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Everything posted by FlattestGuitar

  1. Heya. Welcome to the place. Feel free to check out our Discord, there's a bunch of happy people there if you wanna chat about the game and other things.
  2. Hey there and welcome! If you want to get more involved, I heavily encourage you to check out our Discord and shout at people there!
  3. Yeeeeep. I'm not doing batch spriting any time soon. That stuff sucks out your soul. I'll merrily implement the sprites if someone makes them themself and puts them neatly in a single .dmi file with the right names (icon states, call it what you will).
  4. Yeah, this would be easy to code. Remind me once the freeze ends, I shall do the thingy thing.
  5. Changelings seems to suffer from the same problem as vampires. They're rather shallow at their core and the only real interaction they have with the rest of the station is silently picking off assistants in maintenance without much effort. We had already talked about this a few times, albeit with regards to vampires, not changelings, but a timer that motivates the antag to do something is a great idea, in my opinion. It would of course need to be fleshed out more, but I think it's a step in the right direction.
  6. Every single clothing sprite made over the course of the last five or so years that we have in our codebase would have to be altered to match the new body shape of female characters. As nice as this would be to have, it would be a MASSIVE pain to implement. If you are interested in taking on such a project, by all means, feel free. I can guarantee you many people would be grateful for it. That said, the change would be incredibly small, as 32x32 sprites don't give you too much to work with. You also need to consider that there are many other suggestions out there that would take a lot less effort to make work and provide players with more enjoyment. It's not about people being lazy, it's about whether something is worth the effort. I went through the mindnumbing task of altering dozens of sprites to make vulpkanin hardsuits more than half a year ago (yes, I know they're ugly) and I am NOT doing anything related ever again, simply because of how boring it is to just sit there and do this for every single item.
  7. IAAs aren't security. Plain and simple. They shouldn't involve themselves in security duty for the same reasons we make sure captains don't. Everyone has a defined role, and if people don't fit those roles, the game becomes chaotic and rather upsetting for the players that do attempt to play that way. Security has a strict chain of command, with IAAs located outside of it. Once they start setting people to arrest on their own because "they were helping", the department will become even more chaotic than it already can be. Personally, I'd support upping the security officer count slightly, but letting IAAs meddle with security affairs is a terrible idea.
  8. Security forces are one of the hardest to properly implement aspects of the game. They wield a massive amount of power, being trusted not to be antags by pretty much everyone, handed a large amount of weaponry and pretty much allowed to do anything they want to the crew, as there really isn't much that can stop them. In order to make the game more pleasurable for everyone (just like with borg laws and a few other heavily enforced rules) there NEEDS to be accountability for security players on our server. Adminhelping when you see shitsec is not using hacks, it's doing the community a service. If we let security players run around freely, disobeying the server rules, Space Law and SOP, we'd have an unenjoyable CoD-like shitstorm that nobody would bother playing after a few rounds. Please, if not for your own sake, ahelp for the sake of the community.
  9. Pretty much what Shadey said. If we start giving out antag tokens, we run the chance of ruining rounds just because more people than average decided to use theirs. Not to mention the amount of work that will go into checking if everyone who asks for a token was actually an antag and the amount of salt we'll get from people who didn't ask for their token and realized that was a thing you could do much, much later. Nobody is paying for the antag status and the video game is free. I realize it can be frustrating if you lose your antag round, but we have no way of accounting for that with the way things are structured currently.
  10. As Shadey said, this is all covered by Space Law and Legal SOP. If security loots your stuff that isn't strictly evidence or illegal for you to have, you have every right to follow up with IAAs or the Magistrate, or even ask us, the admins, for help.
  11. I'm not quite sure what the purpose of this thread is, but I've noticed you made a very wrong assumption here. Killing people as a non-antagonist is 99% of the time against our rules. This applies doubly so when you get yourself arrested. Breaking out of the brig is most definitely NOT an excuse to murder people. As a general rule of thumb, any revenge that you wish to perform on security should be a lighthearted one that the other players will most likely enjoy. I realize there's a rather large amount of antagonism In-Character, but at the end of the day this is just a video game and doing things that skirt the rules just so you can have "revenge" for a five minute vandalism sentence just isn't the way to go if they result in the other side not enjoying the game itself. If you have to ask yourself "is this the way to go?", it most likely isn't.
  12. *standard "code it yourself" response* *standard "feature freeze" response* *standard "holy shit, I haven't seen you in a year" response*
  13. This is exactly why we use GitHub. Wait until the freeze is over and post a PR with comments on why this is better than the current option. It's not really a big enough chunk of the game to warrant a discussion here and as long as it's well implemented, it has a rather good chance of being accepted.
  14. Well, look who showed up. About time the best warden I've seen at work came around.
  15. There is currently a rather large rework for cult coming, it's probably going to be merged soon-ish. We'll probably be letting it faff around for a bit before commiting to any larger changes.
  16. I've been toying with a similar idea on hijacking. Right now it's very illogical in its nature. Most of the time, there's really no way to guarantee that you're the only person making it to the shuttle, so you end up having to kill people. You still have to kill the ones hiding in lockers, and can't even leave them in crit, because of LOGIC. I like the suggested ideas, as long as the Hijack objective doesn't necessitate having an emag, since it's fairly easy to blow your cash on other things. We'd need to work around that, somehow. On the Chaos objective - I think it'd be hilarious to tie a score to that. The sooner you massacre everyone, the better the score. The objective itself really isn't anything but a way for people to vent all their salt and have some acradey fun.
  17. I like the idea. Maybe not the execution here, as it's kinda weird, but dealing more damage to security and less damage to non-security would be interesting.
  18. You need 150 damage to ensure a person dies. You quoted your crowbar as killing a person in 10 hits, while dealing 36 damage per hit. I'm assuming you didn't account for oxyloss, as that'd be incredibly hard to do. Even if take a look at a 200 damage model, the number is theoretically at around 6 hits, not counting the completely random offset, which shouldn't be taken into account at all with a sample this small. So, yeah, I'd just look at the code and use the values provided by the code. For the crowbar, that means a kill in 5 hits.
  19. I just want to point out, the values are completely off here. The way force is calculated on our codebase will sometimes vary thanks to the max damage values on different limbs. As far as I'm aware, often times the damage won't overflow properly, making an item deal less damage than it should. While in practice this means that you'll need more hits to actually down someone, I'd suggest using pure force values for theorizing here.
  20. Welcome to the "What happened to my life?" club. Enjoy your stay! Also, don't be afraid to drop by the Discord, we have a load of people there.
  21. I don't see what the sleeper agents add to the game, to be honest. All of the actions you're describing can already be performed by either a bribed or threatened crewmember. If anything, I'd say this would only lower the amount of roleplay that takes place. On top of that, there seems to be pretty much no incentive to actually be a sleeper agent. "Oh WOW, it was SO FUN when I pulled an implant out of that guy and let him go and then drank a cup of coffee while staring at a wall." A regular traitor is just way more interactive and allows you to do a lot more things. Lastly, us admins don't want to have poorly defined roles that will only cause confusion and lead to people demanding bwoinks over things. We already have a massive amount of ahelps for things a certain person will consider self-antagging while another one will deem just fine. In my opinion, the line between the way the crew acts and the way the antags act should be very clearly defined.
  22. I really can't stop myself when I see another admin posting here. One chocolate cookie coated with the tears of a mentor.
  23. We ran a FUN early xeno round the other day. I spawned in two aliums five minutes into the game. The crew stood absolutely ZERO chance. With everyone still running around the station and gathering their stuff, there was absolutely nobody there to stop the xenos, it was pure death. Even a gamma ERT sent in as soon as it was requested didn't stop the infestiation and it all ended with a DS. Xenos is a fairly uninteractive gamemode, as the xenos won't bother too much with RP and just eeeeet youuuuu instead of talking about their deep feelings. There are more interesting things out there.
  24. Having been an emagged maintenance drone a couple of times, I'd back removing emagging them from the game. 99% of the time an emagged drone is just supposed to kill someone, which is as easy as staying in a pipe and waiting by an airlock with its safeties off. As you can't drag your victims, there isn't much else you can accomplish than just that. On top of that, issuing a kill order for an emagged drone simply doesn't work; it's coded this way. We could look into changing that. With how fast and lethal drones can be, coupled with how hard they are to catch if they use the disposals system or run around the pipes, an experienced player will be able to play them in a way that's impossible to counter.
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