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Everything posted by Sans
Light pink slime formula description changed to sentience rather than advanced docility.
Hey,I say make it an appeal!The guy seems like a pretty solid dude,and like Tully said,we all make silly mistakes.Who hasn't released singuloth/a deadly fleshrotting virus/the AI/Bulma onto a station once just to see what happens?
As an option for roboticists to craft.Not a borg,something sleek and with thumbs,like an IPC.
Oh boy,not this fucking whinebox again. No but seriously WELL WRITTEN my good sir.*Applauds*
Took you long enough I plan on doing quite a bit.I just can't decide where to move on from outside of Xenobiology.
Also...wait...when the hell did you poof from Mentor to Seniormin ADR?Damn it!People need to inform me of shit!Congratz!
Ya know,because Giger is gonna be happy seeing Xenos in-game~ >:] ((Too soon,I knoooow.)) But ya,it's pretty much a joke post because a certain somebody mentioned how lulz it'd be to have Sans in-game. ERHEM NTSAM ERHEM. I also gave the IPC in sparks signature a flowey screen,as well as NTs avatar. http://prntscr.com/99dymf
Icons basically done,and it'd be rather amusing. http://prntscr.com/99cm6c Ignore the side state smile.Too lazy to fix it at the moment.
Welcome to paradise...your in for a bad time. Plenty of laughs though.Enjoy your stay.
http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Gui ... _banhammer http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Shitcurity http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Robust Credit goes to the original writers from the TG station wiki.I just imported them to ours.
http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Shitcurity Spiced it up a bit.Imported from TGstations wiki.
>Be HoS >Incarcerate prisoner and be stripping him for perma >Put Double bladed e-sword in locker >Find box of freedom implants >Toss to side,and wait for him to make his move >Get in epic harmbaton vs E-sword fuckfest >Survive minibomb implant the fucklord had after beating his brains in with a harmbaton.
Disarmed,and decked a E-Sword carrying nuke-faffsaroundlikeanidiot.Literally,like 4 punches to the face.
Fallout 4 has cured my SS13 addiction [tiny spoiler]
Sans replied to Plotron's topic in Other Entertainment
Fallout classic+2+BoS you plebs -
Rewrote the efficient slime farming section.Was rather vague,a bit incoherent,and generally a mess.Not to mention it was missing basic tips such as temp guns being effective on slimes,and frost grenades allowing you to mass cull. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Gui ... Slime_Farm Added basic slime grenade construction. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Gui ... nstruction The harvest begins...
Welcome to the forums Dude!Love seein ya in game!
I could see it.Maybe a teensy bit OP but at the same time not.Technically genetics could whip the parasite up a fresh host too.
Do you all really wanna flex your epeens and horrify a large group?Here's the step by step list to do it and possibly avoid a golden bolt from the gods. 1. Pick an Erotic Fiction,my preference is "Woody got Wood." 2. Choose an anime:We're trying to be hilariously unique here. 3. Replace every character within said fan fiction with said animes cast. 4. For uber bonus points,write your own fan fiction involving Paradises admunstaff 5. Replace all lewd vernacular in your finished product with a single word.I like pony because why the fuck not? 6. Robust the captain,stealing his ID. 7. Read said fanfiction over the PA system. 8. If you just plain wanna win,make sure to mix a huge bottle of space lube up,lube every tile in the bridge besides the one infront of the console up before you begin reading. 9. Pray that the admins are laughing SO hard that they can't reach the ban button. 10. ??? 11. Profit
Peeeeooople Peeeeeooople,relax.This guides just assuming they're looking for the basics.Besides,you never really need THAT much blood.
12. LIE YOUR HEART OUT.A good lie can pull your ass out of the fire so quickly.CE dead and your one of the few people working engineering?"I was busy wiring solars." Just be realistic about it.
Dude,you can make an advanced mutation toxin grenade if you know what your doing.IT's literally my weapon of choice if I get hijack.
Alright,first off,to prevent people having a bad time,safety is key.KEY. Rule 1:If working alone,be sure your slimes are sufficiently well fed before entering the pens. Rule 2:Always check your fire extinguisher,or your gonna have a bad time. Rule 3:If possible,let medical know IMMEDIATELY if your fed on.Cellular damage is no joke. Rule 4:Have fun! Alright,to begin,lets get a breeding chart since the wiki seems to be lacking one. This'll give you a rough picture of what produces what,now onto a basic step by step guide to getting your first high-tier slimes. Step 1:Grab a toolbox from the main lab,if you have any bionic parts the welding tool'll let you patch up basic damage till you get to medical,but your main item needed will be the wrench. Step 2:Make your way back to Xenobiology,and quickly unwrench the processor,monkey recycler,and storage unit,move them close to the pens in your preferred setup.Wrench them into place. Step 3:Grind your Plasma,deposit the beaker in a pocket,and grab a syringe for later use. Step 4:Feed your babies via the monkey cube box on the table,if your unfamiliar with the games UI,you might have a bad time. Step 5:After 2-3 feedings ((Depending on how long Xeno was unmanned.)) your slimes will begin to split into 4 baby slimes. Step 6:THIS IS CRUCIAL,Grab your extinguisher from the table where you got all your machines from.Unclench the nozzle via clicking it,switch to grab intent.Now your ready to enter the pens.Enter the pen of your choice,pull out any spare grays leaving at LEAST one,pull them into the narrow 2 tile hallway leading into the pen,and spray them with the extinguisher.Leave different colored slimes alone for now.Repeat for the other pen,but kill off all the grays in that pen.Now,grab a closet from one of the alcoves in Xeno,drag it into the pen of your choice,grab a non-grey slime,and drag it into closet,shutting it.Pick a new pen,and deposit your new slime.Rinse,repeat. Step 7:Deposit your slime corpses into the processor,DO NOT PROCESS THEM.If your team is competent,you should be able to request an upgrade to the processor shortly after getting to work.Upgraded processors spit out 3-4 slime extracts. Step 8:Deposit your monkeys into the recycler,not really important later as greys provide TONS of cubes. Step 9:Repeat steps 1-8. A list of slimes to watch for: Adamatine Cerulean Dark Purple Black Light Pink Silver ((Who needs a chef?)) Gold Bluespace Slime Effects!Not to mention most of the general info from this guide. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_xenobiology#Formulas Basic Slime Grenade Construction! You may need to do research for this. Parts:Core of your choice,Cable Coil,A screwdriver,and a LARGE grenade casing Instructions: 1:Insert wire into the casing 2:Insert core+A beaker of a reactant ((IE Blood,Plasma)) 3:Screwdriver the grenade shut. 4:Toss and enjoy. There are considerably more complex grenades that require a bit of chem-knowledge.I may go into them if requested. Competent Xenobiology:How to not be a chucklefuck. This is SUPER simple believe it or not you assclowns. 1.Avoid turning yourself into a fucking slime with black extracts.IT IS NOT WORTH IT. 2.Keep the GOD damned population down AND pens closed. 3.Focus on getting people back into the round with golems,after you reach that point,do whatever you'd like.