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Daniel Huren

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InGame Banned

About Daniel Huren

  • Birthday 12/31/1991

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  1. i dont mind them being an ass its irritating but its still an ic thing i dont like avoiding the sentence and ghosting or closing the client cause yolo though
  2. i find it a bit irritating when a player who is breaking minor laws and if security arrests them they go ssd even if there timer is ten minutes or less this bugs me for two reasons one ic and one ooc cause it often leaves the sec officer wondering what to do and even if its already covered in sop and it also from an ooc standpoint means there avoiding punishment in ic cause there bored or were not an antag and im not talking about suicide here i mean ghosting cause you cant be fucked to sit out your timer now i understand the issues with banning people for this but it would be nice if possible for it leading to a ban if you do this constantly to avoid punishment for being a greytide ic
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