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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    Very nice frost nar, looks like it belongs in DnD and it'd wreck faces like a beholder.

    Thanks again for doing that drawing PD. I haven't turned it into an avatar yet. Great work.

    And of course the short comic still hilarious with context lol



    I'll cast in my vote after a few discussions.


    Before I forget : I don't think the bartender should be in the low class or any of the shop owners.+


    While I like the idea of an economy system I don't believe it'd fit or work too well, especially in the medical department.

    Correct me if I'm wrong on the lore but I figure most of the crew workers would have some form of healthcare plan.


    I think what would be best would be just a budget pool for medical to spend as needed and gained from station funds (or donations/tips) for those with contracts to receive the health they need....the exceptions being civilians/tourists (yeah they'll need to pay and whatnot).

    Maybe different types of healthcare plans would help that covers this-or-that.


    Medical's budget would have to be used to get supplies from other stations but, currently, they are mostly self-sustainable with the abundance of supplies they start with and they have access to a chem machine...


    Oh, right, what kind of limitations will we have for things like the chem/booze/drink machines? Assign every thing a value for each unit and to be taken directly from budget? Refuel canisters for each chemical that you need to buy through cargo? That would be a way to include an incentive to put a value on stuff that is essentially limitless....without limitations then the economy will likely get tanked either by people abusing/massing funds with something unlimited or not even giving it a value/stupid low one because it didn't cost them anything.



    Awww, poor Zeke...(completely ignores the damages and possible lost lives/injured)


    Very cute Chibi drawing (dem eyes).


    I like the sketches. Helps me visualize them.


    Really outstanding drawing of Khazar. Love the eyes, pose...really good work overall.



    Seeing Zeke like that with the robe for some reason takes me back to old runescape days.

    Anyway lovin' the looks of this and the angel on the side a good touch.

    The living furniture reminds me of Conker's Bad Fur Day too.



    I was gonna post my own suggestions about Viro after getting the knack of the new system but one of them would be somewhat like yours.

    Mid-round event (maybe) with one patient infected with something easily spreadable where the only cure is a vaccine from patient zero.



    @ Sketch of Outfits : Jonah looks like a warlock, I love it.

    @ Counter Character: You drew Counters character too cute.

    @ Hop:I like CRT hop but that's just preference (not saying you didn't draw this well).

    @ Tauka & Diona : I really like this look for them, is top notch.

    @ Slimes : SLIMES OH GOD KEEP THEM AWAY ( cuteness ).



    I too am unsure of the limitations of how the engine can do that but having your own personal office layout ( as a head, anyway) sounds nice and dandy but I feel like, if it wasn't a 'fluff' item type of thing it might be abused on 'unbalanced'...especially the positions of spawned unique items.

    Though tables and desk arrangements from the start would be nice.


    I say if there was an option for a non-head office layout change it'd be the bar but not personalized. More or less a selection of types like current and modern .



    Hello and welcome to the crew.

    Should you be needing any medical attention*1 then Dr.Von Bon got you covered.

    If you start losing limbs I can easily replace it*2

    If you also need or want additional body parts then stop by the local medical facility for a visit*3.

    1:Service guaranteed at no additional cost.2:Body part/s may or may-not include same species or a whole new body.3:Additional signed consent forms required, therapy services may be requested, free admission & shows.



    Oh silly PD, don't say you don't do horror well...you draw such shadowling ascendants and other creepy-horror things very well.

    Also nice that you finished that cover...I managed to start on it last morning cause I had to save each layer as their own image before transferring it over.

    as for fashion styles you are forgetting ripped trenchcoats, and bionic super cano-arms with a car battery sticking out of the chest to power the super energon rifle and don't forget the ever lovely dapper top hat.



    I have to say no on the merge as well.


    A psychiatrist is entirely dependent on RP but that can be a powerful tool/weapon for them and they DO have an authority coupled with the CMO and, given enough cause/justification/sabotage can probably even undermine the CMO or deem any of the other chain of command as unfit for duty.


    Don't underestimate the power of RP and paperwork.



    It's always irked me that there was no reliable way to heal burn damage with the sleepers without omnizine but i figure it'd be done for balance purposes. It would be nice to include even a low burn healing substance that the sleepers can heal minor burns without shoving someone in the cryopods (usually the first go-to solution instead of the kits).


    I second chemistry having a shutter but ONLY for the public window portion. The rest would be ludicrous and make the job that much more of a pain int he ass for the CMO.



    Wow, on a roll. I forgot to mention I love how you draw up the long hair and all the details.

    The red skin cracks, the glowing red trail from the eyes...the dripping maw and bleeding eyes.


    Renegade For Life.



    *change the name to something not akin to a furry character page on DA


    The name mostly gets to me, "Vulpkanin" may as well call the Vox "Avianin" because they are birds and the Tajaran "Felisinin" because they are cats, if we are just going to name species after their anthropomorphic animal counterparts on Earth...


    seriously fix their name people.

    And what would you name the race that wouldn't make it sound "furry"?

    I'm curious as to what you'd come up for alternative names.


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