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LittleBigKid2000 last won the day on September 22 2017

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About LittleBigKid2000

  • Birthday June 22

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  1. Ternary Viagra
  2. I've been gone for so long and Tetrahedrite Vegeta is still a thing
  3. Wasn't solving this issue the reason the loadout was added in the first place?
  4. MEAT Femmy feesh!
  5. Are those silhouettes anyone in particular? I see a vulp and human(shaped person) couple, a female/female couple, and whatever that person on the left is.
  6. I feel the need to compete by flooding the thread with my own fawks. But I also feel my frugality.
  7. ELO seems to have an unusual combination of features for her chassis.
  8. First Name: Entchtut Last Name: Cenein Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: (none) Picture: Age/D.O.B: 26 years September 18th, 2536 Place Of Birth: Dalstadt, Vazzend Species: Vulpkanin Blood Type: A+ Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: NanoTrasen Religious Beliefs: Binarism Childhood: Generic Adulthood: Yandere Detailed Information Appearance: Relatively tall for species and gender at 5'10" Naturally light brown fur, devoid of markings. Ginger hair that's seemingly perpetually stuck in an enigmatic, messy bun thing. Most likely shoulder length if let down. Darker brown nose and pads. Deep blue eyes. Character Voice: Undetermined Personality: Can't really put it into words, sorry. Character Biography Background: To be filled out here later Family: Consanguinity: Siblings: Zandtvor Cenein - Brother (Older) Agketes Cenein - Brother (Twin) Romantic/Marital: Laskorreshkor Ssesiskaklas - Fiancé History: 9/14/2536 - Entchtut Cenein and Agketes Cenein were born TODO: Add more things here 2/13/2557 - Entchtut leaves Altam and moves in to her space apartment in some undefined station Personal Relationships Laskorreshkor Ssesiskaklas - Romantically Involved: "Regardless of what happens, so long as I can go back to him at the end of the day, I'm happy." Valthone Haliber - Good Friend: "He's more of a friend of Laskorreshkor's than a friend of mine, but still a friend of mine, even if by extension." Merciatta Haliber-Lauge - Acquaintance: "Though she and I haven't actually met yet, I'm glad Valthorne found someone and is happy again. ...I hope this is the last one for him." Evelyn Haliber - Acquaintance: "Wait, what?" Linda Clark - Friend: "I haven't seen her much in the past... year or so, but she was close by when I first started dating Laskorreshkor." Yuki Frost - Friend?: "It's been so long since I've seen her. I remember her calling me her best friend, but I'm not sure what prompted that. She was an odd one. Oh, and she screamed when she saw me trying on a new outfit, one with black and white stripes and a blue jacket thing." Please do tell me if you think your character should be on this list Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations NanoTrasen - Neutral: "They are keeping Laskorreshkor from leaving, but I suppose they can't entirely be blamed for that, and it could be worse. They don't seem great, but I can't see a major reason to hate them." Syndicate - Dislike: "They're evil murderers, all do is kill innocent bystanders! They did help Laskorreshkor with paying off his debt, though..." The family of Laskorreshkor's first romantic interest - Enemy/Hostile: "Evil, love-seperating, misogynistic, baby-killing monsters!" Allied | Love | Like | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Enemy/Hostile Other Information
  9. I wanna touch the squishy hair
  10. I think I heard from somewhere (I don't recall where, so don't take this as absolute, certain fact) that plantigrade (Standing on the heel, like hairless monkeys do) feet allow one to throw a stronger punch than digitigrade (Standing on the toes). If Tajara and Vulpkanin canonically have digitigrade feet, it would make sense for their punches to be weaker. It would also make sense from a game design perspective, as Vulp/Taj players would be trading raw brute damage for bleeding effects. Unathi, in Bay lore, have plantigrade feet, and I don't recall seeing anything contradicting that in Paradise lore, so this wouldn't apply to them. Though, I don't think small changes in unarmed attack damage or whether or not a species has sharp unarmed attacks really matters. Anyone using unarmed attacks is probably either doing it for roleplay (and thus not intending to maim or kill the person), griefing (And thus likely just playing a bald, 30 year old human wearing a grey jumpsuit), or are using krav maga, sleeping carp, or just spamming disarm, if you can call those unarmed attacks. Most people actually intent on killing someone are probably using either an actual weapon (like an E-Sword or armblade if the respective antag, or an e-gun or their baton if security) or the nearest toolbox like a true spessman.
  11. Are you sure? Pretty sure I've seen SNPCs move diagonally. Unless you mean there's no code for the player input part.
  12. I wonder if green would've been a better choice for Entchtut's eyes, even if she'd look more like a furry Ms. Frizzle then.
  13. She's so old. Also, maybe Laskorreshkor and Entchtut should be acquaintances at least, since Laskorreshkor and Valthorne are friends, and Laskorreshkor and Entchtut are engaged.
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