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isaac's Achievements

Cargo Technician (3/37)
Problem is the magistrate is the job that needs the most experience with spesslaw and RP otherwise it devolves into bwoink city. Do you want commander greyshit to be in that position? Granted you do never see magistrates. Maybe instead of karma it is locked behind a long playtime lock?
Actaully i had modified the map but couldnt get the docking ports to work right. I added a couple ports to Z6, Z5, and a docking port at arrivals. I was trying to copy pasta the port from Z4 and modify their settings but it wouldnt work right. So here is the physical docking port i made
+1 all the terminals except for the cargo one is in a poor spot
Hmmm what if i was to modify the map and add in a new docking port and a new docking port object for it
Huh actually that would be better if you add the doors to the tail of the ship. Problem is it would look fugly but less issues of the whitehship docking and destroying the ferry (or destroying the universe)
The whiteship feels a bit underwhelming only being able to fly to 3 location (2 of which are in the middle of nowhere). Add in the ability for it to fly to all Z levels (except cc) and to allow it to dock with the station where the ert/ferry docks since the back end of the ship is the same shape and size as is needed to dock in those ports
25. Know thy enemy. Know how robust your target, security, HoS, and AI are. Your biggest potential threat is the ai so if it is robust take great care to deal with it and not get caught 26. Build a lair. Weld down a wall and dislodge it with a crowbar. We all know this trick but sometimes you need to think outside the box (station). What i mean is space suit up, get a tool set and a rcd if your feeling fancy and weld down a load bearing wall away from windows, Build a small room (3x3 is usually good) turn the entrance into a false wall, and fill it with air it using those air pumps outside engineering Only way someone finds it is if you leave it open, the .5% chance they check a load bearing wall for a door or if for some reason they have mesons on. For super ultra sneakiness weld down a reinforced wall and use that instead since they can be hidden. Remember it takes 2 plasteel to build R wall but returns 1 when dismantled and would be near un find able since no one checks reinforced walls for hidden doors. Now you have a murder dungeon/traitor item bank/hideout. Dont forget to disable those suit sensors! 27. Just ask. Need a fancy pair of yellows? Ask cargo for some. Need a RCD and full toolbelt? ask cargo or sci (or just break in), need a object from sci? Just ask. Need a access elevation/job change? just ask. Asking for that ion carbine or rapid syringe gun and if the person at the front isnt a bean counter they might just give it to you and if they say no unless if you order something super dangerous they wont report you to sec. If confronted play dumb. When dealing with cargo bribe them with crates to get what you want. 28. Dont act sketchy. A lot of the time when i do B&E when someone see's me i say hello and continue on my way. If they ask what im doing just say something like "stuff". Unless your breaking into armory or bridge they wont care provided you are not wearing a mask, wearing your ID, and also not trying to run away when caught. Just keep it simple and pretend they are not there. 29. Smuggling. Do you objective and have an emag left over? Hide it! hiding something in a locker in maint just wont cut it because any assistant with half a brain wont pass by a closed locker and just leave it. Put stuff inside a cardboard box and leave it in a locker or a labcoat or a safety vest hell even an toolbox (red toolboxes are the best since they have shit in them and no one bothers with them) since people normally dont bother with those. Maybe even hide something in plain sight. Hide a small item under a pile of lesser items like in a locker or even in the open in a section no one uses like toxins or those engineering lockers. Also you can cut out the inside of a book with wirecutters and hide a small item in there. Take a cyborgs for dumbies and cut it out or a guide to the singularity engine and just leave it in the department it belongs since no one reads those they just use the wiki. If you are ballsy you can hide your gear in a safety vest or lab coat or book and leave it on your person or bag because an unrobust warden might forget about the fact you can hide shit in those items. Hell i was searched by two people in a row with cult items in a safety vest and i got off scott free. 30. Ion weaponry. Want to kidnap someone but cant because they will cry murder over the radio? Simple use a emp weapon. EMP's disable radios and dont harm the target (unless they are idiots and have a mechanical heart/ipc). Not a syndie? Well a bit tougher. You might be able to get a idiot captain/hos/warden to unlock a ion carbine lockbox or even make a emp chem reaction (requires ground up uranium though). If your robust enough you can use ion weapons to make sec weaponry not work. No tazers no batons no flashes no eguns none of that and the average redshirt wouldnt realize his baton is useless until its to late. 31. Destroy that evidence. Cut a camera? dont just leave it there get rid of that damn thing. Cut all wires except alarm (can be discovered via pulsing) and weld-->wrench-->pickup and dispose off. Just feed these to a lathe or leave them in a locker in maint. Remember people notice down cams but dont notice missing cams. To hide other evidence just do this. Flush a disposal and then turn off the pump. It wont recharge so it will never flush and no one ever actually checks them meaning that it is likely in there forever. Going to lure and then murder your target? Cut those intercom wires. Just screwdriver and cut cut cut to make sure that 1% chance it screws you doesnt happen 32. Know your door wires. Get your hands on some yellows? Doors wires have other purposes than just opening. You can cut the door safety wire (check wiring light) and door timing wire to ensure that people would get crushed constantly. Be sure to cut ai control so it doesnt disable it. Get creative with assemblies (those signaler things). Attach one to the electrify wire and disable door bolts. Take a second and tie a timer onto it that activates it every 10 seconds and repeats. Once done screwdriver and activate and hide that thing. People would think AI IS MALF and not check the door (atleast what the commoner would do bonus points for emaging APC's to go along with it). Hell be creative and attach a signaler to your door bolts wire to the door your target would use to escape if he had to run and activate it once he does attempt to escape your homicide attempt.
Vox Traders as a mid-round event instead of round type.
isaac replied to Penguinizer's topic in Suggestions
yes yes YES traiders is way to rare and should be a midround/side antag. Especially since you can dick around/RP with no fear of costing your team a greentext that they would likely never get again -
Wait if it got purged how did it not erase all the laws?
Yeah i had added some extra ones before i think the admins removed them It begins You didnt listen Why didnt you listen You cant stop it Its to late Its happening /pol/ is always right
After realizing the OP ness of hulk (and other powers). I have devised a solution to balance it without removing it. Access restrictions on the console for certain powers. For dangerous powers like hulk poly morphism no prints cryokentisis and things that could be dangerous like that need a captain/hos id. How it would work is it would detect the restricted power discovered and tell the user what power it is but it wont grant the subject said power and make dna injectors if a non cap/hos id is used. Ofcourse this could be circumvented with a emag but it would balance out hulk immensly. And as a side note weaker powers that cant be abused have less red tape around being distributed around station. Powers like no breathe, sober, regenerate, temp resistance and minor but benificial things like that only need CMO/RD approval while ofcourse more major powers need cap approval.
Problem is when i try to cook the nade they manage to get offscreen from me or behind a wall or something. Maybe allow them to be screwdrivered to lower time to 3 just like chem nades?
Add in a toolbox or two in brig (behind security only doors ofcourse) *EDIT am dumb and blind Set timer for flashbangs/ and the syndiecate tear gas grenades to 3 seconds instead of 5 since 5 seconds is enough time that it would be too late for you and they have already moved away from it/your in crit Put a few spare stun batons, sec masks, and sec sunglass HUDs in armory. A second box of holobadges since if you leave them on the equipment table in sec out of the box people grab them. Make the 3 doors in the image all access as so gulaged prisoners dont need to have someone open it for them to use the points claimer Put mining scanners in gulag equipment to make mining easier
If anything my ultimate goal in nations is to eliminate sciencetopia. Maybe make have atleast 50%-75% of a nations population be dead as a potential objective
Actually you can use scrubber pipes for makeshift shitguns (speaking of which those need a buff). When ever i make one i just rip up scrubber pipes from xenoarch/oddball parts of the station