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Posts posted by FPK


    MeMin event, force Underground station offworld map (one with all them plasma). Say that NSS Cyberiad is going to get destroyed thanks to a supernova pulse or whatever the fuck from the nearest sun. Everyone evacuates thru the gateway (aww... stargate moment there...) and force everyone to bring anything they can shove thru the gateway. After round start there is the announcment and then there is 10 minutes left until the pulse hits the station. Anyone left behind gets adminbuss gibbed or something like that. The fun part about that underground Outpost is that is completly habitable! It has RnD, workin atmos (i think), power genertion with generators and SMES units and much more. Its quite cramped, but has most of the stuff needed to survive!.


    Anyone thinking about rebelling could be thrown out the airlock into the plasma gas outside.


    Also some ground rules should be put in place not to ignite the plasma, like ban smoking laser and combustion weapons, all kind of light sources etc. I think it woild be the ultimate challenge! After 2 hours (normal shift timer) shuttle is called. But MeMins just build one around the stations gateway, so it would seem like when ye enter the Underground outpost gateway, ye are connected to another gateway on NSS Clown-Buster the experimental NT research shuttle that houses a gateway project.


    Hell yes, I've wanted to have a normal round on that station for awhile. It'd be nice to have a change of scenery. Looks like it'd be a nice station to play on during low to medium pop.


    EDIT: I-I'm not sure how I did that. No more posting on mobile.



    Quick suggestion, move the first permabrig airlock down one tile, then move the solitary airlock down one tile. There's something I don't like about airlocks being that close together.


    If it's not too late, add shutters to interrogation. Helps for privacy, and it's hard to have a 1 on 1 conversation needed for those recordings when you have to filter out whoever's chatting in the hallway.


    There's something I don't like about the courtroom. Looks kind of cramped, and if someone comes in through that back door and there's someone in a chair, it's going to be hard to move around.


    Still want a commons room for prisoners brigged for less than a perma-sentence, though I guess that'll have to wait.


    Move the chairs in processing away from the door, I'm assuming that chair is for prisoners, and it's going to be hard to move around if they're cuffed to the chair and blocking the door. Move the chair next to the table, and add another table in there as well. Maybe even a closet? That 3x3 room looks like a lot of space that's not really needed, if the only people who're going to be in that room are a prisoner, the brigging officer, the warden, and maybe the HoS. But seeing as how there's glass walls for each room, I'd assume that anyone not actively doing the processing would be watching from outside.


    I'll be honest, I'm a little uncertain about remapping the brig like this. I play security a lot, and while the brig did need some adjustments, I'm not sure about how this layout will work in practice. I'll withhold my judgments until it goes live.


  3. I wrote this at like 2am on a whim, with no edits. I'm working on an updated version. I'll make a new post once the new version is up, and delete this one.




    Name: Maya Stewart

    Age: 30

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: idgaf

    General Occupational Role(s):

    Security, Internal Affairs, Assistant



    Maya Stewart grew up on New Magnitka, in a NT research facility. She was raised by her father, a NT Engineer who worked on developing plasma refining processes during the Orange Rush. Her mother, a local bounty hunter, was frequently out on "business trips", enforcing contracts and collecting bounties issued by NT. Life on New Magnitka was characterized by organized crime, anti-NT terrorist attacks, political corruption, and a complete lack of anything interesting to do beyond getting shot or mining. NT provided some stability to New Magnitka, but was limited to their own personal interests. Maya grew up on her Dad's wishes for her to attend a good engineering college back on Luna, leave behind New Magnitka, and find somewhere nice that didn't involve getting shot by terrorists and bandits. Her Mom, when she did come by, didn't seem to want much out of her; Maya not doing drugs, staying fit, and being alive was good enough. Her Dad taught her Calculus, her Mom taught her how to fire a gun and throw a punch.


    When the New Magnitka Civil War broke out in 2548, Maya was sent off to Luna by her Dad to both avoid the conflict, and continue her education. Maya attended college on Luna for three years, until she received word that her Dad had been hurt in a rebel attack. Coming back to New Magnitka, three factions had formed: The rebels, former terrorists and bandits backed by Cybersun Industries; The loyalists, comprised of several local criminal organizations and corporations; And NT, fighting to keep it's facilities under control and the NT-loyal populace alive. Hoping to enact revenge on the corrupt elements of New Magnitka, Maya enlisted in the NT academy. Unfortunately for her, by the time that her training in the Academy was done, the Civil War had ended. However, corruption and crime still thrived on New Magnitka. Wanting to help bring stability to New Magnitka, Maya stayed loyal to NT, promising to help end corruption and bring an end to terrorism.


    That was 2551. Nine years later, Maya Stewart has dedicated her life to fighting corruption, only for NT to fall down the same path as so many others before it. Her Dad's retired now, living somewhere nice where you didn't have to worry about terrorists or bandits. Her Mom still finds work bounty hunting, albeit with the help of several cybernetic implants. Maya still believes in loyalty and ending corruption, but an assignment to the NSS Cyberiad might change that. Hail Nanotrasen.



    Three years of uncompleted education at New San Francisco in Engineering

    Ten years of Security training and experience.

    Extensive knowledge of Space Law and SOP.


    Employment Records:

    Dishwasher at a Luna Chinese Restaurant for three years.

    Security and Legal Department work for nine years.


    Security Records:

    [Numerous complaints and reports based on questionable security work]


    Medical Records:

    Assisted Heart, following a nearly-fatal stress induced heart attack at 25.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    5 feet, 5 inches tall. Half black (Dad's side), half Filipino (Mom's side). Flat chest, hunched back, sinewy limbs. She cuts and dyes her own hair; it looks like an absolute mess. Small nose, thin face usually contorted into a frown. While she typically wears sunglasses, her eyes are a light brown. With her glasses on, she looks serious, angry, and not very friendly. Without her glasses, she looks less angry, more sad. Not very a very attractive woman.


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes: So, Maya Stewart was originally a randomized character that I made for Hippie Station. I never set any job preferences, so I would usually be rolled into security positions. I stopped playing Hippie Station awhile ago, but I figured I'd bring Maya back for a Security character on Paradise. At first she was just that; no lore, no whatever, just a grumpy space cop. But I guess I started to like playing her more, and so I started RP'ing some more, thought up some fluff, threw on some snowflakes, and this is what came of it.


  4. Better cams would be great, but itd be a huge buff to security that would break antag gameplay. Id like for another camera map for other z-levels like mining and science outpost, but aside from that the cams should stay the same.

  5. I was the IAA that round. You weren't that bad, but that Warden was just shiiiiit. Rebecca was a pretty good brig doctor, the officers mostly did their job, but I somehow found myself dealing with the prisoners, which I really shouldn't be doing as an IAA. Wound up in the bar sipping whiskey, eventually went to cryo when I figured I was done for the night.

  6. Goon has a pretty good money system. ATMs are a lot less fucky, credits properly stack, card readers make transactions easy, and there's actually some things worth spending money on. Right now, money on Paradise just doesn't make sense. Money is essentially worthless, beyond an RP standpoint. There's nothing for sale on the station worth buying, and even if someone does charge money for services, it's easy as fuck to earn money by just playing the slot machines.

  7. There ought be be ways to acquire basic chemicals using stuff found around the station. Chlorine from the pool, Sodium from salt, Ammonia from toilets, Nitrogen from fertilizer, ect. Ghetto chemistry would be fun.


    I usually play as the IAA, and I'm working on trying to better security through paperwork.


    Right now, it's both time consuming and frustratingly hard to adequately report pretty much anyone. Reporting a shit security officer requires for me to first identify which officers are breaking SOP, gather evidence for my report, write it up, and get it to either the HoS or Captain as to get them either dismissed or issued a warning for their behavior. This takes a stupid amount of time for even minor cases, usually rounding up to about 15 minutes at it's fastest.


    What I want to do is create a variety of quick and easy to fill out forms that can be used in lieu of a formal report. I have a complaint form that I try to fax to each department head, so each department has a copy ready. Standard Brigging Procedures are taped to each cell, with a little checklist to make sure that prisoners are properly brigged (though I'm not happy with the current version of this one yet). I'm making a Prisoner Injury Record form, that the brig phys could update every time a prisoner is injured while brigged. I have a form that requests someone's dismissal, that can be faxed to their department's head to be signed into effect, if the head so chooses to follow through. These forms are my best tools in trying to solve the shitcurity problems.


    Eventually, I want to try and make the forms simple, but informative enough, that I can file a report and see results within ten minutes of a breach of SoP. I know that might be dreaming, but there's some kind of weird masochism in all of it that I like.



    Okay, I've thought about this, and how about this:


    Keep the suicide verb, but reduce it's effectiveness. You can't suicide while cuffed/restrained/incapacitated anymore, and you have to have something to suicide with. Guns, knives, cable coils, ect. will all work. No more being able to kill yourself by biting your own tongue off, however the hell that works. Also, the suicide verb is not a guaranteed death. A gunshot to the head will totally kill you oughtright, but cutting yourself and hanging will take longer, and during this time you can still be saved.


    Coldflame is right, there's no good use for the suicide verb. From an RP standpoint it's really out of place, and from a meta standpoint it might as well be against the rules. There is no good reason for the suicide verb, outside of telling security to go fuck themselves. We already have plenty of ways for the crew to do that.



    perma is nice, but avoid 1 tile wide hallways and having airlocks placed next to glass windows. I like that someone wants to rework perma, but that looks like it would suck to work with. I would like to see more things added to perma so that prisoners have something to do, and personal cells would be nice, but please expand perma rather than just adding things inside of it.


    improving prisoner processing is good too, it can get messy in that tiny room. I would however rather like a larger room with multiple chairs and tables, as opposed to individual rooms. I do like the timer idea, too many officers don't take action and just throw the prisoner in a cell like how they should be.


    we don't need such a huge courtroom, it would hardly see use anyways. Maybe a hearing room would suffice, just a small room with a couple chairs, a table, and some tools. A good spot might be back towards perma.


    cells don't really need to be updated. It should be the warden's job to release prisoners, and if there isn't a warden around, either the arresting officer or the HoS. I would like something like a general area for temporary prisoners to hang around, especially because you can be stuck in that tiny cell for more than half an hour sometimes. Perhaps the b-cell block and what's left of the labor camp shuttle could be reworked into the new labor camp/prisoner general area? Those tiny cells are good for when someone's got a 15 or so minute sentence, any higher than that and they get pushed into the general area to either work off their crime or wait it out.


    We could always use another couple solitary cells for the brig, the fact that we only have one is really annoying to me sometimes.


    This is a really half-assed, late night post. I'll make some sketches later and try to explain what I mean in a more coherent manner later. For now, know that you're doing god's work, keep at it.



    -Security never updating records

    -Security never reading records

    -Security not valid-searching people even though it's an insanely helpful tool

    -run out of tea mid-round but there's too much going on so I can't get up and make another one

    -RP a character who doesn't like smoking, everyone and their grandmother smokes

    -people leaving trash all over the station



    Alright, here's the final results:


    Out of 177 responses:


    What race is your character?

    42.9% Human (76)

    20.09% Machine Person (37)

    9% Vukpkanin (16)

    5.1% Vox (9)

    4.5% Tajaran (8)

    4% Unathi (7)

    3.4% Skrell (6)

    2.8% Slime People (5)

    2.3% Diona (4)

    1.7% Grey (3)

    1.1% Kidan (2)

    1.1% Plasmamen (2)

    1.1% Other (One of which is a Plasmamen) (2)


    How old is your character?

    13 are 1-16

    35 are 17-21

    46 are 22-25

    42 are 26-30

    10 are 31-35

    12 are 36-40

    14 are 41-50

    3 are 51-60

    1 is 61-70

    1 is 71-80

    and 5 are older than 80.


    What gender is your character?

    70.1% are Male (124)

    22% are Female (39)

    4.5% are Asexual (8)

    2.8% are Other (5)

    And one MtF


    What is your character's sexuality?

    47.5% are Heterosexual (84)

    20.3% are Bisexual (36)

    16.9% are Asexual (30)

    9.6% are Homosexual (17)

    5.6% are Other (10)


    What disabilities does your character have?

    11 need glasses

    1 has seizures


    What disabilities does your character's limbs have?

    1 left leg amputated

    1 right leg amputated

    2 left feet amputated

    1 right foot amputated

    1 left arm amputated

    2 right arms amputated

    2 left hands amputated

    2 right hands amputated

    22 prosthetic left legs

    18 prosthetic right legs

    20 prosthetic left feet

    16 prosthetic right feet

    20 prosthetic left arms

    27 prosthetic right arms

    19 prosthetic left hands

    29 prosthetic right hands


    While 46 responded to this question, I know at least 1 answer was an IPC.


    What disabilities does your character's internal organs have?

    4 assisted hearts

    19 mechanical hearts

    2 assisted eyes

    19 mechanical eyes


    27 in total responded. Again, one might be an IPC


    What is your favorite color?

    You were all wrong, the best color is coffee colored.


    What is your IRL gender?

    No specifics here, but we are overwhelmingly male. Female and Other make more than 1/10 of the population. By weight, we're mostly attack helicopters. CHOPPA CHOPPA CHOPPA.


    Thanks to everyone who participated. [Race Name] Masterrace, gas the [Race Name], race war now.



    Really interested to see the final results. How's the work going?


    I think I might just do another summary when I get back home from work tonight. Next time I try this, I'm not going to be using Google Survery, the way it handles data is infuriating.



    Alright, thank you everyone that's participated. We've hit 162 responses within a week, which gives me plenty of data to sort though. Unfortunately, as it turns out Google Survey is not very good at creating data that can be easily ripped and made into some bar graphs and shit. I've got work and other stuff to attend to, but I'll do my best to have the results up soon-ish.


    EDIT: gfdi nearly dropped my tea looking at this one


    >What is your IRL gender?





    Okay, I figured I'd share some results I've got so far. I'll make a better report with graphs, analysis, and all that jazz once the polls close. Out of 114 responses, here's some stats.


    The mean average age is 27, though the mode average is 30, at 11 responses. Because of the high synth population, as well as a few other races, there was an age grouping at 1-3 years.

    12 were 1-17 years old

    17 were 18-21 years old

    21 were 22-25 years old

    28 were 26-30 years old

    7 were 31-35 years old

    6 were 36-40 years old

    12 were 41-50 years old

    3 were 51-60

    no one's in their 60's

    one in their 70's

    and two were older than eighty years.


    Humans are the most dominant on the station, at 53/114 (46.5%)

    Machine People are the second most dominant, at 25/114 (21.9%)

    Vulpkanin at 8/114 (7%)

    Tajaran at 5/114 (4.4%)

    Vox at 5/114 (4.4%)

    Unanthi 3/114

    Grey 3/114

    Slime People 3/114

    Diona 2/114

    Kidan 2/114

    Plasmamen 2/114

    and one lonely Skrell.

    There were also two votes for the other option. Why I let that be an option, I'm not entirely sure. I believe at least one of those votes is for a plasmaman.


    Gender, no surprises here.

    81/114 (71/1%) were male.

    24/114 (21.1%) were female.

    5/114 (4.4%) were asexual

    3/114 (2.6%) identified as other

    And one response for MtF.


    Sexuality results were interesting. About a quarter of the station is IPCs or xenos that don't have a huge emphasis on sexuality, and it's reflected here.

    49.1% are heterosexual

    8.8% are homosexual

    20.2% are bixsexual

    17.5% are asexual

    and 4.4% are other. I'm assuming either robosexual or an apache found the survey.


    Only 8/114 have some form of disability. 7 need glasses, 1 has seizures.


    I'll have to go through limbs at a later date, because the way the question was presented makes it hard for me to analyze this.

    So far, 27/114 have either amputated limbs or prosthetic limbs, heavily leaning towards prosthetic. There's a pretty even distribution, though more people are willing to loose their left arm than their right. As a lefty, this hurts.


    20/114 have internal organ disabilities.

    3 have assisted hearts

    14 have mechanical hearts

    2 have assisted eyes

    14 have mechanical eyes


    It doesn't matter what your favorite color is, because all colors are beautiful. Except for BORK. BORK, Fuck you tumblr, and, "A Man of science does not focus on such trivial questions!" are not colors, ya' dumb.


    Oh, and we're all cis male scum btw. Except for a couple of girls, and like 5 attack helicopters.



    I think maybe we could make it more like a form of traitor, where you have people tasked with hosting the blood drive and collecting blood, but the amount of blood they require is considerably high.. So unless the station is willing to bleed themselves dry for you, you'll have to resort to more.. aggressive methods to reach your quota.


    There'd have to be something to make sure that monkey blood doesn't count, so they can't just order monkey crates and start a blood farm.



    Personally can never have enough races...but with drask this would probaly need to wait a good bit for the dust to settle down on that.


    Its a small thing to ask, and we are never short on time. Though someone might punt me off thats higher then me...but >.>


    Just no.


    We already have enough races as is, especially with the Drask tentatively getting added.



    I'm looking at the results of my survey right now, and while I want to avoid sharing information about the results until it's finished, I thought it would be relevant here. Right now, humans and one of other race [spoiler2]lol I ain't telling that yet[/spoiler2] dominate the scene, while most of the other races only a handful of people play. While some of that can be attributed to karma costs, I think that it might also stem from a lack of motivation to play other races. Before we get to adding more races, I think we ought to flesh out what we already have.


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