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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    EDIT: I'm also in favour of face changing surgery, and sex change surgery for the same reasons. (Swapping identities).


    Idunno how'd that work in the code but as for doing that in the game...


    Scalpel - Hemo - Retract - Retract - Cauterize

    Do for lower and upper body.



    i just need a ID with the right name on it, i can trick the DNA modder to scan the ID instead of the face if i use a mask on the patient along with the ID.

    Damn it, that should be a fukken' exploit! Patch it nao! Why the fuck would the DNA modifier ignore the actual flesh?!


    Yeah, I must agree on that as well. It should all be connected to the medical records in terms of knowing and matching this DNA to that DNA....not ID.



    This was a spur of the moment idea and if I figure if I didn't pitch it then something that could be nice would be gone. What would you suggest in place of one photo? Or perhaps three-way shots?


    I'm sure it'd be against SoP to do it willy nilly and antagonists would need to buddy with another.


    And yes, a geneticist is not always available ( or a non-busy CMO). My thoughts are that if you can really easily fix a face, then it wouldn't be so hard to change it. Or requiring a photo or SOMETHING as reference to the face to be put back to normal.


    Hell, maybe requiring to also work on the head as well as the mouth target zones. Screw up or mess up due to ghetto surgery and you get a miss match face? sticks you with Unknown? Lets throw in some ideas.



    I really don't like the idea of simply tossing a brain in the cloner and out pops the person.

    It is indeed all about the mental interface and going to assume that also means a connected neural network (Doctors, please fix-o-vein).


    Though, I'd say it'd be nice to have the option that enough of the original owners organs were inside the body ( regardless of the type or species body), including original brain, then the scanner picks up the DNA and brain network to produce a clone of the original person rather than the new body. Exceptions being slime core shoved in the hearts place and that being enough for an automatic Slime Person scan ( with slime brain).


    When a geneticist isn't available though, it's really annoying to be monkey ####...if a corpse is even available to copy. I've come up with a Suggestion as an alternative to genetics.



    I know its possible to do face reconstruction but I just had an idea and unsure if it'd be one that would be nice or simply abused.


    I was thinking if it'd be possible to add another step in the face construction surgery phase to be able to 'use' a photo of someone ( or corpse) and be able to fix/change someone's face to the photo before using the retractor to put it in place. This would give medical/security records some use if you can print out the photo from them.


    Else...how is a surgeon supposed to know what this person really looks like? I GUESS this goes here and it looks...not horrific.


    This could save a bunch of hassles caused by brain transplants, error cloning, and present an interesting option to antagonists. Or anything zany the crew comes up with.


    My main intention is an alternative to preventing (MONKEY ####) which is annoying.



    Lask provided a great moment when Von Bon and brother were being bartenders. Lask comes in, we start acting as weird bartenders, one of us says something, Lask says something to the effect of killing someone for saying less, then dear brother immediately accidentally shoots Lasks when he grabbed the gun.


    The lizard guy jumps onto the table and starts harmbatoning his skull open and didn't stop when I shot him with remaining shell.

    Had to get HoS to get him off.

    We made off with 70k dollars/credits straight from the station's account for damages.


  7. Aye, I always grab a pill of Perfluo just in case I am dealing with a patient with skyrocketing resp damage cause by lung, heart, or brain damage ( pretty sure badly damaged enough brain will cause this type until death) before I perform surgery. That and Epinephrine to keep patient stabilized helps.


    In terms of the chain of command, as far as I am aware of (WIKI), Captain - HoP - VOTE AMONGST remaining HEADS - (Magistrate?) - NT Rep

    It is just that 90% of the time, HoS gets picked and is generally the better and recommended option.


    The reason why you need HoP to approve of a borging is because it affects the crew manifest and shortens the amount of available hands on deck. The HoP needs to know what job positions are strong and which need more staff and manage accordingly ( as far as I see it ).

    This is why you go to them when someone needs to be hired for this job or demoted for that job.


    For the same reason, the CMOs concern is the health of the crew and all related health matters.

    Does this crew member need a robotic heart or a donor? Does this Vox need a no-breath to smooth the surgery operation? Is this person mentally sound ( no psychiatrists )? Do we give robotics this brain ( hell no never my option) or use genetics to grow a new body? You get what I mean.


    The CMO has ( or should have ) as much authority in regards to health matters as Security does to keeping the station safe, the CE to keeping the station functional, and the RD to keep things advance ( AND SCIENCE! )



    TBH If we are going so far as to make a tail-attachment then just go all the way. I don't think my character would have any reason to wear any of these things except maybe the giant cat paws.


    It's either these types of items or a full on limb transplant onto a Tajaran/Vulpkanin/Unathi/Vox torso (not lower body) if anyone wants a tail on a different species (including slime). That was fun to make....I wonder if I can find a willing Vox though...theoretically possible on plasmamen too...hmmm...



    I've seen a few geneticist actually bother, and I did as well when I tried it out.


    If you take cloning out of the geneticist then there is almost no point to have them on the medical staff.

    Idunno about anyone else but to me it feels like the job of cloning falls under a job type such as geneticist.


    Just get your Genetics team to move their asses when bodies start dropping that have to be cloned. If that happened and the geneticists didn't do anything...I'd fire them. At the very least the need to stock up the biomass while others scan, strip, and dump in cryopods when they come out.



    Aw shucks, twas nothing.

    All I had to do was jam it back in, defrib, mend the organs, fix the broken pelvis, cauterize the incisions that were all over your body, fix whatever external injuries that could be done, close and then re-open your ribcage , fix the shot lungs, spend eternity picking the bullet shrapnel out, close it back up, double check on external injuries, fix all the infections, call the entire staff, point out the only dark haired doctor, fired him, and then worry about supposed changelings.


    I can't remember anything else that happened that round besides taking the bullet shrapnel out of the HoS while horrible things were being done to you.




    Alright screw it, lets see some fox ears, over-sized paw-gloves sometimes seen in anime/manga, aaaaannd hhmmmm....maybe some whiskers/muzzle to go in the mouth slot.


    Lets see some more reactions.


    Also yeah, try and make it a normal looking belt for it. Usually tails are attached to them by sliding the belt through loops on the tail rather than actually part of the belt.



    i think he meant that there shouldsome kind of strap that keeps the tail in place on the back of the hardsuit or something


    but we have accidentally made a idea of a belt with a tail on it for non-tail races, REJOICE!


    we might as well put in fursuits then


    just play the race homie


    I think at this rate things will get too meta for the good of the game or we'll end up off topic.



    Now, I'm not a good chemist but I believe you missed out on an important tool.


    You forgot the wonders of the Sleeper machines.


    These babies dispense an unlimited supply of medicines, including Styptic Powder, while having a handy dandy feature called a Dialysis that takes the chemicals in the blood stream and dumps them in a beaker. Instant/reusable Medicines.


    Insert a large beaker with some carbon, slap your blood monkey in there, and turn the dialysis on while spamming the styptic powder button and BLAM! instant Synthflesh.


    In that way I am the laziest Synthflesh creator.

    I can imagine other uses the chemist can do with sleepers and when they are upgraded.


    Good guide anyways. Will be most handy if I ever go chemist again.


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