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Everything posted by mrturkeytoe

  1. i think if you gave lings resists to everything but fire and explosions in their armblade/horror form people would flamethrower/grenade them more and if you made them not stay dead unless they were burn or exploded it would encourage flaming or blowing them up and if they maybe started weak as one of the animals and could be revealed by a blood test until they absorb enough people and had some way of infecting others and if they're decapitated their head becomes a spidery thing and i'd like if somehow a blobby, tentacley, boney, bloody, toothy and mouthy form were implemented.
  2. No i've played nations recently and Sci still murderbone with mechs 9/10 times.
  3. Perhaps Taj/Vulp should have a medium volume carpet and quiet claw effect when barefoot?
  4. I think that either you need one engi borg or the peacekeeper module needs a broader set of tools. because 9/10 times sci will : do that to alll the other nations with gygaxs and durands. You're the only one that can keep them in check.
  5. I just played a nations round as AI and found out that you are completely at science's mercy, and with all of the glass and grilles and the inability to cut power to the teleporter make the AI sat insecure. You can get telebombed or have people break through the glass and grilles before your borgs can respond. Not to mention broken cameras. How do you fix that? (I just started playing so don't judge) Your first borg has to be a Peacekeeper then all of the others have the option to get a Engi module unless a borg already has one, and if you have multiple PeaceKeepers any of them can go into robotics and swap out. But only one borg can have a Engi module at any one time. So if you have one borg it has to be a Peacekeeper but if you have two they can trade back and forth with who has a engi module. Update: Can they code in some form of logic like this? Check number of Engineer borgs if 0 check number of Peacekeeper borgs if greater than 1 allow Engineer module. Update2: The AI either needs a engi borg or the peacekeeper module needs engineering and construction tools. Update3: And maybe the AI should get some of the malf powers as well. Update4: The Peacekeepers NEED ion guns, construction materials and supplies, engineering tools and supplies and maybe basic medical, like Epi and charcoal.
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