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Everything posted by Jamania

  1. Wait. E-Mags have unlimited use? On the Wiki, it makes references to limited uses. Shows what I know, I guess.
  2. I'm assuming the contents of said eggs remain the same, and are not changed?
  3. Yeah, no. -1. Its really fucking easy to bring someone back from the dead, because you have at least 3 ways to do so.
  4. What is this abomination that you have blessed us with? Its horribly glorious, because it allows me to finally fulfill my fantasy of being a fruitperson.
  5. Ah. Explains why, since I've never really used the escape pods, as far as I can recall. Thanks.
  6. Where is this screenshot taken exactly? I don't recognise where its taken, and I'm curious.
  7. I personally think focusing on one will be better. It'll allow everyone to concentrate on making that specific part of SoP better, rather than having to worry about juggling 3 at once. Just my opinion though.
  8. When isn't Jonah pissed though? (Beside when he's with Zeke.)
  9. Jamania


    Heyo. Welcome to the forums. Do enjoy your stay.
  10. This is pretty goddamn useful. Good work on this, Praxis.
  11. Hi, welcome to the forums, since leaving isn't an option, you should enjoy your stay.
  12. Welcome to the forums, where more people are always a welcome addition. Glad to see you're enjoying it!
  13. This thread sounds like its slowly going to trail back to whether Genetics should be Medical or Science.
  14. Heyo. Welcome to the forums, please enjoy your stay.
  15. -1, this is a bad idea, sorry.
  16. I've been stuck on 3 karma for a long time now, and I've done more than my fair share of shifts. Maybe I'm just bad, so I don't get it, I don't know. This isn't me complaining, but I personally think an additional way to earn Karma wouldn't be bad, but that's just my opinion.
  17. I'll post for every link I think could do with touch-ups/updating, is that okay? Regardless, here are some links: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php?title=Starter_Guide Looks outdated, and still references Baystation 12, could do with a touch up, or maybe a overhaul. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Bluespace Its a lore page, and it doesn't really explain much. Personally, I think it could do with a good update. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Research_and_Development Very barebones, and references /tg/. Needs an update. On a side note: this is what I've done. That's everything I could find.
  18. I'm considering buying the game when it gets rid of this current business model, I'm not a fan of it in my opinion.
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