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Everything posted by FlattestGuitar

  1. It was a fairly active community member and I'd feel bad for shaming them. Besides, they prolly know what they did wrong and either way I just shouldn't care that much about spessmen.
  2. I'll just leave those here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. Those two letters say more than a thousand words ever could, bby. <3
  4. If a ton of people are dead the vote will simply pass; if it won't then they can just wait for xenos/posibrains/stuff and at some point get back into the game. Giving the players a chance to choose would be more fun than just ending the round, especially that it might lead to interesting gameplay.
  5. I haven't seen a single person in this thread disagree. Could we get some admins to give their thoughts on this? Would be a nice change to see.
  6. I have experienced Von's careful performance of the procedure, it doesn't work well on humans and similar. Monkeys are cool tho. Also, I think you put carbon instead of plasma in the mitocholide recipe. I just skimmed over, so there may be more mistakes~~
  7. Are you talking about the technical aspect or the in-game perspective? Technical aspect - it's not hard to make the tails a part of the hardsuit, it's just bothersome to animate every single type of a tail in every single color. In-game perspective - tail belts for all the poor races without tails, heck yes.
  8. I literally found 3 antags by accident that round, plus Nat by semi-accident. Then saved the HoP's life twice. Magistrate let half of them go and I got called a comdom. I hate playing as HoS.
  9. Sorry for being this hasty. It's just that nobody had any problems the last time. I've reverted the changes and won't touch it.
  10. As with IPC lore, I'll push it and we'll see if anyone is bothered. It can always be reverted and we have literally nothing to lose.
  11. Hey there! Feel free to shitpost on the forums a bit, it's always fun.
  12. Counterfeit just likes drawing dead cats. Pls stahp.
  13. It's Regens. It's a joke. Regardless of peoples' ERP kinks dick jokes are too big of an RP feature to let them go.
  14. Shadey, you added so many smart words there... I think it should still be expanded, but I'll be content if this just gets put on the wiki.
  15. I made this, tell me what you think. I'm not taking any more /REDO THE WHOLE THING, IMPERIAL GERMANY/, just small edits or a straight up yay. It is quite short when compared to other races, but those are the basics others can build on. I've noticed that most things suggested on the forums just take so much time to complete it's better to have /something/ done rather than waiting for someone to do the whole thing.
  16. A similar discussion went on in this thread. I'm totally in favour of making the objectives more interesting (and as I said in the thread, killing yourself is a shit one) but I have no idea how to do it right, so I'll just tell people their ideas are bad.
  17. I wanted to make that suggestion as well. Makes sense and is convenient.
  18. Was about to say it's lewd, but if it's your husband then it can be. Love your stuff, MAKE MOAR.
  19. That's the plan here. The hard part is done.
  20. My stalinist stuff was just jokes and I don't mean to draw the connection between industrialism and Imperial Germany, just a lot of people spammed the minichat with the idea. I just don't think international politics should be a big point, as the civilization has /just/ been exposed to interstellar politics. Anyway, I'll stop. Feel free to write about whatever you want and we'll comment on it after. Good luck! :3
  21. Just give them either an M1911 that can chamber rubber and lethals or give them a HOSgun that looks like a revolver. Done. Solved. GG Now let's get off our asses and get to some kind of a conclusion with this thread, it's been going for far too long. Here's a strawpoll. Pick everything you're okay with.
  22. Imma need to know what that does.
  23. Granted, he is a good stress reliever when you just want to murder something.
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