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Everything posted by shazbot194

  1. PATCH loves to drink Servos, although she will settle for anything with Synthanol in it if she has to, although she might request pure Synthanol if the station has gone down the drain.
  2. Hey Dreamy, whats that over there... Surprise hug!
  3. How will we ever live like thi2.
  4. Well, you have probably saw me arriving here a mile away, but it is I, P.A.T.C.H. I was here to patch everyone up, but I got side tracked and started talking to as many people as I can and making shitty shotguns. Honestly, I wish I could remember why I have such a distaste for playing as anyone organic, but I have avoided it like the plague whenever possible, and its not likely going to change anytime soon, but I will never look down on someone for using someone organic, after all, they are quite fun to hug. Well, if you see me around, feel free to try and talk to me, I'll probably either talk your ear off, or awkwardly stumble on words until we both just leave, and I will probably try and push something like beer or meth on you. 01000111 01101100 01101111 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01010011 01111001 01101110 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110100 01101001 01100011 01100001 00100001 00100001 00100001
  5. I will always have a nice brig bay, and not even Narsi can stop that, even when I have to go to the gulag. Before After
  6. Yay, more art, thank you @Granodd
  7. Remember kids, this is what happens when you do math.
  8. I use lightshot and would recommend it, at least from my experience, it lets you define what you want to take a screenshot of, but you could use the snip tool on windows.
  9. Now with Pawneax's amazing picture.
  10. You did mention that. I think the idea for something like this would be kinda cool, but I am wondering how it would be balanced with the general theme of ghosts not being allowed to interfere with the round at all. Although I think that is kinda a stupid not-rule since it has lead to drones being meant to ignore everything until they get emaged at which point they just go murder crazy.
  11. I think making it so IPCs only can be repaired with surgery would be an even bigger nerf then EMPs in some ways, but something that I be wouldn't oppose to because rather then the nerf being an "I win button", its something interesting, and I also wouldn't mind needing wire to reattach limbs much like how you need a hemostat to re-attach organic limbs. That being said, with these it gives up the main advantages of being an IPC, being able to repair themselves, almost putting it down the power curve enough for something else interesting, maybe ultra cold resistance, or a small upgrade system... Honestly, I am just so sick of people killing me with no counters or counter play other then switch race or never step foot anywhere at all dangerous, we might not be able to be killed by most meme chems, but at-least those meme chems aren't area of effect with literally no counter, as not even walls can counter EMPs.
  12. *Ping Also, Holy crap thank you so much, this is sooo amazing... *breaths in* I will so be liberating this for profile pictures.
  13. Two Fun Facts: An IPC's brain starts with the speaker off, so step 6 is redundant. When you debrain an IPC they still count as being alive to the ghost system, so if they didn't ghost out in the seconds you were debraining them, you have literally removed that player from the round fully, as they can only get out by ghosting and giving up re-spawn privileges, which means they can't play at all unless the brain is destroyed or put in something.
  14. That was kinda the point was to see how the community on the forums would react before the community at github.
  15. So most people that I have talked to agree that EMP damage is way to high on IPCs, currently, there is no armor that provides protection nor any way to counter emps, and yet it does such massive damage that it can kill in one hit. Even what can be considered a glancing hit can still do 110 damage. Not to mention the two items that can make EMPs for traitors are cheap as dirt, with the emp grenade box being 2 TC for both grenades and an implant and the EMP flashlight being a 1 hit kill that recharges for 6 TC. Almost every antag has some way to make EMPs, and even non traitors can make it with iron and uranium. I am proposing that we nerf emp damage to a max of 10 and a minimum of 5 per body part, which would put it about in line with other instakill weapons, like bug spray, although it would still be more powerful due to the fact the damage is instant and not over time. I am also proposing that if that isn't powerful enough, it also makes IPCs drunk for a couple seconds, this would make them slower at engaging in combat, but not make it so they are instantly disabled and prime for a follow up emp/real beating. Edit: I forgot to mention this in the post, The number 10 for max damage isn't coming from nowhere, its exactly half the max damage they currently do as they do 20 damage per limb.
  16. shazbot194


    I'm sure if you did get banned, you can appeal it right away, they do often go very lenient on first bans, and if it was a mistakes on their end, they normally will reverse any ban caused by a miss-communication or accident, doubly so if you are very nice about it.
  17. Most certainly, it always makes me a little sad when I see people always doing this.
  18. I kinda have an odd view as I have become buddies with a decent amount of people who play security, but I normally trust security, but I have to say the enforcement of the law and when exceptions should be made is laughable at best. Last week I found about the syndi outpost and how to raid it, so I went there one round and came back a walking armory, picking up even more guns on the way, shooting borers, and no-one even said that what I'm doing is illegal or anything really at all. Then the next round as a scientist, one of my friends brought me a pistol from the outpost, and after shooting a couple spiders that no-one else was dealing with, I had it taken away with the officer who was being very threatening, all this while I had bombs in my backpack that if I told him in a different situation, ie not when he's threatening me and taking away my gun, he most likely would have done nothing. I have even been caught red handed with makeshift shotguns and saws, and no-one bats an eye. It just really deducts from the sever when one round you can be a walking armory practically flaunting all your guns with nothing going on and the next you can't have any weapons to defend yourself from hostile xeno life that is actively/very soon to be attacking people, as this level of difference in enforcement was literally one round apart. So looking back at it, while I do think having red alert being more or less gamma, I'm not sure I trust some of the player base to properly enforce the rules in a consistent manor. Not with the community and sever rules we have right now.
  19. Well, you don't choose an objective, you just are told you are a traitor, decide what that means to you. So while yes, some people would choose to muderbone and maybe hyjack the shuttle, others can choose to be more creative with their objectives. Start a coup, make a meth lab, help other traitors, free all lawed synthetics, break everyone out of perma, lube all the floors, there are almost no end to what you can do. The suggested objectives are for when people can't think of something to do and and want a helping hand, but even these might not be tracked, so they could still be something like make a meth lab, disable all solar panels, turn off gravity, dismantle the PA... ... Steal 10 pickaxes, replace everyone's hearts with mechanical ones so emps kill everyone, turn X mostly synthetic/organic, law all free synthetics, make a second AI and have it fight with the first one, replace all the O2 in the air with nitrogen and make Vox station, replace all the air with plasma and make plasma station, steal all the stamps, send butt faxes to CC under the disguise of the captian/NT rep... ... break all the lights while stealing all the flashlights you can, make the clown think everyone is disrespecting the Honk Mother and give him a duel e-sword to defend the Honk mother's honer, free all monkies from viro and genetics, subvert the AI and try to make an army of borgs to command, just kill someone, steal all the gold from every department, steal all the tazers, make everyone deaf with flashbangs, spread LSD around the station and let it break itself, hijack the shuttle without killing anyone, convince command that the syndicate has taken over CC, force people to read books, dye someone's hair who is overly protective of it, start the grey tide, pass out guns to everyone, gib a lot of people and make them into borgs... ... send butt faxes to the syndicate, make announcements as a head trying to goat the wizards into a fight, buy 50 null_entry crates and pass out the contents, frame someone else of a crime, convince the station that there are nukies, somehow piss off all of one or two races and have them rebel from the station, secretly make everyone addicted to morphine, make radioactive spills everywhere, replace several key walls with uranium and steal all the radiation suits, emag every single door open, over pressurizer the station, drain the entire station of air, send fake reports of violence to take up security's time, pass out contraband like candy, make chainsaws and meth and "convince" people to run around and saw up their "friends"...
  20. I still think if we remove objectives and let traitors run free to do what they want and cause chaos, it would be better for everyone. Want to kill someone, go ahead, want to make a meth lab, right on, want to hijack the shuttle, totally allowed, want to take command onto a field trip to the syndi outpost (hijack but with prisoners), do it. And if you really cannot make your own goals, I'm sure we can put a system in to give people an objective.
  21. Name: P.A.T.C.H. Age: 34 Gender: "Female" Race: IPC Blood Type: AB+ (really oil) General Occupational Role(s): Chemist Medical Engineer/Atmos Tech Paper Pusher Command Biography: She started her life out as a default IPC made by Nanotrasen in 2527. She was sold to a medical ship who uploaded medical manuals into her memory. She served on that ship for 9 mostly uneventful but restless years. In the year 2536, the ship was raided by pirates. They had sent a massive ION shot which destroyed all electronics on board, including her body. The ship was looted for everything that was worth anything, and left to drift in space, with her still on board. About a month after the raid, the ship was picked up by a salvaging ship. After a quick look around, they found her mangled shell floating in one of the surgery rooms. They recovered her positronic brain and took it back with them to Canaan. After some major repairs and a new shell being made, she became an official citizen of Canaan. Now needing work, she joined up with the scrapping team that found her. They taught her a lot about engineering and what it takes to both keep ships and stations together and how to take them apart. About three years later, the Trans-Sol Federation discovered Canaan, and soon after made treaties between them. These included treating IPC as sentient beings with rights. Hearing this, and wanting to see more then the space around Canaan, she slowly set up a trip to try and join the Tran-Sol Federation's military. Knowing almost all the current medical procedures due to having them hotwires in her head, she was sent off to a Civil Guard's Disaster Relieve unit as a field medic. It was here she was given the nickname P.A.T.C.H. by her fellow soldiers. It stands for "Person Attending To Critical Human(oid)s". Also, during this time, she revived a new shell, a full Xion made composite body. After several tours around the galaxy, she joined up with Nanotrasen, mostly because she wasn't ready to stop working but also because she wanted to stop having to deal with pirates and weather that can strip the shell off a Kidan. Currently, she is dating E.L.O.! Qualifications: Superb training in the medical field. Experience in a lot of engineering fields. Basic combat training. Full EVA training. Civilian and partial combat mech pilot training. Employment Records: Before their employment on the NSS Cyberaid, she worked as a scrapper for a scrap company based on Canaan. She also served with a Disaster Relief team in the Tran-Solar Federation Civil Guard as a field medic. On board the NSS Cyberaid, she has worked a wide range of jobs from security to chemist. Security Records: While no official charge has been filed, they have been suspected of helping out syndicate agents, as well as distributing drugs. Medical Records: They are an IPC. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A confident looking IPC that stands about 5 foot 4. Her hair covered screen has two eyes that are making a ^ ^. (This text is subject to change, but the look will mostly look the same) Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: If you didn't know already, she is a gun nut. She also sometimes likes to enable other people's bad habits and behavior. Also, since I already made it for another post, here is a mock up of her apartment.
  22. So I made a meth lab under the disguise of PATCH's patchs. It didn't get many customers, even though I had more the a full crate of 20u meth patchs. I also had other patchs in case someone needed them or security rolled by, but they never did.
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