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Everything posted by Jamania

  1. I love the idea of VR. Pls giv. On a serious note, fuck yeah. I'm all for making brigged people less annoying to deal with.
  2. Oh hello there! Welcome to the Paradise Forums, there's no escape now, so just sit here, and enjoy the ride.
  3. Oh god, that Nar-Sie is terrifying. That's fucking amazing, not gonna lie.
  4. You uh, forgot to strike Engineering SOP, and woo! Service!
  5. Ahahahaha -1 On a serious note, dealing with infections is laughably easy. Medical, as is, is freaking easy, assuming you have a competent chemist. For most injuries its: Analyse, Grab Patch/Pill to match damage, apply until fixed. For serious injuries involving broken bones, all it is, is following a list of certain actions until finished. Its easy enough as is, and if anything, could stand to be harder. Just my honest opinion.
  6. I've never seen you before, but welcome back, I guess!
  7. Alright, sweet. One question, that 8AM GMT, or 8PM GMT?
  8. I wouldn't mind giving a hand, mostly because it'll give me something to do in the bored downtime I have, and it'll actually be something productive, woo! But yeah, I'll help out where I can.
  9. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay.
  10. +1 - Most other jobs have berets, why not the NT Rep?
  11. Welcome to the forums, I think I've seen you around, but I don't believe we've interacted.
  12. ^^^ As Spark said. That, and there is literally no reason to make someone a shadow person, other than for an interesting way to kill them, I guess? I don't know. Its literally pointless right now, until some changes happen to it.
  13. I don't think Caravan Palace and terrible taste go in the same sentence.
  14. Yeah, but generally, that's because the HoP doesn't need to worry about them. They're self-sufficient, and don't need constant maintenance.
  15. Hey hey. Welcome to the Paradise Forums.
  16. I like playing Maintdrone, especially if I join late, say, 1h40m in. Getting pushed around and such is freaking annoying, so +1 from me.
  17. Post music here. I don't know if we had one of these before hand, but, I think having one would be nice. So go ham.
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