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Everything posted by komrk

  1. komrk


    Hey all, you may or may not have seen me around the server for a bit, I tend not to join forums or websites until around the third or forth week i've played on the server, testing the waters and all that. Love the server, play often, good community here so I figured I'd drop in and start socializing. Not much about me at all, been playing SS13 since it's early days years ago, on & off, half a year break here and there. Used to play at Goon, LLA, Facepunch, and finally here. Cya on the station.
  2. Made a forum account just to post here lol. Alright, I've sat down and read through your draft, as well as the comments and arguments on this thread, and I only have one suggestion. It seems to me that you are attempting to create lore for a race based upon your own personal thoughts and feelings on said race, or perhaps you are trying to use a preexisting culture's structure as your own for this race. Either way, I highly suggest that you take a look at the current Vulp players on the server, as they do actually tend to interact and behave a very specific way already, without a written Lore. Research those players/Characters, and maybe create a lore that fits their existing behaviors? Instead of starting from scratch and having the Vulp players/characters conform to this new way of interacting. Just my suggestion. And yes I am one of those Vulp players, so I do have an interest/impact on the final product.
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