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Everything posted by Sutskoen

  1. So, the other night, I wished in deadchat, that ghosts had another type of spell available, that would be more visual/aural than the boo!, but similarly, with a longer cooldown, like 5-10 minutes. Something like for half a second, the floor and walls within a few squares become bloody, sometimes even gibbed. Or another variant, where one or more ghosts pop up around players within reach of the new spell, causing them all to hear stuff like "MAKE-US-WHOLE" from dead space series. Sometimes the effects could perhaps last longer, up to maybe 10 seconds, this would work especially well if one of the random things of the spell, would cause every player nearby to leave bloody runes on the floor, that disappeared when the timer ended again. A more disruptive thing might be something like a low-chance of 0.5%, where the nearest live player becomes blinded for a few seconds, seeing runes in the whiteness and hearing cultists chanting, every second. Just a few ideas, the only reason I don't go straight to coding, is that I have no idea how to do it and it might catch the attention of more competent people, I can probably also make an even longer list of creepiness, to flair it up. I know one fellow on the deadchat said he was going to do it and sounding enthusiastic about it, but I figure it's better to get the idea known in proper writing **edit** Alternatively to a standard cooldown, it could rely on the effect caused, so that less disruptive things cause almost no cooldown, while something like the blindness/rune/chanting thing, would cause 20 minutes of CD
  2. The idea is fairly simple, as the subject title suggests.... the mime needs to be able to add metal rods to the baguettes, to beat the clown in the face... like how you can hide stuff in a cheesewheel, it'd be great to be able to reinforce a baguette, with a metal rod, possibly also having it cause minor brute damage to your head/mouth if you try eating a baguette like that. admittedly, I haven't thought about whether anything else could be added to a baguette, but I imagine that a more creative soul than I, could think of other things
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