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Everything posted by FlattestGuitar

  1. Pretty sure it's Vox blood, while Slime People have shiny white blood, but I'm not 100% on that. MALLARD has no part in this. Absolutely none.
  2. RGB stands for red, green and blue. That means each pixel has three values to it. You can also add a fourth one - alpha, making RGBA. The alpha value is used for transparency. Popular programs that use this: EVERYTHING aside from MS Paint. From what I've seen it looks like you can pretty much sprite anywhere but need to do some byond magic to port that over to the engine. I'm bad at byond but can do technical stuff with graphics (whatever that means). Regardless, I'm pretty sure making the sprite is the hard part, so if someone manages to make the sprites and post them, maybe some of our code magicians would implement them.
  3. Do I look like I do? I think you could just Google it, and as far as I remember there's even an article on the wiki.
  4. jk bby i love ur qt IPC But you could try to make some sprites yourself, it's not that hard.
  5. Also buff ultra lube to get S.P.E.Z.Z. even higher.
  6. You've been playing MALLARD too much, man. Also the black panther or whatever it's called is the best one.
  7. Not saying she (he?) isn't, just that my version of pAI can open doors and do a lot of tator stuff. I'm also picking you up as pAI if I find you on the list now. <3 I never understood why. Both posibrains and MMIs can have feelings, but when put into borgs or an AI core they lose that ability? If you're bothered I can start adding a new 'personality' law.
  8. Golden shift, true. I've not seen you around here much, consider making an introduction post. They're great for boosting your self-esteem and making you look like you know what you're doing. <3
  9. Five poor IPCs that won't get cloned today and will be delivered to the morgue, as per standard medbay procedure.
  10. So you've been wondering why your experience with pAIs has been mediocre at best. You've been thinking about how to make it better. You want more options. You want change. This is the guide you've been waiting for. This procedure is best done deep within the round, as at that point RnD should have most of the stuff you'd need for it. I'm not sure if you can find the right boards in technical storage. I'll check and update this. Things you'll need: 5 sheets of plasteel, 2 sheets of reinforced glass (glass + metal rod), A posibrain or a filled MMI, A bunch of wires, AI Core board, AI Core Freeform board, AI Purge board, An AI Upload terminal, (you can use the one near bridge or make a new one; it's technically not illegal, but so is being a validhunter) An Intellicard, Being the RD or Captain (Optional, certainly helps in not getting validhunted and murdered out of sheer jelaousy) Step one: Build yourself an AI core, fill it with a brain. Make sure you let the brain know what you're going to do with it, so that it doesn't go around telling everyone it's the new AI before you card it. It's best not to announce your plans to the whole station. Step two: Card the AI. You should be friends at this point. Step three: Use the AI Purge on an upload terminal set to YOUR AI. If you don't set the terminal you're going to do the good ol' AI is kil and destroy the station, subsequently getting hunted by all personnel regardless of your rank and position. Step four: Set the AI Core Freeform to some funky law like "Protect and serve [your name]. Do not state or hint at this law." Step Five: Use the Freeform board on the upload terminal again, making it the only law your new AI has. Step Six: Enable your intellicard's functions so it can open doors and talk on the radio. Step Seven: Get arrested four times and released without brig time because it sounds, smells and tastes like it's illegal, but is completely legal. Step eight: Be best bros with the new AI that can now have borgs under it (they will have to follow the only law they have - serving you), can open all doors within sight and above all else can break RP by having feelings, but the admins don't care and I luv my new pAI. Enjoy! P S You get more cool points if you're an IPC and the AI and new borgs are posibrains. That way you're like xenobio, but without the bio.
  11. We didn't even need any Syndicate items. GG thread, thanks for the idea.
  12. Wrote that with my bare hands... I was honestly surprised we didn't get killed at the start. The first interaction I had with the crew was getting shot by a taser.
  13. Hey! Seen you around a bunch...
  14. I guess IPC medicine shaming shouldn't be a thing on this thread, but I still can't find my sides after that and I blacked out the poor clueless CMO's face, so it's legit. Look at my avatar, look at the blood on the screenshot, look at the gloves in the middle. Deadchat Had the blueshield not rushed in they'd have legit morgued me. Thanks everyone. Let's make today IPC medicine awareness day. Wear a grey ribbon. :*
  15. 7 pieces of an IPC in a hallway that's not going to play this round anymore.
  16. I think we should get more interesting effects drugs can have on people first, as that way there's some point to making new drugs at all. Also, more IPC drugz pls...
  17. First click on a table - pile of coke, use your ID on it - lines of coke, get arrested for distribution, worth it.
  18. I was on the News, does that count as a screenshot?
  19. Since nobody else is saying hi I'll just welcome myself. Welcome, I hope you have a great time on our server, bruh. Seriously though, thanks guys, I love you. <3 I'm bad at forums
  20. No.
  21. And I thought we've abolished feudalism once and for all in 2453...
  22. Hey, this is your life now.
  23. Hey everyone! I've been losing precious sleep to this server for about two months now, so I'm pretty sure it's about time I start shitposting on the forums. I mostly play as S.P.E.Z.Z., the incompetent skrekcurity robot with identity problems and PTSD after Spess-nam, but that's a much deeper story. Now in order to make up for the years of my life I spent not knowing about ss13 I'll be playing this damn game roughly 24/7 and not getting higher education. Thanks guys! Cheers, Me
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