Hi guys, I'm Daehreck I have been playing as myself and occasionally a large but gentle janitor named frank. I try to be as helpful as I can and have a voracious appetite for figuring out how things work. I have been trying to play the simpler jobs so far just because I don't know how to do much yet. But I have been researching on the wiki/watching youtube tutorials/making a test server and fooling around until stuff breaks. I hope to eventually be a useful resource.
I am however extremely ADD. (probably one of the few people who basically SSD's in real life in the middle of sentences) I go into my own thought space a lot. So if I am ever playing and my character is just sitting there staring at a wall it's probably cause I'm doing the same.
Anyways, I hope to have fun with you all, see you on my next shift.
PS. I have noticed that the IRC is usually pretty dead, if anyone could tell me of a more active outside of game chat I would be very interested.