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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    well, appears I was the only one to vote "other".


    It's not going to be easy to detect any combat biomods except hulk which is the main problem.

    It's always hulk seen as the big problem let's just restrict it inside their lab and authorized handouts to security by the RD AND HoS.



    While I don't think I'd ever change my forum avatar, I think I could do with an alternating steam avatar.

    Maybe see Von Bon back in his younger warden/officer days or keep it modern CMO if you wish.


    No rush or pressure. You seem to be getting your hands full with requests.



    Nice Eli Randolph, recognized him instantly before even reading the text (sadly Vulpkanins don't have digitigrade I guess to make it so they weren't more of a Tajaran clone than they were at first).


    Really like the bobcat look for Dar'Konr.

    I'll never forget the shift of how I found him in every possible pieces on the surgery table and got him fixed up in time.



    Be careful about that, someone was banned for writing the entirety of that on a piece of paper and gave it to the HoP.

    As for being devoured by xenomorphs (alive) and tormented by them....Von Bon still going through therapy on that.


    Escape pods...yeah I've had the mistake of once not knowing that they left at the same time as well and they were willing to suck you out into space as well.


    And if you've got a DeviantArt then feel free to share. The more artists the merrier.



    Medbay shouldn't get anything that Robotics is supposed to be able to do. If someone is missing limbs or needs a brain borging then they should go to Robotics, not be done in Medbay.

    Really, don't even need a prosthetic as Medical has access to a good chunk of the races straight from genetics.

    The only real benefit would be speed as you can have the mechanical organ on standby without it rotting away but a good doctor has all the time they need.

    It comes down to tastes if they want flesh or cyborg parts/mechanical organs.


    An MMI would be handy though.



    The gang's all here.

    Broken hearts would be had if Zeke was indeed the purple man.

    About time Garoon looks happy and not in an awkward situation lol

    Though it's got me thinking : How do Unathi deal with the pants when their tails are pretty large?

    Tailor hell I imagine.



    I don't know why I did this...



    So much yes. So many yes. Thank you for blessing me with this, Dreamy.

    Against its nature, The Dream becomes a reality

    It moves from person to person as it will

    Their eyes assured to fill with glee

    The Dream happily does with a frill

    Even should the dream become phantasm once more

    To wisp away from those they seem

    The Dream shall be missed and looked for

    Live, Dream, Live The Dream.


    (It's a good sketch and would love to play mushroom peeps)



    The more specific a guideline is the less chance of it being misunderstood.

    A clause can be found, loopholes, and all sorts of mess.



    • Medical is, on the technical side, suppose to work with just crew members, not just anybody. But I standby that medical treat anybody non-harmful to the station.

      The chemist is NOT in charge of providing medical care, just medicines.

      Chemistry is NOT to supply the rest of the station with drugs willy nilly.

      Genetics SOP has changed and CMO only has authority to remove powers when abused.

      Paramedics are generally NOT suppose to actually do the treatments unless in an emergency. It's not their job.

      Virus has multiple types of viruses. On inject-only CMO is just needed but airborne would require BOTH CMO and Captain.

      (Though that is actually a good idea, I'll start making sure to humanize some virologist monkeys).

      Your missing some duties of the CMO.



    It's one thing to be extremely specific but it is another to have details.

    SOP is suppose to be guidelines to keep IC from going over board and to help OOC learn their job position easier.


    Also SOP should never be used to force or make how someone acts.



    Still not sure why Bubbles is so enamored with my lizard's blood

    Bathing in lizard blood makes you immortal?

    That must be it.

    Super regenerative ability.

    Who doesn't wanna detach their tails to run away with your life faster?



    Really love the long coats. I just wish it were true in the game.



    Salutations. Another joins the ranks of the space-damned.


    I bet you love playing chemist as much as you like to play as an alchemist.

    Don't be the silly guy with belts and straps full of bottles of flame oil. The DM is not going to stop grinning if you roll a 1.



    Oh right, the thread topic. So sorry.


    I'd like the idea of using MMIs to preserve brains as they work well and allow the players to vocally interact with the world.

    But maybe instead of an MMI (to prevent unwanted borging) have a device similar but repairs the brain over time.


    Portable or a new medical machine, either would be lovely to bring Tripp players back into the game and have some fun again.

    Or at least let strange reagent do the job when applied directly to the brains. It's already near-magical in nature.



    {Everything Shadeykins says}


    Nobody needs a brain borging.

    You do not under any circumstances (for about the 100th time) borg a dead body that you can't reasonably get confirmation from.

    Borging an unwilling person (which includes dead bodies, who can't consent) is murder and you deserve to be charged over it.

    You don't enact a punishment on par with an execution simply because it's easier.

    For spare limbs, medbay doesn't need robotic parts either, we have humanized monkeys and farwahumans we can use for limbs.

    Medbay however could use MMI's for keeping brains preserved whilst prepping for surgery to PROPERLY revive a person (not as a borg)

    Having a lack of signed paperwork by the person submitted for a borging is proof of either manslaughter or murder.

    Chucking a brain in a cyborg is akin to murder, because 99% of players do not want to be a cyborg when alternative means are available (and if you have the brain, alternative means always are).

    It's lazy, it's sloppy, and it's inconsiderate.

    Don't do it.


    I cannot agree more with this.


    Fox, if the brain is suited for borgings, it's suited for cloning/transplants. Or at least I am pretty damn sure you can't slap a dead brain in an MMI as I've tried and it didn't work.


    The IC reason you need paperwork to brog someone is manslaughter but OOC it's to not force someone into a role that you seriously cannot just do easily on the fly. Not everyone can play borg, deal with the HUGE limitations that comes with it or responsibilities.



    Chief Medical Officer: Von Bon

    - This one was probably going to go without saying. When a CMO both impresses me with an ability to run a department effectively and give me a reason to ICly cringe at the shit they do which is totally unethical and NT "approved", that's quite a few points for them. I also haven't had good experiences in general with CMOs, so perhaps it's a bit biased in the sense that Bon is the only one that isn't outright horrible.


    I weep manly tears of joy over this.

    This has filled me with Determination to finish my CMO Guide.


    But yeah, I' sorry I can't remember most of the names that work in the science department or cargo since those are the least I interact with.


    And I forgot to nominate Makgen Rurkuk as Paramedic.

    I recall him valiantly braving the maintenance during red alerts and doing good paramedic job before moving up the medical ladder.

    We need any good paramedic we can get in any shift.



    As CMO, I always make sure the geneticists do their cloning jobs, have a few bodies on standby, and that they know their SOPs.

    Frequent checkups (when not swamped with CMO work) and an open ear to comms to make sure powers aren't being given out or abused by either geneticists or RD.

    Failure to do their jobs (by choice), or abuse, leads to automatic demotion and all that entails, regardless how the RD feels (unless they help get them to do their job first).


    Someone dies from a random SE on the floor (or one literally farted out of the room? Someone's going to brig. (exceptions being cargo workers).


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