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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    Is it me or is the CMO usually treated like the blacksheep?

    Often times not told what is happening (no security comm access) which sometimes leads to a fresh body in the morgue delivered by security and not a name given to avoid cloning when we see green. Hell, once or twice I've seen the CMO competently ignored when a crime scene happens WITHIN medbay by all security once they actually show up.


    I feel like their should be some more say coming from the CMO.

    Medical SoP is often forgotten or dismissed when not believed (concerning genetics mostly).

    It is one thing for a new doctor to screw up or not know the medical mechanics very well but it is another to see them constantly do it and harm their patients as they fix them.

    If the CMO doesn't spot it then nothing really gets done about it except maybe another doctor mentioning it briefly and then everyone goes back into business.

    Its a practice of " all's well that ends well" because the average patient wants to get back to doing whatever instead of addressing the issue.


    Far too many times do I see a doctor pulling a patient after a scan only and mess people up with fractures ribs and skulls (among other things)

    There are also some cases of patients being zig-zagged across multiple doctors. I'm not referring to Patient-Stealing (another problem during mid-treatment/surgery) but some doctors dumping their patients onto another.


    There are also issues regarding the operating rooms. Someone leaves a mess (blood everywhere, tools & equipment everywhere), leaving bodies (experiment animals) on the tables, and worse of all BRAINS of people just left and forgotten in the freezer and not one damn person to mention it.

    Sometimes I expect people to have some sense to put away monkey bodies and throw away bad organs but when I see any organ in the freezer then I think it important.


    That's not even going into how some chemist hand out whatever that is legal freely or the virologist stepping out of his lab and freaks everyone out by having a virus inside him. Though that might be just my gut reaction to seeing the sick icon, I'm pretty damn sure there is an SoP regarding all this, especially when not informed.


    All par for the course and these are just ramblings of a madman or do I gotta kick things up a notch?



    I'd give a plus to listing at least once or twice a week.


    My two reasons :


    • It'd allow more people who have different time zones to make the server more active when the majority are off ( thus preventing late-night rounds that are essentially extended and essentially nothing to do).


    • Medical can do stuff early! With new players comes learning new experiences such as pain. Our doctors will be able to do stuff earlier in the shift. Not only that but it allows our doctors to practice for when the bodies drop to the floor ( and they will). Majority of early patients are new players, someone trying a new job, or antags from some hiccup in their plan. The less practice, the more likely a doctor will pass the patient to someone else (negates learning) or choke up (actually falling to the pressure, needing to look dig through the wiki again, or adminhelp) which consumes time when most critical. Also just as likely to be put off from the mechanics behind it all.




    Wow, good job so far and I learned some new things despite working in security for a while.

    Though maybe should go into some more details on the Telescopic Baton. Ways to use it, WHEN to use it, best way to knock someone on their ass, etcetera etcetera.

    All CMOs would be giving you their thanks for additional information on something they can't practice with and will likely need to depend on to survive.

    (Captain - Gun | HoP - Gun | HoS - Extra Gun | CE - Toolbox | RD - HORRIBLE DEATH CHEMICALS TO THE FACE | CMO - Telescopic Baton)



    As much as I like these, I think the tails would need a do-over. Either would have to go with some blue-space explanation or a one-size-fits-all tail-chamber-thing in the back. I seriously can't imagine the hardsuit designers would bother to accommodate the suit for fur (slight discomfort for functionality) and to prevent increasing the amount of hazards one has in space, I'm thinking that the tail would have to be curled up in some fashion (for a HARDsuit).


    I currently see three options.


    • Try redoing the tails in the style of the curled vulpkanin tail ( not one I use) and I think from there you can make a nicer design on it than a simple recolor of it. Sadly no wag cause it is a hardsuit.


    • Another option to consider is....would it be at all dangerous for a tail to be exposed to space if the suit fully sealed up the beginning? If not then all that needs to be changed is to these new helmets and we keep the wag. If they would be a problem being exposed then...


    How about what is essentially a vacuum bag that is directly connected to the suit and, after the tail is inside, it vacuums out the air like those food preserve bags. For that though all you'd need to apply is a color tint and it can be the same across all tails and hardsuits AND we keep the wag (keep this idea for the non-hard suits).



    I think these ideas will reduce headaches ( and coding) and will add uniqueness to them while accommodating the different breeds ( a main selling point to some vulpkanin players). Hell, I'd expect an increase in vulp miners and engineers if this got out.



    Just me, maybe, but I've noticed that the Vulpkanin language looks somewhat like German. I've uh, actually thought it might be interesting to write their culture up as being somewhat similar to post Berlin Wall-era Germany.


    Something similar to punk culture/a pop culture renaissance occurring (Thus why Vulpkanin dye themselves such wild colours and are largely on the young side).


    I really like this idea.

    I feel like this could turn into a nice blend of german and japanese because of how much value is placed into decorations/appearances/snowflakeness and often times I see lots of vulp play dress up and of course their fur and hair in every color under the rainbow. Pretty sure the japanese have a few subcultures all about that and a ton of others (besides the obvious : Kemono).


    I also agree with the last five posts too.


    My two cents to add:

    Vulpkanins evolving on a terra-like planet, probably with more forested environments.

    Maybe the wildlife does not have much predators leaving plenty of prey for the Vulpkanins to fill that role (essentially making meat more valuable/nutritious, and others less, game wise for them).

    As they spread out over planet, they just adapt to the new environments ( the different breeds).

    After that it's ancient aliens and ancient civilizations for a while.



    To the best of my knowledge, the RD, not the CMO, is in charge of genetic research, including authorizing (or not) the distribution of powers. Conversely, the CMO is in charge of cloning. The wiki is inconsistent on this point, but whenever I have asked for clarification, this is what I have been told.


    While yes, RD is in charge of the research part of genetics, they serve plenty of purposes in fixing a persons condition that other whys can't be fixed through normal doctoring. I've seen plenty of doctors freak out as to why they can't fix this person when it is a genetic issue and don't recognize it or don't have mutadone.


    It makes much more sense to require authorization from the CMO in terms of genetically modifying a crew member (either through shots or shoved in the machine) due to the dangers involved and, well, they are doctors.

    Lore wise, who better to know weather or not this person can physically and mentally undergo such treatments? Supposedly (half the time) doctors knows whats best for someone. I know that medical records at most serve two purposes mechanically but it means more to the setting and IC.

    Hell, I am even thinking it is against SoP for a geneticist to inject themselves without consulting either RD/CMO but I can't remember where I read that (probably in one of the many guides).


    It'd be like science testing out various chemical grenades on a crew member instead of a monkey.


    If I get a FAX from CC that means it is from an admin, right? That seems to me the SoP is legit.

    Don't admins have a list of SoP that they could share in a post?



    Yeah I felt that way too while being a geneticist.

    Though I like the idea of a job shared between departments and medical gets two.


    It can create moments like the RD blowing hid lid because I told him that if he wanted some powers then all he had to do was sign the already made forms.


    Priceless to watch the salt and compliance when I have to shove a stamped CC letter in his face.


    I'm thinking of maybe writing up a small guide that lists off some of Da Rules not commonly known, used, or abused as I find them.



    After playing several rounds of CMO, I realized the SoP is all over the wiki but not centralized.

    This article briefly mentions this and another that but there is no one location with everything in it even though there is an SoP page.

    And some things aren't even listed there.

    It makes it harder not just for me to follow some SoP but other heads and IA too.


    For instance I know that it is against SoP to genetically modify crew or hand out SE without CMO authorization (only) but EVERY head believes that isn't the case 90% of the time.

    I had to actually FAX CC for the first time and they themselves confirmed it IC and faxed everyone else (1 IA SSD and the other already proven incompetent).


    I feel like there are hidden rules and it seems it can cause further issues if we don't piece it all together.


  9. That round was a doozey. I was randomly given Chemist and I wasn't so good at it. Things were fine at first, even someone asking my character's brother for limb and lower body transplant. But as soon I overheard that Halogen had parasites I threw away the chemist gig and went into doctor mode. It's what Von Bon does best besides drinking. Though, no one took the CMO position and bodies were swarming in medbay and everything was in chaos. By the time I managed to get the other heads to give me CMO access...there was not much I could do to control the chaos. Eventually someone had taken the surgical saws and so my expertise flew out the window. Stasis bag and drag was the go to when the shuttle came. Strangest thing I saw was I am guessing someone was building a turret in escape? thankfully it didn't activate.


    C:DDA is a great game and can't wait for z-levels.

    If you are going to make a V8-Engine moped then make sure you have good seat belts...died a tragic death when I slammed into that boomer so I don't even know how far my body went before exploding when it crashed into something.


    In fact boomers are the worst. I spent a long time fixing up a run-down semi-truck and a boomer was hanging out in the middle of the bridge. At least I drowned in the steel coffin of my creation.



    You got involved enough to dye our fur neon-pink at the end lol.

    The entire reason none of us died from alcohol poisoning was because Jon was the only one in medical doing anything medical related. There was a ton of antihol and who knows what else he injected into us or our mugs.


    Nice drawing to capture the moment and thanks for not kicking us out after the 100th or so drink.



    These will probably be my favorite shifts out of all the ones I had.

    Journal Log #3XX

    HA, more proof that psychiatrists are frauds. All they ever do is get you addicted to drugs and tell you that booze can't solve your problems. Well it just so happens it did and, in case I kill too many brain cells and can't remember, I'm putting it on record. Let's start from the top.


    Have you ever had one of those Night-terrors? I had a nasty one last night. It was a sick and twisted corruption of a reoccurring one; the one based on memories of that burning vampire. I don't think I'll ever know why our brains do this but mine had to make my friend, Praxis, the vampire. Of course it had to up the ante by having him stock medical with the best medicines before he turned himself in.


    That was when I knew it had to be a nightmare; the pieces and scenario were the same.

    Back then I was an officer; bound by my sense of duty, pride, and the thought that I was doing "the right thing". The thought to disobey orders never crossed my mind.

    Now I was a surgeon. I couldn't easily waltz into security and I had no standing authority.


    This was no lucid dream. I had no reality bending powers but I was able to slip into security and be beside my friend while they cast their judgement onto him.

    I tried to vouch for him because I knew he was in chemistry practically the whole shift and his work shows in the fridge. Security listened to me and Praxis for the most part. It all came down to the captains orders as it always is and we waited for his response.


    I gave Praxis my last cigarette, the lucky one, for what felt like a last ditch hope.

    That hope was broken; captain said execution followed by borging. We demanded a magistrate but there was none on board. The captain came by briefly to tell us once more the order he gave. He would not listen to us.

    I wanted to punch him so badly but i couldn't. Before I realized it the captain was no longer there; out of existence and thus can't be argued with.


    This was the big difference between memory and dream: someone else had to do the execution.

    But it was more gut wrenching seeing it happen to my friend. Watching them strap him to the chair.

    I can't remember his last words but...the smoke afterwords nearly sent me to shock.

    When it was over, he still had the cigarette in his mouth and they put him in a body bag.


    I vouched to drag him to the roboticist and they allowed it, with company.

    I walked slowly, Praxis in tow, all the way there.

    I could not stop to do anything. I wanted to shove the officer down and run. Run like a madman and revive my friend. But I could not. I couldn't deviate from the path. It was exactly like those type of dreams where you had a revolver and you wanted to shoot it, NEEDED to shoot it, but you cant. You try and pull the trigger but it doesn't budge. You use all your strength and the most you would be able to do is slightly raise the hammer but it is never enough.


    They proceed to borg him while I stood there like a statue. The final twist from this nightmare came when the borg came active and doesn't remember anything.


    I need a drink before continuing.


    Anyway, I woke up sweating in the middle of medbay with the smell of cheese and crackers in the air.

    Those moments where you wake up after a dream and you instantly forget it? In a way I was begging my mind for that to happen and I tried to do so by going about things normally. Not only would it not escape my mind but Praxis was working in chemistry again.


    I don't think I can fully express what i felt at the time but I was feeling really low.

    So I turn towards the bar as soon as I could and saying where I''d be in the medical channel.

    For a second I thought I was in a dream again when no one questioned me but then I remembered that no one checks the medical records.

    When I got to the bar there wasn't really anyone there, none that I could remember, except Zeke.


    I'll say this now: Zeke is the best bartender I ever met and makes the best Manly Dwarf ( actually called Dorf) drinks I ever had.

    I get my drink fast and I start guzzling it down. I barely keep to my usual pace and resist chugging the entire thing. It doesn't take long where I start telling various stories. I probably told Zeke the whole nine yards.

    Unfortunately, as I was told later, it was all the tragic stories I had.


    It kinda explains why i found my suit sensors lowered. My mood just got darker and more depressing that, thinking back on it now, I think I was contemplating suicide. I'm hoping it's an afterthought and going to leave it.


    Anyway, I think I was resting on the floor after a few drinks when Valthorne walks in.

    Crimson red vulpkanin and just so happens to be the CMO. I like to think we are friends and he is competent.

    I don't know if I was trying to save face or what but I think i sprouted nonsensical excuses to justify why I was so smashed.


    I don't think it'd matter either way as, all things considered, medbay had nothing to do.

    Valthorne grabs a drink and starts joining my wallowing. But I believe that was when I started cheering up. I had someone to talk and interact with; Zeke, as good a bartender he is, doesn't say much.

    I stuck to my manly Dwarf drinks while Valthorne kept to some...I don't remember what it was. When he ran out I told him to try some of mine and he took to it too.


    Soon, Praxis came along. By then I was too drunk to worry about my dream...I probably actually called him over for fun. Hell I even told him about it and gave him my Manly Dwarf.

    More stories and drinks abound, including the ones where all the moments of romance I ever had ended explosively. Literally. But we were all being a happy little family. With copious amounts of vomiting and drink slinging.


    Soon more people came into the bar to drink with us and I think at this point Nat and Garoon was behind the counter helping Zeke out.

    Eventually I realized something was wrong and I ask Zeke how long we've been drinking. He says over an hour and a half.

    Me and the rest of the guys were stunned.


    It turns out an angel by the name of Jo was making sure none of us were dying from drinking the ludicrous amounts of beer-ale concoction.

    He was working hard and fast making chemicals and antihol to stop us from keeling over. Though i swear he only gave the antihol to the non-vulpkanins....poor Praxis.


    From then on things get more fuzzy and weird. Valthorne mentions some story about being forced at gun point to marry a wyrm. Some stupid-cute animal-creature-thing showed up at the bar, doing tricks and dances for us and everybody loved it.

    Praxis goes on how his drink is never empty. Valthrone gets turned into a girl by the geneticist. Crazy party overall. All of medbay was having a blast that shift as well as others that joined in. It lasted for HOURS. I was too drunk to care how long it took and still surprised there was enough beer and ale to last that long for everyone.


    Eventually the shuttle gets called while I was out for a whiz but while I drunkenly head towards there Valthorne comes up to me in a medical mechsuit of all things. I get placed in the sleeper and hauled all the way to the security escape pod.

    Inside the was all my bar buddies and Ian the corgi. All cramped into such a compact pod ship.

    I join in and get stuffed inside and we wait for the launch; during which someone took out a dye and painted some of us Neon pink. I'm still trying to get the stuff out of my fur.


    Great times and moment were had that shift. I need more nice memories.

    Thanks for the moment people.

    *EDIT* Now with art from PhantasmicDream - Link to thread : viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4267&start=1210


    Welcome to the Mead-Bay, where the drinks never end



    So we have Nat, (fem)Zeke, Sax and Garoon behind the table, and then we have Sip, Von, Valthorne, Praxis, and Cid in front of the table.






    That was a particularly scary round for me. Not only was I doing consecutive surgeries, most happening as soon as one gets off the table. Most of them had punctured lungs and were human extremist ( going off how other species were taking their jobs) there was the threat os possibly being lynched I think. But during a surgery people around medbay were seemingly acting funny and talking about cultist stuff...right outside the operating room.


    I was getting very paranoid that round and was on the verge of bolting out through the maint. door.

    The distraction by it all had caused me to accidentally saw off someone's head.



    Lets see how far I can make this a serious character. A lot of the biography is filled with stuff but most is based off some rounds.


    Name: Von Bon

    Age: 34

    Gender: Male

    Race: Vulpkanin

    Blood Type: AB+

    General Occupational Role(s): Medical & Security



      Von Bon's earliest memories were him being with his brothers and sister, Jaun, Jean, and Milahn, and watching their father leave for good..

      Seeing his mother struggle to maintain everything, Von Bon decided he had to spend much of his time helping out the family whenever he could.

      Most of his childhood was spent with his siblings and not really making any other friends.

      He took part time and odd jobs in his teen years. The only spare time he had was for schoolwork and a smoking habit.


      Soon as he met the minimum age requirment, he entered into the academy to train as a Security Officer on a space station.

      Demand was high, contracts were solid, and the money looked promising.

      After graduating he was stationed on the NSS Cyberiad.

      He spent years working on the force doing as best as he could. Protecting the crew from Traitors, Cults, and the unruly were the name of the game.


      He felt satisfied and pride for a while, helping the crew in the long run, making it more enjoyable for others.

      He didn't care how others mocked or hated security. He didn't care that the average citizen gave him no recognition.

      He knew what he was doing was changing the station for the better. Or he used to feel that way.



      [spoiler2]At the beginning of a shift, the AI reported two engineers were killing each other. Von Bon and another officer arrive at the sight to find the two dead. Both were soon cloned. The initiator of the fight was horribly brain damaged. The victim turned out be a vampire.

      The vampire turned himself in, was compliant, acted friendly, and showed no signs of bloodlust.

      Eventually after a lengthy discussion, the Captain ordered the execution of the vampire via cremation.

      Von Bon was at the wrong place at the wrong time as he was ordered to do it.

      The idea did not sink well for Von Bon and he was not mentally prepared when he went inside the church with the pleading vampire.

      The Vampire was set aflame and the screaming was beyond jarring. When the screaming stopped, Von Bon soldiered on into the cremation room with assistance from the nun.

      He was ordered to make sure there was only ashes.[/spoiler2]


      A consistent record soon earned him a promotion to Warden but Von Bon had developed a drinking problem. Most shifts were too quiet and he couldn't do much to distract his thoughts. Only twice were things escalated to the point where Von Bon had to act as Head of Security but never for long though.



      [spoiler2]Frequent visits to the bar had eventually lead Von Bon to an encounter with an unruly hulk there. This lead to a traumatizing experience, physical and mental.

      Internal damages and many broken bones and barely survived the complicated surgery that he had to undergo.

      At the end of it, his heart was replaced with a mechanical one and a long scar over his chest.[/spoiler2]


      After recovery Von Bon was told to take it easy. No heavy work or security and recommended therapy sessions. Security Contracts covered a lot and his still held.

      Von Bon didn't care any more. Dodging therapy and booze would be his motto for a while, jumping job to job in between.


      It wasn't until he met a peculiar doctor that he was able to find some direction. She helped him realize that it was OK to sit back, talk to people, have a life beyond work.

      To be free of responsibilities to protecting a whole station.

      He took her advice and even studied medical, eventually becoming the doctor he is now. Though he still has demons and dodges therapy.






      Full Education

      Security Officer - High Performances in academy & experience - Currently Unfit for duty.

      Warden - Promotion with Additional Courses

      Xenobiologist - Basic Knowledge

      Geneticist - Basic Knowledge

      Paramedic - Completed Courses

      Medical Doctor - Intermediate Knowledge - Surgery



    Employment Records:


      8 Years of Service in Security.

      Several years as a Medical Doctor.



    Security Records:


      Sometimes drinks while on the job and get out of hand.

      Minor Trespassing incidents while intoxicated.

      Was suspect for starting a cult - Nothing Concrete.



    Medical Records:


      Mechanical Heart

      Prescription Glasses


      Recommended Therapy for three separate Incidents.


    Personnel Photo:


      A male orange Vulpkanin of average height, weight, and with big bushy tail.

      He wears a pair of rectangle glasses, but not too narrow.

      Only has fur on top of his head and no facial hair past a white stubble on his face.

      A long scar runs across his chest.

      Muscle build by appearance seems of someone that used to work out but has stopped for some time.



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:

    Other Notes:



    I don't mind spoiling what will be obvious, the slimes, but the fun starts after the drinking binge and a trip to the HoP office.

    I just hope it wont be too long of a story since it'll cover start of the shift until the end. My current main issue is when I start typing, I type too much ( as you can see with the first story which was based off of 5 minutes of gameplay and I still feel like I missed out on a lot in it).

    I couldn't even finish my character sheet because I feel like I put in too much and I need to compact it all and save the details for stories ( as majority of it was based from various shifts). It's like over 4500 characters long and not even finished.



    | Journal Entry #X1X |


    Why is it that those with the position of Head of Personnel try to go mad with what power they have? Twice since I quit the force have I've been on the cruel end of a baton to these people. Or maybe it was the same one....things get fuzzy after a few bottles.

    I'll start with the first one.


    My brother had finally arrived on the NSS Cyberiad and I had not seen him for so long. I took the day off of work to give him a tour around the place.

    Along the way, we could not help but notice the Head of Personnel office door was open and Ian the adorable corgi was standing in the doorway. How could anyone not stop to pet and huge the dog is beyond me. It seemed Ian took a shine to us as he started to follow us up to the bar where me and my brother got some drinks.


    Ian left to go where ever he wanted and me and my brother decided, with slightly hazy logic, that we could run a better bar and I told him about the abandoned behind the chapel.

    So we head over there, drinks in hand, and arrive to a not too badly beat up bar.

    That is when we found a broken vending machine and we both tried and noticed there wasn't any electricity in the place. None of us electricians and didn't fancy shocking ourselves to death.


    We chug what we have remaining and I "suggested" we just turn the old backup electrical room into a bar.

    So we haphazardly get in there, trespassing as it were, start removing floor panels to replace with the wooden floor . We both finally get the vending machine in when my brother said he had to go get something and leaves.


    That is when I hear the old jackboots stomping about nearby and a security guard enters the room.

    I'm still a little buzzed and trying to get the damnable booze-o-mat to work when the officer demands I drop everything and get on the floor.

    I naturally comply as I have no ill intent for any officer. Anyone else I'd have told to piss off.


    Anyway he inspects all my stuff and my brother is nowhere to be seen. Then all of a sudden, I see the Head of Personnel himself barge into the room. He is looking extremely pissed off as if I killed his dog.

    And that is exactly how he reacts as he started yelling at me where his dog was.


    I tell him I don't know where his dog and then he starts beating me! The fucker thinking he can get away with that. Anyway, I take a few hits to the face and that woke me up pretty damn fast. Before I could bring the old fisticuffs out, the HoP cheats and takes out his baton. I was down on the floor in a split second.


    I take the beatings, fucker breaking me hand, as the standing officer watched. A promising officer at the start, wasted with no balls to stand up to those with authority. Eventually I get dragged away by the officer with and the HoP follows to yell and scream at me. I stopped giving any damn about him or his dog so I only replied to him in a language he didn't know.

    They had to get a borg to translate for me. Eventually the HoS and Brig Physician notice my wounds.


    I told them everything, even the name of the officer who witnessed it all. I had a big grin on my face. As the HoP was being chewed out. I get my wounds treated and hand splint and let out. No charges for trespassing. I guess it was their way of saying sorry. Course as I was walking out of security I could not help but inform the captain when I saw him.


    I could not stop grinning and laughing in the inside and the best part was they found Ian inside the bloody bridge, making the HoP look even more the fool. I'm sure he was but I hope asshole got demoted for that. Still waiting for the paperwork for that whole mess.


    I don't remember much of the rest of the shift, as me and my brother spent it drinking until the shuttle came for whatever reason. Going to try out a new job. Xenobiology doesn't seem so complicated.



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