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About FlattestGuitar

  • Birthday 07/01/1997

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  1. You're inevitably going to make mistakes. You're going to spend literally 10+ hours of mindnumbing work on finishing this. It's only going to help really clueless people who would figure this out on their own in under a minute. The time will be better spent fixing issues that will have an impact or coding up something cool. If you're going for hacktoberfest PRs just find some simpler issues and get to work.
  2. I don't count anymore, so let's get this one high. THREE.
  3. It's a nice idea, just nobody wants to bother coding it. :P
  4. Holy hell that's amazing. :o
  5. Yeah, we were planning on changing it semi-frequently, but we're just too lazy to do it. Thanks for the reminder, though.
  6. There'd be no point to this forum if people couldn't make suggestions that were found to be bad in the end. Don't worry about it and keep having fun!
  7. You want to find anyone proficient in coding or get into it yourself and make a Pull Request on our GitHub.
  8. Nuke Ops that don't declare war are in general pretty boring in my experience. By the time someone screams about them having boarded the station they can already have their hands on the disk and everyone wastes 30 minutes of their time and has to start over with whatever they were doing that shift. I think it'd be a solid idea to make Nuke Ops /have/ to declare war. In my current pitch they'd get a five minute grace period to get a good pun going and declare war themselves (using the pun, of course) or, after the five minutes, the war would be declared automatically. Ideally, this would go together with a rebalanced and pop-dependent amount of TC, which I'll be looking into regardless of whether this suggestion itself gets any traction. I'll be implementing this myself if this gets enough support.
  9. Holy crap these are amazing. That pic ZN quoted looks like really neat lobby material, though it'd need the right size for that. KEEP THEM COMING.
  10. I don't really see the purpose of this change. The Low/Medium jobs we have right now will just turn into Low/Medium/High jobs. More of a split, but will it really drastically change anyone's experience? You're meant to be able to just compete for one High job, because otherwise you're taking it from people who genuinely want to play it. I don't believe what ProperPants proposed will actually change anything in terms of job picking.
  11. I think this is a horrible idea. The amount of text you needed to describe these classes makes me firmly believe in the fact that this will be impossible to enforce. Civilians with firearms means either powerful antagonists or validhunt extravaganza. This will not lead to anything positive in terms of gameplay or roleplay.
  12. 100% with this. The Slimes over on /tg/ are way more interesting and diverse than what we have now. They're meant to be more of a "reward" species for xenobiologists, as far as I'm aware and they are powerful to match that, so we'd definitely need to nerf these bits, but things like toxins healing them and charcoal doing the opposite are very interesting and I'd like to see them in practice. That said, there are many more species that need improvement and diversification on Paradise much more urgently than Slime People, who are already one of the most popular species out there. If anyone wants to code it, go for it, but I think our efforts should be focused elsewhere for the time being.
  13. I made this thread a while back: I was fiddling with a lot of new vampire stuff locally, but I'd rather wait for the massive backlog of PRs to clear before I start working on something more serious myself. It's late and I don't have much to add to the thread, but you can go read it for suggestions.
  14. No amount of Science can justify giving out the Chain of Command. Also, I feel bad for posting here to help this sick joke of a feature work, but: Instead of a sheet of Uranium, use a reviver implant. Cheaper. Instead of a sheet of Diamond, use a diamond mining drill. Cheaper. You can use a Bola Launcher from Robotics to get to Combat 6. Don't waste the Chain of Command. You can get to Plasma 6 by using a Phazon torso, also from Robotics. Super expensive, but THE NUMBERS GET HIGHER.
  15. The only issue with the carrot shiv is that it's made of a carrot. I'd much rather see new interesting non-lethal ways people can interact with each other. Sure, the combat can be fun, but it's very short-lived most of the time and stuns are already the #1 combat tool. On top of that, a shiv won't really help you do anything a stunprod and cuffs wouldn't.
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