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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    That is true, they should be starting with at least that chem bag.

    I'd also favor for moving the medical wardrobes ( including chemist one, coats, bags, headgear, maybe radiation suit for genetics) into the staff breakroom. Though keep the other stuff in equipment room.



    I don't think the syringe guns need to be a CMO only access as well as more medical stuff.

    Syringe guns ( when not abused) are important to tranq wild patients, hulks, or that self-antaging asshole escaping medbay with a known deadly virus.


    The chemist should have their lockers with them, not away as they are or as you implied.

    That'd be like moving the surgeon's medical equipment locker to the checkup room or somewhere else.



    Why not move the medkits to the medbay equipment room, too? Everyone who has access to the where they are at round start would also have access to the equipment room anyways.


    That would free up room for Chemistry to expand a little, but it would crowd up the equipment room more for sure.


    The basic equipment room is already a cluster fuck with some important items covered up by others.



    It is a hassle sometimes to give my paramedics basic access ( security one though is always denied, even if just hallway).

    Giving the CMO an ability to directly allow access to other areas ( even temporary) could lead to abuse or make antag roles a thousand times easier.


    Though I do like the idea of overhauling the guest pass system. For all departments.


    The idea in my head :


    • Every head in their office has a request-a-guest terminal.

    In this example, a CMO/Paramedic overhears someone dying at mining and the CMO requests to the HoP/QM for a (very short and temporary) basic cargo/mining guest pass.

    The QM/HoP/Captain either IDs or Stamps ( or both ) for approval at their own terminal and out pops the pass in the CMOs office that then gives to the paramedic to do his job.


    Hell, don't even need a new machine. Just include the option in the request console thingy already in every head office.


    This can help robotics and cargo deliver what they need, allows science and miners to not die horribly from Xenos, and brig doctor can still remain relevant ( when one around, no reason for paramedic to have security access).


    Not abusable too cause that would require multiple head positions or items to be compromised and at that point, it is probbaly self antaging or chain of command already screwed.

    it leaving a papertrail, so to speak, would be nice too.



    From a MD/CMO perspective : The chemist lab is, indeed, mindfuckingly small. But the medkit room is important when chemists are not around or have gone rogue and it's important for them to be highly visible as they are now and spread out for easy access.


    Being next to the fridge, sleepers, and a short trip to a scanner and cryopod, allows them to be more accessible to not just doctors that will need them but anyone else with access.


    An idea that could work is, indeed, give them extra room from the kit room but maybe add a counter for the medical kits ( and the roller beds) with two sliding (reinforced) glass doors so those with basic medical access can get the kits but not have chemist access while allowing chemist to keep everything stocked (or replace the basic crud inside the kit for better stuff).


    The chemist lockers can officially be part of the lab and any extra ones could be moved elsewhere.

    The checkup room already have kits so we shouldn't move them all there. That'd be like having all the surgical tools in one place (not as detrimental though). The same reason why many oxygen closest are spread out, so too for at least basic medical kits inside medbay (especially during power issues).



    (damn I missed a lot of the action)

    I would like to point out that genetics IS IMPORTANT for medical staff to have on standby.


    We need them for the extra staff to manage cloning ( IF THEY BOTHER BUT THEY DON'T).

    We need them for CLEAN SEs ( don't say mutadone works exactly the same cause they do not).

    We need them for new bodies. Extremely important for brain/organ/limb transplants and cloning ( again, genetics need to handle cloning).

    And, again, we need them for cloning due to possible clone side effects.

    We need them for the shortcut when science team blows up.


    What competent doctors we have left, we don't need them tied to the cloning process and even then, they are still bound to go to the geneticist to fix any genetic issues. This prevents hassles of handing patients to other people.


    The less doctors and staff a patient has to go through, the faster they can be fixed ( assuming the doctor knows what they are doing).

    {EDIT: forgot to add: }

    In regards to RD and genetics : Yes, do whatever with genetics RESEARCH, but crew experimentation and genetic manipulations? That does not sound like a decision for the RD to make, both IC and OOC.



    Well, that was the original idea primarily for those that lost their original bodies and had to be transplanted in a home grown monkey but wanted to look their original selves again ( with name and voice). I just figured if it didn't seem too abusive then we could add on to it.

    I like the idea of actually using the photo from records.



    You've been missing out on all the lewdness, Knighted!

    Come join us in the lewdness~

    Would love to though more often it isn't my kind of lewdness lol


    I'd still watch the drawing process and would not disregard the art regardless of content.



    As for streaming, have you tried XSplit? I haven't used it in a long while but its a really good streaming program and was free last I check ( could have changed though) and had lots of nice features.



    Ok now I REALLY regret missing these streams. Do you have a regular time? Just posting them up in the chat makes them easy to miss.


    Let's see what I missed....

    Really nice sketches, really like the umbrella one (yay rain).

    Too damn utlra-adorable fox.

    New Succubus, nicely done.

    Vox at the best I've ever seen them and actually makes them look cute. Near Chocobo-like.

    And then that last one: thank you so much T_T It's lovely and Calico is still adorable.

    (also, yay, can haz nice avatar.)

    Been having a crud day until I got home today so thank you, again, Dream.



    I don't think an option to give the patient a rename is a good idea. That can be easily abused...imagine if it was the clown being worked on?

    Also it isn't just a name or voice change here, but actual face appearance being changed.


    Antags trying to impersonate would have to find a way to change their hair or cover it.

    Another downside to doing this sort of thing on the unofficial but cheap side.



    Mmm, there should be a way around a mass-overwriting of genes, yes...? I think I'll look into enhancing facial reconstruction surgery, so you can use faces other than what your DNA originally says so...


    If I can do anything to help with that, send me a PM or post something in the suggestion I made for that.



    Anyone else wanna pitch into this kind of idea?


    I really don't see it as becoming an issue on being abused.

    Got the right tools and (Photo/ID/Records)? Easy face and voice change for surgeons.

    Antags? Screwing up results in messing up the face and have to face and voice reconstruct steps to fix it and THEN retry the steps to change it.


    That way those fancy voice changer devices and disguises can still retain their value and place while opening up additional options.

    Can also fix issues the cloner/DNA scanners can cause as well as a solution to a changeling messing with other peoples looks.


    This could also be used if security wants to do any undercover work.



    Aye, it's one of the things I love about this game. There existing these types of alternatives that can be just as valid or be close to the same end results.


    Though I personally go with keeping the original body as much as can be done. From an RP perspective, it helps preserve memory and prevent CMD.



    Sounds like you need an appointment with Chief Medical Officer Von Bon.


    OOC : I'd be glad to guide and rate your advances through the medical field with various examinations and practices.

    IC : I'll be giving you a run for your money after what you did to my brother =P


    My Timezone is (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) and I can be found online anytime from 5-late night monday-fri and whenever on weekends.



    You advocate for surgeons but you you prefer to clone instead of fixing all the organs and bones when too damaged?
    That's the fun and shouldn't take long. Much more satisfying.

    In case you don't know, I am not a surgeon. To me cloning is more satisfying, provided that it would otherwise require surgery to fix someone after a defib.


    Lore wise : The cloning procedure has more downsize and issues. Clone Memory Disorder.


    Gameplay Wise : I don't believe it is faster than people tend to think it is. You gotta ensure there is enough biomass, strip the poor sod, wait for the new clone body ( at minimum 60% ), then you have to fix clone damage with the cryopod and wait for that. THEN you have to fix possible brain damage (no chemist? End up at surgery anyway), THEN you gotta fix any genetic mutations ( Chemist or Geneticist). Final step? Getting the patients their stuff back.

    You had to go to at most two other jobs for the same person and this is to get someone fully functional and on their own, excluding fixing any identity issues.


    Provided the proper procedures were done, ( having the external damages fixed first ), a surgeon can have everything fixed up in one room and finalized with a quick trip to the sleeper/cryo.

    Either it being brain transplant, organ repairs, bone setting, or literally putting all the limbs back on, surgery can be faster.

    Defribbing can come before or after the body is fixed, so long as it didn't take too long and can fight the resp damage.



    The idea here is to provide alternatives to the need of a geneticist that a doctor could do.

    The type of surgery to do these is, relatively, not as advanced as having to do other types in this game.


    For crying out loud, you can attach/detach limbs without any further complications or issues.

    Not saying we should be realistic, this is a game after all, but the gem behind this game is all the options and possibilities of the things that can be done and I believe surgery can be open to additional possibilities.


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