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Everything posted by Bigtimetripod

  1. I remember one of my faxes for asking new objectives. Had Steal RDs armor and escape on shuttle without being cuffed. Got Steal RDs armor, Hijack shuttle, Protect Jonah Bright (adminbus!) and Someone Violet. Needless to say, i started my killing spree with sec, after 2 sec down and 1 in crit, Hero Teebs the Pod pilot springs up out of nowhere and tasers. It all depends on what mood the admins are in. Ye could get just a simple Steal X thing, but sometimes it can go overboard and max out on the !!FUN!! factor.
  2. Fax Machines people! They are all over the place and if ye Emag it, ye can send a message to the "Syndicate" like ye can with comms console and even get a reply if yer lucky. Fax are the same as Comms console, but easier access, no id access needed and takes paper, only downside.
  3. Im thinking balance wise right now, since they have 0 C body temp. then Cryoxadone should not affect them... yet, but it is much easier to achieve cold level for cryoxadone to start affecting resulting another epic healing factor. Maybe chance that, they must breathe cold oxygen to survive (like vox nitrogen), but feel uncomfortable in normal temp room. No healing from cold oxygen, but lower body temp. Enough for the cryoxadone to start affecting them. Good fast healing and hard to get hands on unless scientist or chemist. To balance lower body temp, maybe make that unable to be cloned the normal way (like slimes) and immune to touch based chemicals, the good and bad. Lore could be that having to suvive such harsh cold climate, the skin of this race has evoled to resist even the smallest of amount chemicals and will not allow touch based chemicals to affect them.
  4. Oh god yes! I have been saving up karma for either a Vox or Slime, BUT... if i could choose this, i would so damn hard. Cold dependant = a spessrace! Imagine a race that has space as a place to live. God yes! And breathing cooled oxygen as a way to heal up? Oh more yes! Maybe balance this out that touch based chemicals do not work on em, like burn and brute patches. Would have to relay for healing on their cooled tanks. If i remember then, ye can get -200C cooled oxygen with basic freezer, but freezers are limited. One on toxin, cryo in medbay, atmos and RnD server cooling (on station ones).
  5. Let me tell ye people about getting more objectives and how it got me killed while i had greentexted my old objectives. It was a usual shift and i got 1. Steal RDs teleporting armor 2. Escape alive. Was a quiet round and as a scientist, i was able to prepare for ALMOST any conflict (remember last 3 words) i could get into. In the end i had a wormhole portal gun, RnD syndi crossbow (saved 12 tc right there), Captains laser, stun baton, emag, chamelion suit, agents id, e-pen, and most importantly, storage implant. After borrowing the fax machine from the NT reps office, i sent a message to the Syndicate asking if they need anything else done, since i finished my objective early into the shift. After a minute and no response, i left the fax machine and went for a stroll. Soon as i left the maintenance my PDA starts to vibrate. 1. Steal RD teleporting armor ( i really do not want to write the name for it down right now) 2. HIJACK THE SHUTTLE (Replaced escape alive and not in cuffs) 3. Protect Jonah Bright ( adminbus i say! ( well duh! They gave ye the extra objectives ye idiot, why not use the opportunity? ( was also tator))) 4. Protect Violet (somethingsomething) This was the moment i panicked a bit... Just when ye have it in bag and hoping for somethig lil extra... BOOM! Nuke the crew without the Nuke! AND get 2 fellow traitors out while escaping. Still in shock and going over everything i could do in a 20 minute timeframe (13.40 was the clock for the shift). A idea struck, since i have caps laser, i need more self recharging lasers... TO THE RND ( they did a steller job that round, EVERYTHING except mech teleporter was unlocked.) Had already a belt and a bag of holding from earlier, i could take quite an arsenal with me. Soon as i enter maintenance, i see a security officer just standing there... Pass him once, pass him twice, seems brain-dead, but not SSD. Though to my self, why not start here with my killing spree, got the equipment. Take out the crossbow, hit, stun, down and follow up cap's laser to the head. Quick clean and safe-ish. He did say help, maint and disabled his suit sensors... but what followed... was a big mistake. Poor Gregorie Mess had his face melted by the laser and tried to hide him fast. I heard the footsteps of an security grade boots of loudness. I try to run, but it is late, he is here. Another shot with the crossbow and a follow up with the cap's laser and hes is dead. Try to make a get-away, i get cutoff by a detective in a damn CHICKEN SUIT! He hold me at bay by the Turbine long enough for the back up and down i go by the one they call Teebs the Sec pilot. This was the end to my beautiful story about how getting more objective will get ye killed. Is it a bad thing i got the electric chair? Nope, cause i had a blast and in the end, security didn't have any proof i was a syndicate, until i screamed FOR THE SYNDICATE! While getting the chair. In my opinion, the system to "replace" dead traitors kinda is the auto-tator event that happens (will become a traitor half way thru the shift) and having a button to get more objectives? No, just no... As it would be convinient just to press a button for "!¡FUN¡!"... it is not needed. Get a fax machine, emag it and send a formal letter to the Syndicate. Please follow this: http://nanotrasen.se/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6423 Anyway after my kinda... poetic story (slow hour at work) my opinion is to maybe increase the chance for the Auto-tator to happen and leave getting extra objectives as it is. Just my pile of 2 cents.
  6. Not to add fuel to the fire, but i have gotten Ling-tator-ling in one sitting and rounds were in a row... was a magnificent day of mayhem. But yes, some kind of like a... favor system? If ye havent gotten antag in a long time (10 ingame hours, 1 favor point), ye should be in the "prefered" antag group. Cause i have had days go by without even an hope of being one... how i envy admins of ability to tator oneself...
  7. Maybe have a duct tape be a "mask" slot item (internals, gasmask, mime/clown mask etc.). You will not be able to resist, but with free hands, you can just remove it like you would remove a mask, but maybe just like zipties, once you remove it, i cannot be reused.
  8. Just to add a bit. Mousetrap grenades or "Mines" are easy to hide and most simple explosive (water + potassium), can be deadly or outright gib if large beakers are used. Water + potassium have really low AOE, but great damage in the same tile. Simple way to hide. Get yer "mine" and 2 sheets of metal. Try to line up metal sheet sprites on the table by having em next to each other when on the same tile. Activate "mine" and drop it in dark maint. Drop sheets so they cover the mine. Profit! Most people ignore sheets of metal on the ground and when tunnel is 1x1, its insta crit with lost limbs. EDIT: hmm... Sitting on a toilet and got even a better idea. Unwrench table and use the table assembly to hide you "Mine". It has large enough spirte to cover it and table assemblies are even more useless then metal sheets. Drop one in a hallway with a "mine" and let the mayhem consume that hallway for good. (Breaks floor)
  9. Have adminhelped this also and gotten the same answer, only to stick up papers... I have heard that on some servers, i do not know if goon or tg, duct tape CAN be used as a tool to silence people. It would be a great tool in antags arsenal and maybe for even security to shut someone up fast ( they have other means). But just imagine, no more fiddling around with EMP to short out the headset to stop their screams of terror for you. Stun, Cuff and tape. Maybe someone who writes fast can give out name (gasmask and remove id) , location (are you really gonna eat someone in RnD?) Or look (chamelion suit or just have a spare jumpsuit). Would benefit stuff quite a bit and duct tape never gets used anyway. Who the hell goes around sticking up papers anyway? *cough* clown sticking up shots of his ass. *cough*
  10. Explodion? Be careless and mix dangerous chemicals near welding tanks. Toolbar? Just click and drag it to the border you want. Doesn't work? Right click and remove check mark next to "Lock Toolbar".
  11. All ye said about the "bodyguard" is filled by a job called Blueshield. His job is to protect the heads by any means and escort em around the station. When it comes down to life and death, blueshield must always choose a head to save, before security guard, scientist, clown etc. If couple of heads are downed, HoP, Captain and CMO, Blueshield must save em according to Chain of Command (Captain, HoP and then the rest). Hmm.. Merc job would be interesting, have a outpost in space, wait to be contacted by a traitor/ling/vampire or even nuke ops to distract the station. In term of equipment maybe have similar system to the syndies that ye order stuff... scrap that, CREDITS! Would give meaning to traitors money bag, have more use for ATMs, briefcases and mercs can use them credits to buy themselfs equipment. Lazors, tasers, armor, meds etc. Since Mercs are neutral until someone pays them, station could hire em to explore gateways missions (moon outpost has xenos so maybe clear em out ( tough as fuck, if ye do not know what yer doing)), recover the white ship for the station etc.
  12. So here as i promised, my first draft where the docking bay should be. I did test other options, but they ended up failing or blocking off half the map since ITS EFFIN HUGE! So Here is a 50% zoom: As ye can see, i expanded the Elite Syndi shuttle arrival airlock, to match the doors for the syndi shuttle and Medical one. 100% zoom: Using glass and just normal airlocks, i was able to make a room that has oxygen connecting Medical ships door and Syndi shuttles Blast door. Ingame Snap: White shuttle isnt here, but ye get the general picture what im have in my head. Did bring the Syndi shuttle from Z2 to show how it fits with the scheme. Here is another option i tired, but i ended up failing hard. One because the shuttle would cut off half the map. It was right in edge of the map and walking against the glass would bring ye to a new Z level. This is just a draft what i have in my head. This is nowhere near Merge ready or ever will be! I suck with the editor and can do basic stuff right now, but im learning. Still, just wanted to show how the Medical ship could dock with the station. Davidchan said something about rotating the ship. Yes, it might be possible, but to keep coders mental health intact, lets just stick to the original for now. For people who said it near the Escape, few snaps. Here is one of the better spots. Yes, it has enough room and would be logical. Make an airlock/pressurized long airlock to the back door, but nah, too much running and work. Above the Escape: So i made 2 here just to show a bit more options. The one above bar could work... if you take down half of the solars, maybe have a airlock in the bar that leads to the back airlock of the medical ship. People did say adding more door or moving the main door on the medical ship, but its seems... meh... Maybe moving the door to the side and leaving the back "capsule" part as cargo bay could work, but adding more doors would make the ship less... secure. This is just me brain storming. Feel free to add yer own opinion. As i am in love with the idea that ye can repair a ship to its full glory and even more, then this topic is close to my heart. Thanks for any feedback. One more for the lolz. But Tripod, there is another airlock near the AI Sat. you never though of it! Ye fail in life! Get robusted, Grey!... No no... Here Yeah, lets just cut the AI. Sat in half and we can do it!
  13. Storage implant, nuff said
  14. Maybe make the improvised more of a risk to use? Since it is OP, keep plasteel, harder to get and when mining gets plasteel, competent scientist in RnD should have enough research to make one. More risk? 33% to revive, 66% instagib, no matter what damage, just gib. Should fit in nicely with SS 13 dark humor. EDIT: After posting i started to think it would be too OP antag weapon, instagib, would be able to get person brain fast... maybe revive to 40% and gib to 60%. Just imagine, need to get someones brain, ye wanna gib him, but instead he gets up and robusts ye with a toolbox on the table...
  15. White ship cannot dock above the escape, as useless the pod bay is, it still has a use. Also it would block the chapels mass driver. Since the ship has to be facing west like it is (byond engine) adding more airlocks would make is less secure and since it is a medical ship, it cannot have multiple ways for deadly viruses to get in. In my head i have a perfect place for it, but right now im at work and cannot show it on the editor, ill get home in 10 or so hours and can visual edit to the map to show where it would be perfect without getting in the way. Stay tuned for updates and pictures soon. After thinking for a bit, i could fit it above escape, but it would be a pain to fit cause its huge. Will later post pictures.
  16. Addiction stage 6/8, once ye go Paradise, ye never go back. Anyway, haya, i think i have even seen ye around. Mark Elmid waving to ye right now in Cryo.
  17. Oh frozen throne and parasite 2... epic times... Heard there is a remade of parasite on the Starcraft 2 arcade (custom maps) havent had a chance to try it my self, but SS 13 is like parasite times... 568. You could say ling has similarites to the parasite. Maybe thats the reason ling is my top 3 fav. Anyway, seen ye around a lot, nice guy.
  18. Picture tells a 1000 words. Either way, didn't mix stabilizing agent right and mixed phlogiston right away. Also didn't move the welder tank so bad things happened!
  19. So haya! I have now been on this server with ye guys for over a month now and i gotta say im loving every round i play. Every question i have asked via Ahelp has been answered fast and without any complications. Players are friendly and most know how to Rp and do their damn jobs. I started playin SS 13 2 years ago on Yogstation where i spent good 6 or so months. After getting banned for disabling one camera, i got fed up with Yogstation server and quit for a good year or so. Started looking for a better server, but back then alot of servers were massive lag fests or just sucked in general. Playing SS 13 on and off for the last year, i stumbled upon this lil gem in the dark, Paradise. After the first round i loved everything about it, zero lag, tons of people, great rp, not too serious, lil mayhem here and then etc. My time with Paradise has been epic, since i started playing i have spent so much time on Paradise and my GF hates that i play SS 13 so much now. Maybe ye even have met me ingame. I go by the name of Mark Elmid, detective by day, crazy scientist at night. First i was lil put off by the job restrictions, but soon as i started unlocking em, i realized that they are one of the best systems there are. It doesnt allow some random jackass become captain strait away and fuck up the round by giving nuke disk the first assistant he meets. Now that i have unlocked every job ( except high karma cost ones ( also epic system )) i love to keep playing with ye guys. To be honest, there is only one reason why i have been playing so much SS 13 and that is to fill the time before Fallout 4 releases ( i have loved this series since the first one ( yes im a bit older then the usual gamer )). But as it is 9 days til it releases, im starting to panic... i want to play SS 13 now as much as i have wanted to play FO 4. But im sure i can balance em out somehow. But this is my lil story and why i love this server so much. I hope to see ya ingame and save me from being robusted by a clown with a toolbox. NOTE: English is not my mother tongue and any grammar or mistakes like that are bound to happen. Also this is written on a phone so don`t think bad of me, please.
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