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Poison Dancer

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Everything posted by Poison Dancer

  1. Right?! Cooking is terrifying. I feel the same way in real life, which is why I try to keep to working front of house in pubs and restaurants. ...of course now I am technically cooking, but it's for kids. That doesn't count, kids either hate all food or love all food: SAFE! Yep, cooking is nuts. ...of course everything on SS13 is nuts.
  2. Name: Jeniffer Rose Caballera Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Bartender, Janitor Biography: Born on Earth in a poor industrial community, Jeniffer (whose parents really can't spell) had a fractious childhood in part because of an abusive alcoholic father. Her mother was a quiet if unusually-spiteful individual, and therefore the most common target of her husband's assaults. Despite this, Jeniffer claims to have had a positive relationship with both parents, and often cites their wisdom as a key element to her personal evolution. Working from a young age - and illegally employed in many cases - Jeni provided as best she could for her family, including her younger sister Lacey. Boasting no great career or academic accomplishments in her past, she's at least a self-made woman; and seems very proud of this fact, possessing great confidence for someone so unspectacular. Something of a 'mother hen' at a young age, she's very defensive of those she takes a liking to, which seems to be just about anyone with a civil tongue and no particular agenda toward her own behavior. Qualifications: Bartender's Licence. Graduated with honors from the University of Life. Employment Records: Jeniffer has in the past been employed illegally, working off and on from the age of twelve. She has never been convicted of any offence in this regard, though her employers have. Security Records: At the time of her arrival on Paradise Station, Jeniffer has numerous prior criminal infractions (all served) ranging from assault and battery charges to driving and operating heavy machinery whilst under the influence. None of these have been within the last two years. Medical Records: In and out of surgery all her life, Jeniffer seems to be prone to severe 'accidents' but has been oddly lucky when it comes to replacement limbs and has yet to be cloned. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): On the tall side (around 5'9"), athletically-built in spite of dangerous curves. Commonly dresses in military surplus, and known to take liberties with any uniform she's given - jumpsuit rolled down, accessories added, etc. Facially: Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Sometimes moonlights as a librarian, despite a poor standard of education.
  3. Hi! I've only been around for a couple of days but as I seem to be hopelessly addicted to the game (for now) I should go ahead and do this before I never do it ever. A good few have probably run into me as Jeni Caballera (sugar). I'm new to SS13 in general, been playing off and on for a handful of weeks and still consider myself pretty 'noobish'. I did a shift in the kitchen and it was frankly embarrassing. I hope you guys enjoyed the burned messes and deep fried meat! When it comes to RP in the wider interwebs, I'm a veteran of many a forum RP and MU*, consider myself a pretty great writer when I knuckle down and concentrate, and find the only problem I have on this game is the FRANTIC PACE. I'd be throwing out three paragraphs at a time given the choice and the time to do so, so it's probably just as well... iRL I'm in merry old England though by the hours I keep you wouldn't exactly notice this. My big passions are music - I play guitar and sing - and martial arts, the latter taking the lion's share of my obsessive-if-constantly-drifting focus. I've trained a couple different styles of kung fu, kickboxing, jiu jitsu, karate and now boxing. I have a match coming up in December so making myself lots of free time to end up in optimum shape for that one. Let's see how much this means, in practice, I play way too much SS13. HMM.
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