ye get it yer self, ye can bump Illegal to level 2 and continue with AI tyrant module.


    Now, if ye made it to illegal 3, Gratz, ye can now make the big brother of the mini-energy crossbow, a bit larger, but function is 100% the same.


    To finish up illegal research, then this is the only way i know to do this, im sure, like always, there are other ways.


    DA energy crossbow for illegal 4

    DA Reviver implant for level 5

    Use the Freedom implant in Experimentor to pump its illegal level to 5

    DA upgraded freedom implant for level 6 of illegal.

    And thats it, all ye can get out of illegal research.


    Hope this helped ye. :)



    Aww... that part was left out where i ran to chapel maintenance, ran back, grabbed tools and then 5 minutes later passed all them people once again sayin "Do not mind me". :P


    Either way, gratz to Kitsa and Linda are in order im guessing.



    Ye guys seems to really like what i'm uploading. Heh, i guess i only have now more reason to make more of them, just depends how good my antag rolls are. :P


    Also, since i started uploading SS 13 videos, my sub count today reached 100 sub. Thanks ye guys. :)



    2 main rules of antaggin`


    1. Lie yer ass off and sow confusion into enemy ranks.


    Yer a tator? Emag APCs, emag libarians booth thingy for tomes, leave dead humanized monkey around maintenance.


    2. Cooperate with security and be nice to people... even them who ye gonna kill.


    I have seen many maNY MANY times that antags have blown their cover for 10 minutes of jail time. Got a plasma tank on ye and ye got caught? Do not meta on Securitys senses with the whole "Hes got plasma tankz, tator and perma!" NO, that is not proof that yer EoC.. again, Lie yer ass off, ye found it infront of science, yer holding it for a friend, ye just like to hold orangs things... The possibilites are endless...


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