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Posts posted by SomanB

  1. There's also the meta aspect to consider here. A rounstart AI has a chance to be traitor. A built AI does not.


    We already have command and sec players who openly state "If the AI isn't doing as I ask, I watch it via cameras."

    It's not much of a stretch for a validhunt RD/Command to build second AIs "just in case"

    • stunbaton 1
  2. 1 hour ago, tzo said:


    I came to the conclusion that being wheelchair-bound should be allowed for Command/Sec characters, as it doesn't compromise their ability to communicate, doesn't stop them from being aware of the world around them, and while it is a disadvantage in combat, it can only be exploited in melee range, and if someone gets within melee range of you, they have other ways to mess you up. Based on this, I did not consider being wheelchair-bound to be sufficiently problematic that it should disqualify a character from taking those jobs.

    That said, I am not an expert on the wheelchair mechanics. If it turns out I am wrong, and a character being stuck in one significantly compromises their ability to survive, then that's a good argument for preventing wheelchair-bound characters from taking jobs in the security department.

    Exactly. It's as I said, enforcing a slight level of powergaming over RP.


    Mechanics based gameplay, a wheelchair is strong. In the hands of a solid powergamer, you are gonna have issues dealing with them.


    From the RP perspective, it's downright silly.  "Hello Muteguy McSilent, you can't be HoS on our station full of technology that enables nonverbal communication. Please be nice to Stumpy Nolegs, HoS."


    There's been quite the argument about Para going less and less RP, and to me, this just reinforces the idea that game mechanics are more important than roleplay.

    • Like 1
  3. I'mma take this Ina different direction.

    It's a game.  Nominally a roleplay game. Roleplay games are famous for assorted disabilities and limits to chosen characters.

    "You can't have disabilities that hamper play" kinda feels to me like a light form of enforced powergaming. Nothing much is said about sec/command in wheelchairs, because mechanically, wheelchairs are stronk in the hands of the right player.

    If we were to slippery slope this, an argument could be made against things like Diona sec. Diona are slow, it's the choice of the player to play one, and being slow hampers your ability to play.

    The argument extends to vox (weak to damage), slime people (no clone), plasmamen (no suit means ded), Grey's (fire extinguisher of room)...

    • Like 2
  4. First round playing in a while, rolled nukie.


    Wardecced for some fun. I stayed onboard nukie ship, as I'd set up the teleporter and wanted to telebomb the station.


    Literally within 30 seconds of landing, oh look it's mechanic pod, parked in the exact spot needed to wreck the nukie shuttle console and doors.  Two known, experienced players in said pod.


    It's well past stupid at this point. We need firm OOC rules stating "stay the hell away from the nukie shuttle" until a code fix is placed. Barring that, make the shuttle turrets 1HK undodgeable for non nukie.

    • Like 1
  5. The failure here comes from another server that at one time had departmental assi



    Sure, it looks good on paper, giving newbies a job, but the reality of the matter is that it’ll be used by experienced players as a greytide leg up.


    Play engy assistant, loot dem gloves and go screw off. Medical assistant, snag a backpack of aid kits, syringe gun, and surgi tools, and go tide.

  6. Part of the problem is that "podbombing", the blast goes right through the walls of the nukie ship. Parking your pod in the right spot and leaving it means the blast doors get blown off, the open and close buttons get wrecked, the turret gets wrecked, and anyone in the ship is likely going to die.


    Make the nukie ship walls and blast doors actually blastpoof would go a LONG way towards defeating this form of meta, without compromising the ability for smart crew to get onboard.

  7. My engineering pet peeves.


    • Four engineers, twenty minutes into round, engine not touched.
    • Engineers who fuck off with all the roundstart metal, when actual engis are doing engine setup.
    • Atmos techs who whine for gloves. Double if roundstart.
    • Seeing Sec/HoP/Craptain invade engineering for gloves.
    • Cargo denying engineering gear for being too dangerous, while ordering shotgun crates for sec. On green.
    • CE specific, but blueshits who follow you around all round under the guise of protection, when they're actually banking on a CE antag.
  8. Hi, I'm calling from the land of Real World Medicine! It's time to share some stories about surgery, and how it might relate to our 2D spessfart simulator.


    To start, there are quite a few levels of anesthesia out there. There's local, which we all know from dentistry, various levels of sedation, and general "put you to sleep" anesthesia. There's also the always fun "twilight" anesthesia, where you get dosed with meds that just make you forget whatever pain you're feeling when the surgeon cuts on you.


    Full on, crack open your chest open heart surgery DOES happen without anesthesia.  Most times, it's emergency "you are going to DIE" surgery, but there are some specific instances where due to the patient's clinical profile, they cannot tolerate anesthesia but the surgery MUST be done.  It's not pretty.  It's considered a last resort, Discussed at length with the person involved, and the vast majority of people choose not to go through with it.  Those that do tend to end up with PTSD and years of counseling afterwards


    As for SS13, I feel there's room on both sides to make this happen. Tossing someone on the table and cutting should work, but it should come with a massive set of downsides for the rest of the round.  Cap bleeding out, code red station emergency, then yeah, toss em on the table, save them, deal with the issues later. Sec officer wants an implant HUD but "lel no gas U might be tator", not so much.

  9. Sure, I'm all for providing legal representation, on the caveat that the perp in question is detained until conclusion of the trial.  This includes pre-trial evidence gathering and such, getting a jury together, etc etc.


    What, you thought "I want a lawyer!" is a get out of jail free card?  Call for a trial for a 5 minute sentence, you can wait the 30-45 minutes it takes to organize one, locked in the brig.

  10. Just for perspective, the original meaning of "greytide" was "newbie assistant doing dumb things because they don't know how to play". It was generally Sec's role to start greytide down the path of learning the game, as Sec would be one of the first groups this newbie would interact with.


    So, shitter assistant players out to piss off sec, they are not greytide. They're just dicks, and low energy line-treading griefers.


    "Lelz I stole the forensic scanner" from my previous example did nothing to further RP. It was not part of an antag-sec interaction. It was soley done to be a dick.  If shit like that (and a million other examples) got clamped down on, sec would be quite abit more bearable.

    • Like 4
  11. I occasionally play sec when I feel the urge to hate SS13 even more.  Allow me to share you a recent round which made me turn off HoS again for another few months.


    Round start, 3 minutes in, teleporter is emagged into.  I snag forensic scanner to head over, and because I have full backpack, carry it. Greytide shitlord decides to disarmspam and steal the forensic scanner cuz lelz. They take off and destroy it, so now I have to give chase.  Stun them down, get the shitcurity screaming, their metabuddies are standing at the brig ready to bust them out the second I brig. I say fuck it, and call them a shitlord and throw them out.


    Bout 5 minutes later, someone gets murdered. Take care of that, drag the perp in from space, and get meme ebowed and holoparasited.  Thrown into space.  Round over, 25 minutes tops.


    Know why experienced sec players don't ArrPee with you? We know better.  You don't want to chitchat for them good RP moments, you're doing it to buy time to resist out the cuffs.   You don't want set to state your crimes so you can put your hands up and come along peacefully, you want sec to do that so you can headstart run when that chat bubble pops up.

    • Like 2
  12. 10 hours ago, Anticept said:

    All this said, I'd love to see a server rule getting people to tone down the trash talk to security players. A few little jokes is fine, but constantly shouting on the radio, trying to start a riot, and bitching in all caps when you get cuffed is really too much.

    All that is SO inviting to new people playing sec. It's fucking unsportsmanlike.

    Aurora: we can keep them under a microscope still. But taking some of the cuffs off, I really do think, will help in the long run. Yes, this will result in a surge of ahelps and complaints for a while, until they either learn to stop being shitters, or enough jobbans are issued.

    I'll just quote something I was told in dchat one day, when a string of shitters drove me to not accept reclone after dying as HoS.

    "I've won if I make you quit."


    It's the circle of shittery.  Shitter decides to make life hell on sec. Experienced sec players say "screw this" and quit rolling sec. Newbies to sec, without guidance, turn into shitcurity. Shitcurity causes trouble with Joey Newguy. Joey Newguy says "screw this", and begins to give sec hell.

    • Like 1
  13. It's not a reset button in the end. Its cloning, with a heavy drawback. Remember, you clone naked.


    Most times it would be used, said person will be known as a traitor as well.


    Lets also not forget, traitors ALREADY have access to a much better "reset" button. There's not much work to building a private cloner, upgrading it to autoclone, and using that.


    This idea, being an instant summon thing, has the noclone and dusting add on to compensate for that. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Sothangel said:

    Could be pretty neat, actually. I assume that it would scan the person who purchased it, and wouldn't clone other traitors?

    Really depends on coding difficulty, but yeah.


    In a perfect implementation, the syndie spawns it in, climbs in the locker, and closes it. That's the scan.  Once they hop out, it acts like a normal locker from there.  When the syndie dies, the locker snaps closed, clones, then pops back open.

  15. 1 hour ago, Saul Argon said:

    Hmm, this is actually a really great idea! I would make it 8TC as this is über powerful. Otherwise no complaints. Other than some syndicates won't be able to make use of it (Vox, Plasma, IPC).


    Maybe make the object itself glow green so you can see when it's working? So the crew can maybe stop the cloning while it's happening. While I'm at it, why not keep the clone time the same as the basic cloner. So the crew have a few minutes to find the syndicate being cloned?

    I'm not a big fan of making it too slow or obvious, if implemented. I mean, it's a normal traitor, not like a nuke ops or changeling.  They're going to clone in with absolutely nothing as is.  Giving the crew enough time to hunt down, locate, and destroy the tator yet again kinda defeats the purpose of it.


    Fully upgraded cloner speed, I feel would be a good compromise. It's not so fast that they're going to pop right back in, but not so slow that sec has a chance to check every locker on station in order to "spawncamp".


    As for the noclone races, most of those have antag play buffs as is, like vox spacewalk and the like, so I don't feel TOO bad about leaving them out. 

    • Like 1
  16. So, one of my biggest complaints about antags in general, and tators in particular, is the fact that an antag has to be perfectly lucky in every crew interaction, while the crew only has to be lucky once.  Combined with, a confirmed tator will be tagged no-clone, while randome greyshirt who heroically sacrificed himself to kill the tator will get cloned, and....yeah.


    So, a new item to help mitigate that. I call it the SyndieCloner.


    The Syndiecloner is a fully upgraded cloner with autoprocessing, disguised to look like a locker.  If our traitor manages to get unlucky and dies, no problem. In a few moments, he'll happily pop out of the SyndieCloner locker, ready to try again.

    It's not all roses and sunshine though. For one, SyndieCloner is expensive, something in the range of 6-8 TC. You clone naked, so the only gear you're going to have is anything you pre-positioned in your hideout. It's experimental tech, so it only works one time (no restocking it with biomass).  The clone itself is unstable, so when it dies, it's over (Dust on Death).  Also due to that instability, the clone cannot be pre-scanned into a regular cloner either. 


    I think this will help mitigate some of the issues with Hero crew charging tators for disarmspam, as well as giving a second chance for those tators who plan ahead, but get caught by simple bad luck.  It's a second wind, only one, and comes with some heavy drawbacks.


    Opinions, feedback, and coding viability always accepted and appreciated. Thanks!

    • Like 7
  17. 21 minutes ago, Dumbdumn5 said:

    Seems alright, maybe, just want to clarify that lethal force should only be permitted in the case of physical blockage and resistance, and that verbal resistance should probably not be grounds for such excessive force. However, I'll state that I'm incredibly uncomfortable granting additional reasons to kill off nonantags or create issues between nonantags that result in additional in-depth ahelps and investigations. I'd be worried about the ways people might try to weasel around specifics to off people disagreeing with them on a command or idea on the grounds of impeding security, a requirement that all uses of lethal force be reported to sec or notification of medical staff be necessary either in-field or after the danger has passed to minimize casualties and reduce the amount of people taken out of the round. RP-wise, I worry that this might cause more issues involving a more wordless security body during emergencies than we might already have. 

    This is not to say, however, that this is completely out of the question or unnecessary, as those intending to impede sec 'for the lols' and just try to act like a nerd towards sec should have some consequence involved, I just don't personally believe that lethal force is the answer they should necessarily receive. In any case, I'd like to see a bit of discussion on this and more feedback, as I'm curious to see if this is seen as excessive or acceptable.

    You're overblowing the issue of death her, I feel. 


    It is, after all, a video game.  The actual "loss" involved in dying in spessmans is minimal.


    I see no problems with indef brigging on red, for people committing crimes during red alert. Nominally, Red Alert means "everyone on this station has a good chance of dying in the short term".  If your dumb ass thinks that "We're all going to die" is a good time to get in a fist fight over a toolbox, then yep, you deserve to sit in time out until the crisis is over.


    Further, if you decide it's a good time to actively hamper sec in saving everyone's lives, you deserve lasers to the face.  Cloning is a thing, you can be brought back after the issue is over.

    • Like 1
  18. 5 hours ago, Xantholne said:

    The issue with slowing down and enjoying the game more is;War declared by Nukies you have until 12:15 to try and get crew armed with weapons from R&D and Cargo. Well good luck getting the crew armed from R&D as now it will take about an hour before you can feesibly arm crew. Same with blob you have some 20-30 minutes (30 minutes being for blobs that arent doing so well) to get the crew armed and to help in taking down the blob which are already as roundstart blobs incredibly difficult to do with welders unless the blob messes up horribly.

    To this, I say...excellent. Wonderful news.  R and D should not be the saviors of the station.


    The meta for blobs was "Throw bodies at it to keep the growth down, until Sci rolls up with a backpack of I Win lasers."


    It'll be nice to see how game modes play out, now that "countering sci cheese" is no longer a must-do.

  19. I'm positive there's more to the story than "I git job bannu for using tracking implants".  I've used track implants a few times as HoS/Cap with no issue.


    The thing is, track implants are an amazingly powerful tool, so to stay on the correct side of the rules, you only use them in amazingly dire circumstances.  Nuke ops declare war, bust those trackers out.  SIT targeting members of command, track em.  Abductors on a rampage, sure.


    Busting out tracking implants at round start, with no defined threat just cuz they useful is amazingly high degrees of powergaming.  Think comms are compromised (they are, they always are, it's a good habit), devise an alternate system, and/or use it to your advantage. Slings thralling officers, then have officers patrol in pairs.  If they refuse, fire them.

  20. So, a discussion on Discord about meth labs kind of made me realize...we don't have anything really "meth lab" like on Para.  Our friendly greytidian forces are stuck breaking into Scichem, or acquiring a chemmaster board and parts to make their evil concoctions.  This really isn't in the spirit of maint hobos everywhere, so I propose a new thing.


    Crafting item. 5 sheets of metal,, 3 buckets, 10 rods, 5 glass, a spray bottle, two O2 tanks, an igniter, and 5 pipes. This crafts a ghetto chemmaster that only has x power, does not recharge, and has a Y% chance of just doing something awful on use.  Maybe it explodes, maybe it vents a ton of toxic gas, maybe it even causes a fire!


    Point being behind this, is it's all stuff a maint rat can track down.  It works, but only kind of. It's risky.  Using it leads to a chance that the detective can pull some forensics and nab you

    • Like 2
  21. Player behavior wise, making telebatons do a small amount of damage per baton isn't going to change much. If they're a verified antag, it's a tiny buff to the disarm->harm stunlock rotation. If they're a non-antag shitter, nobody will care if they take 15-20 points of brute on the stunlock trip to sec.  If the head themselves is the shitter, damage isn't going to slow down the behavior, and it'll honestly be welcome as "not only do I get to lel stunlock, I get to hurt 'im too!".


    Plus, you can still just baton and cuff.


    I'd honestly just swap the telebaton for pepper spray and a flash.  Pepperspray/flash makes more sense for a department head to be carrying, over the telememe baton.

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