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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    A while ago I had a round where poor Von Bon was just trying to eat some food out of the medical vending machine after a hard days of work when a xeno alien pops out. It chased and dragged me through out medical but got me closer to viro. In the isolation hallway another came in and both decided I wasn't worth the effort to lay eggs in and proceeded to beat me to death and dump my body in the cryopods.


    After being ignored by everyone the ERT sargent strolls in and bothers to shove my body in the cloner. After waking up naked and stripping my own body I get informed on the situation. At some point a clown had come in near death so I strap him to a roller and rushed into surgery while the fight was still going on in Xeno. The shuttle was about to dock and I'm already rushing the clown with a duffel full of surgical tools.


    As soon as I near the science entrance a Xeno jumps out and nabs me. Cue me in panic and screaming in comms while I'm being pushed and shoved around in science. It manages to completely strip me and eat me before out of no where the ERT comes in and attacks the alien. It regurgitates me and runs for it while the shuttle makes an emergency departure.


    Before I could grab anything else or think on the matters at hand I grabbed the duffel bag and was dragged and pulled by the ERT to their pods before they launched it off the station. At the ERT post...there were no clothes and their hardsuits turned out to actually bugged on vulpkanins and the sprite didn't load.


    So until the server reseted, poor Von Bon was covered in alien goop, naked with only a duffel bag to cover himself, and stuck at an unknown location with a bunch of sneering cold harden special ops crew making jabs at him and giving him looks.


    And he didn't have any carp classic.



    Thread Topic:


    • At least until things are more balanced or these augmentations produce serious drawbacks when interacting with organs that have infections/viruses ( whatever flavor text reasons) I'll cast my vote towards medical lockboxes, accessible to any doctor and captain with medical and security HUDs to their respective Heads and captain only.



    robotics doesn't even have any sort of anesthesia

    I don't think enough people are Heavy RP minded to bother with pain when they are going to get augmented.


    *amalgamation of the topic*

    Entirely pointless. Both surgeons and roboticists would be fighting over the area or there would be just one person that wont be doing anything else.

    This is something that has to be done with surgery. We have people whose specific jobs is just that and we have rooms already created, stocked, and used by said people. To make a "biomechanic" job/department would be nothing more than an additional surgical room with two separate departments fighting over for it and two Heads fighting each other over SoP, control, or whatever.


    No. This isn't even medical's domain.

    This is robotics domain; they're the ones that deal with mechanical changes to a person.


    For RP and IC reasons this is strictly in the surgeon practice since this involves connecting the stuff to all sorts of nerves, bones, neural connections and whatnot. It'd be metagaming for it to not be.

    Say the same thing about Roboticists? Arguable. In terms of cyborg parts, those are all 100% mechanical. The most "surgical" they do ( without borging) is make the stump usable and shove the cyborg part into the 'port' or whatever the IC fluff is and hooking the brain to an MMI ( I don't know if the fluff has it a fully automated thing or not). Regardless though, as someone pointed out, organ infections are highly likely to happen and will further cause issues or manslaughter due to malpractice.


    Robotics are just back ups according to his pos policies.

    I do hope you meant to say SoP.



    I know it's not adhesive, but I imagine one could also use security tape to wrap around someones head and mouth. Would take much longer than duct tape but same effect.


    I'd imagine it'd be that you need a cutting item to get a strip from the roll and then you can apply it into the mouth slot.

    I believe this would be the easiest way to implement this and those that manage to free their hands can rip it off and talk again.

    (new ideas coming in)

    Just thought that instead of straight up silence, everything you say would be reworded to a bunch of MMPH or grunts or something along that line (whisper range too?). Gives someone a bit of hope, more so if they wormed their way to a radio with a mic on.

    Also removes facial hair when ripped off ( because funny?).


    IC this just makes sense to be able to use tape in this manner.

    OOC, would it be abused?



    I feel like medical records have some potential and it just needs bringing out.


    Not everyone wants to do paperwork but the option for it to be there for those that do will be an appreciation, especially to those that love details.

    At minimum a quick menu selection to the condition and a quick comment/note as to why is all that is needed like in security records ( if they can bother to do just that).

    But additional details to include could be things like what Bio-mods they have or augmentations that were performed added/removed or any implants ( especially ones to not remove).


    Of course, emergencies make these things hard to do or remember afterwords and shouldn't take priority over treatment.



    Alright, had an idea and wanted to see what others might think of this or if this would be too difficult to code in.


    Medical HUDs can already display health condition, viruses from the database, and death.

    But how about we incorporate a few more icons based on someones medical profile, like with security arrest/released/etcetera.


    For instance, if someone is declared as mentally insane/unstable, we could have an icon for that that medical and security HUDs can see.

    This helps make it much easier to find mental patients when/if they try to escape and helps inform the staff that it might not be entirely safe to approach alone.


    There could also be an icon for those that have become borged, unclonable/unborgable, suicide, or DO NOT CLONE.

    I'm sure you get the idea.


    What do you think? Makes Medical Records more useful or makes it a chore?

    Or was I too poor in explaining?



    I don't think the warden's office has enough room for a pet. It's pretty tight in there.

    The warden doesn't run his own mini-department.

    Now if he was stationed in the work camps ( that dusty old thing) and maintained it on his own then sure.


    I vote on giving the QM a pet hamster.



    X-Ray Vision and Thermal Vision implants may be handed out freely, but may have their implantation vetoed by the Chief Medical Officer and/or Research Director (see below);


    Xray sounds like it'd be a breach in security for IC reasons....besides invading everyone's privacy.

    Medical HUDs may be handed out freely


    I can only read this as "Everyone's medical files may be handed out to everyone and/or modified"


    I can't comment much as I have not played recently and thus not tried the new system yet.


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