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Everything posted by Jamania

  1. I agree with Flattest, but, unless we get told otherwise, I doubt this is going to happen. Its kinda a shame.
  2. lets out a faint hiss as they fall limp...
  3. has installed Bonzibuddy on its OS! is suffering from a Blue Screen of Death! had its core re-magnetised! Just a few I thought of.
  4. This was well written, I like it.
  5. Erm. You're forgetting another race which has Claws - Unathi.
  6. I'd like this. I forget a lot about the date, and it seems it'd be important, especially for things like NTRep, Magistrate and other roles like that.
  7. I like the sound of this a lot, even though I've never seen a Highlander event before.
  8. Then put them in the wall pill thing that's already inside the exam room, maybe?
  9. 12 months later. I'm kinda surprised this thread hasn't died a death yet.
  10. I like the look of those sprites, they fit quite well in my opinion.
  11. Oh heck, I've seen Eli quite a few times, mostly in medical roles. He shouted at the CMO because there was no bio-mass in the cloner. Fun times.
  12. Yeah, its kinda as the title says. Page was created, and was given links to, but there's literally nothing on there, apart from a WIP template without anyone assigned. I thought to report it since, y'know, it being linked but being empty is kinda useless. I would edit it myself, if I actually knew anything about the Honk Squad, but I don't, so I'm leaving it to someone who might know more. Link: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Honk_Squad
  13. Welcome, you might as well enjoy being trapped here, since, y'know, escape is impossible.
  14. Ah heck, I've seen you several times in Medbay. You get messed up a lot, don't you?
  15. John Romero, worked on Doom and split off the company to make the "game to be all games" Diakatana. Thank you, this was bugging me for a while, but I simply couldn't be bothered to look it up.
  16. Its the guy from Id software. He made a few shooters like that. I can't remember his name.
  17. I don't believe that's correct, by my understanding. My interpretation on SOP, regardless of job, has always been that most heads are equal level, and one doesn't have more of a say than the other. I believe the only way to solve something like that, would either be to pick sides. I could be very much wrong on this, and I would like someone, who actually knows what they're talking about with some competency (I don't have this) to shed some light on it.
  18. I personally want it removed because I think its weird as fuck, but that's just me.
  19. Good fix, much better than the original. Thanks Tully.
  20. Link for everyone: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Sleeper
  21. As the title says, the page on sleepers is outdated, possibly not correct for Paradise, and broken. I would update it myself, but, I don't know the Wiki Language all that well, so I'm just posting, to maybe get it updated by someone who might care, or has nothing better to do.
  22. Okay, yeah, I agree. The fact that shit like this even existed in the first place is a bit fucked up.
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