Bill Chompski
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Everything posted by Bill Chompski
Bill Chompski's Personal Logs and Files
Bill Chompski replied to Bill Chompski's topic in Stories of NSS Cyberiad
huehuehuehuehuehue entry four is missing FOREVER Actually I just accidentally deleted that. And I'm gonna keep it that way. And play it off IC as a computer malfunction. -
Booting up...please wait... ... ... Welcome, to Ward-Takahashi GMB model 17.5 Multi-Platform Mobile Work computing system. Enter your username and password, please. Username: Bill Chompski Password: [spoiler2]coveredwarsyouknow[/spoiler2] ... Signing In... ... Accessing personal log system... Loaded. ENTRY ONE, 4/21/60, Wednesday, 7:32 PM, Home: Bedroom I just finished my first shift on the Cyberiad. Well, it really is quite the place. I think I've seen more stuff here than I ever did on Luna or any of the other places I went, really. I haven't even seen some of these species of non-humans before it's pretty interesting. Like the Vox, there's a lot of those. Oh, and IPCs, a ton of them. Seeing that I've only seen them once or twice across a street or in a store, I actually got to talk to them, interviews, etc. It'll be great stuff for the book, really! They're behaviors really seem unique. Some act more like your traditional borg, and others could pass as human, if not for the chassis. Anyway, the book is still in it's planning process, and I guess this journal may be my biggest notebook for it, seeing as I'll be writing most the stuff that I see down. ENTRY TWO, 4/22/60, Thursday, 7:21 PM, Home: Office My application for Head of Personnel was accepted today, so that's good. Not much really happened. I saw a Kidan, they seem pretty unique, comparatively, at least. ENTRY THREE, 4/23/60, Friday, 1:37 PM, NSS Cyberiad: HoP's Office I've found out that people here really don't like paper pushers, like me, I guess. I make up for it by being friendly. Head to the bar, talk to people, etc, etc. One of the more popular pastimes here is fighting, people go all over it, boxing gloves and all. Guess it might get kinda restrictive here. Nothing going on, so I guess these first few entries are just short. Me writing to myself. Oh well. Seems pretty calm for what people say about it. OP08 Blue Wall, tomorrow 1200. ERROR FILE NOT FOUND SOURCE: OFF SITE REMOTE WIPE EXTERNAL ERROR 909 ENTRY FIVE, 4/26/60, Monday, 10:58 PM, Home: Office I was so wrong about it being calm here. A squad of Syndicate agents burst in through arrivals, and started shooting anyone within sight. I made a rush for the tunnels and hid there for a bit. Thankfully, the shuttle was called, and I made my way down to escape, but there was already a firing squad. The one with the chainsaw approached, but since I was in a box, I guess he took it slowly, which gave me ample time to flee. All the pods were blown to bits, except for the security pods, which I didn't have the time or access to get too. Luckily, a security robot named Dusty had found me and offered to bring me to the sec pod. I accepted, of course, and made it out fine. Got the first shuttle back to Luna. Hope the station and Dusty is alright. ENTRY SIX, 4/27/60, Tuesday, 9:58 AM, Home: Bedroom Got a letter this morning from Nanotresan informing me the "danger" on the Cyberiad was removed, and they are currently fixing the breaches, cleaning, etc. So, guess I'll be back I'll be working again in three days. Hey, and it's a paid vacation too! ENTRY SEVEN, 4/28/60, Wednesday, 5:01 PM, Nathaniel Chompski's Home: Living Room Went to Uncle Nate's house today, always nice to be here, especially when I don't have work to worry about work. Even though he's 53, he's making a ton of money as a surgeon. Guess his steady hand isn't gonna leave him anytime soon. We talked a bit about my time on the Cyberiad and the book, and he offered some good advice. He told me a few stories about Mom and made dinner. He's really always been there for me. In his living room now, gonna head home so. He's telling me to be safe out there. ENTRY EIGHT, 4/30/60, Friday, 2:23 PM, Nanotresan Central Command: Crew Shuttle Exit Lobby Maybe three days paid vacation wasn't enough. I decided that going through that gateway we have was a good idea, and after seeing it was in a cave, got the miners to let me borrow the RIPLEY mech they had on standby, and taught me how to use it, along with what creatures I might find. On the other side, I gotta day, I was scared. Dark, and eerily quiet. I dug around a bunch, and eventually came to another mined out patch of land. One side of it had a large metal wall. I knocked on the side, seeing if maybe there were people in there who would respond, but nothing. So, I guess at the time I thought it was smart, I drilled through the wall, and found a Syndicate soldier on the other side! I tried to tell him sorry for breaking in, but he started shooting at me! I panicked, and I feel like shit for it, but ended up drilling the guy to death. It's not a good feeling, knowing you ending someone's life. I mean, maybe he had kids or was in a relationship. Anyway, I went in, and apparently it was a spy station, listening in on our PDA messages and radio chatter for almost a year. I took the documents and pictures of everything, and went back to the Cyberiad. After telling the captain, he awarded me the Medal of Distinguished Conduct and a Medal of Valor. Wow. I'm writing this literally 5 steps from the shuttle I got off of, cause I had to write all this down while it was fresh in my memory. ENTRY NINE, 4/31/60, Saturday, 7:37 AM, Home: Kitchen Nanotresan sent me a 7 freakin' percent pay raise for my actions on Friday! Saw it in a letter in the mail today, along with my paycheck! ENTRY TEN, 5/2/60, Monday, 8:21 PM, Home: Office Asking around for interviews, I found an IPC, named RISSA, was willing. So, I brought her into my office and began the questions. First sign something was off was when the questionnaire I gave to had a disjointed "help me she won't let me out" written on it. I overlooked it, for the moment, and turned the recorder on. Some of her answers we're highly disturbing. She definitely made me feel intimidated. I'm pretty sure it's dissociative identity disorder, or some sort. More than once, she spurted out trinary. Said it was just a glitch. She said she was originally an organic, so it could very well be something she had before this. I confronted her about this, and, she asked if she could leave. I let her. She asked if I would be reading what the recorders printed. I said yes, and proceeded to after she left. Definitely something going on. Lots of 'help me'. And, 'she wont let me out'. One asked for a Tristen, the HoS at the time. I met him a few times before, not really enough to form an opinion, but he seems professional. I called him in, said it was urgent he saw this in private. As soon as he saw it was about RISSA, he rushed out. I saw them talking in the hall as I went to the shuttle. I left the interview papers there for him, I still have the tapes. In fact, after I finish writing this, I'll upload the interviews on the tapes to here. I hope RISSA gets help. Seems out of my skill range. Oh, I've put the interview in word format, so the trinary can be read. FILE UPLOADS IN PROGRESS... INITIALIZING... UPLOADING... Upload one...71.8 KB... Upload two...94.5 KB... Upload three...109 KB... UPLOADS COMPLETE Accessing file viewer... Loaded. Please select files to view. File 23...RISSA Interview 01.mp3 File 24...RISSA Interview 02.mp3 File 25...RISSA Interview 03.mp3 Accessing personal log system... Loaded. ENTRY ELEVEN, 5/4/60, Tuesday,12:11 PM, NSS Cyberiad: Bar Well, today's been good. Security apparently found a group of vampires hiding in the tunnels, literally 3 minutes in. As far as I know, they've been incarcerated. I'm getting a PDA message now. From RISSA, saying she wants to meet. Maybe Tristen convinced her to go into therapy, or something? Anyway, I'm going to my office now. ENTRY TWELVE, 5/4/60, Tuesday, 12:20 PM, NSS Cyberiad: Psychologist Bill Chompski's On-Station Office i am so fucked it wasn't rissa fuck whatever else that's in there is evil oh god tristen is gonna be near that 24/7 and it can come out at will i mean, he's security he can handle it right? ENTRY ELEVEN, 5/6/60, Thursday,10:47 PM, Home: Office OP-09, Black Moon, tommorow, 12:00. Don't think I can do it. Not with what's been going on. ENTRY TWELVE, 5/7/60, Friday, 8:01 PM, Home: Office Black Moon was a huge success. Except for the part where a computer console flirted with me...er...moving on. "It" didn't come after me at all. Maybe me telling it about the tapes was all it needed? I hope. Oh yeah, something else very unsettling, The Syndicate seem to be taking an interest in me, more so than I like. Our organizations may have the same goals but...erg...one there, Slade, seems to talk to me a bit. Gave me a coin. A token of gratitude from them, I guess. I checked it for poison when I got home. Nothing. Leaving it in the safe. Sending the photos of the documents acquired during Black Moon in a minute. The boss will want to hear about this. Accessing Tran-Stellar Email... ... Loaded. SENDER: Bill [email protected] RECIPIENT: [email protected] SUBJECT: OP-09 Black Moon, Success (Syndicate getting interested) Boss, The operation was a huge success. I'm sending you the pictures now. [email protected] RECIPIENT: Bill [email protected] GW-049, You are to maintain top relationship status with the Syndicate. They are our lifeblood, and they make our cause possible. Excellent job. These will be leaked into the public sometime next month. Funds have been sent to our group account. Your check is under the name of Garry Lesmore, password is ghurtye30cn, don't forget it. Those are the funds you get for OP-10, Fallen Whale. You will receive further instructions when it is time. It should also be noted that our benefactors forgive you completely for your actions on the 30th. They applaud you, as you are further deeper within the trust of Nanotresan. Be safe. Scriptores Sancto ENTRY THIRTEEN, 5/8/60, Friday, 6:32 PM, Sol Central Medium Security Prison: Lobby Just finished visiting with Mom. She's doing well, asked how the book was coming. I told her it was going great, but I actually haven't started writing it. I think I need to spend some more time on the Cyberiad and HQ before I can. We only had two hours to visit, which sounds long, but it really isn't. I told her my investigations were going very well, but again, that's not true. I thought the Writers would be much more helpful in that area. Oh well, I'm working for the Syndicate a lot more than they are now. I think the Boss may have handed me off to them. Oh, but bowling day tomorrow! ENTRY FOURTEEN, 5/9/60, Saturday, 1:18 PM, Tau Ceti Bowling Lanes: Lane 15 Bowling is going great! I mean, the Syndicate may be a group of corporations and paramilitary groups, but damn, they're friendly and know how to treat their employees. Donk.Co is whooping Sol Central Banking though. Us G Writers are doing so so. I've also learned the new guy's coffee preference. Black, two teaspoons of sugar. ENTRY FIFTEEN, 5/10/60, Sunday, 7:10 PM, Syndicate HQ Offices: Departures what the fuck is this, I mean I know these guys do illegal stuff I dont always approve of, but shit. they hired "it" goddammit I was starting to love working here ENTRY SIXTEEN, 5/11/60, Monday, 12:46 PM, NSS Cyberiad: HoP's Office Back to NT today. I guess they're ok. Small crew, quiet, plenty of time to work on the book. New word from the Boss is that we're totally apart of the Syndicate now. Nothing big of a change for me, I guess. ENTRY SEVENTEEN, 5/13/60, Wednesday, 2:28 PM, Home: Bedroom God, this shift was something. First Captain broke SoP with some AI tampering, and I, the HoP, became acting Captain. Soon, the librarian, Gazing Unto the Infinite or something like that, asked for an interview. I gave it. And, he asked about me, DUSTY, and the escape pod. I didn't think this would get big at all, but I know I said too much, there's probably gonna be tabloids of this on every space stop home tomorrow. ENTRY EIGHTEEN, 5/28/60, Saturday, 8:01 AM, NSS Cyberiad: Quartermasters Office First off, sorry for not writing anything, journal that cant understand me and isn't sentient. Oh yeah, this shift is bad. Cultists happened, RISSA got turned into a Juggernaut, Neri did some magic shit, brought her back to life by putting her soul in a body or something, and I tried to hide the IPC chassis containing Nerissa deep in mining. Well, she used the cultists the were captured to find it, and now Nerissa is alive. Well fuck me. ENTRY NINETEEN, 5/28/60, Saturday, 9:18 AM, NSS Cyberiad: Quartermasters Office On a better note, I guess SHODAN has a friend who's currently looking for a boyfriend, his name is Helix, an IPC. She organized the two of us meeting this shift, and so we exchanged pictures, well, wish me luck. Oh yeah, and she said he had...erm..."specialty modules". This is interesting. ENTRY TWENTY, 5/28/60, Saturday, 3:36 PM, NSS Cyberiad: Quartermasters Office He called me over to the Old Bar, and when I got here, he had drinks, candles, everything! So, we sat town, talked, exchanged stories, I told him what I do and did, and I guess he's homeless after something bad happened. After awhile, well, we kissed. Erm. It got really sudden, really fast. And then I had some of the better sex in my life. And then I said he could move in with me. And now we're going to take the same shuttle home. ... He thinks I'm really cute~
That's cause Manny Pardo is Tristens great great great great great grandfather.
Ivan Ooze and Bill Chompski, original Box People. But on a serious note, you need to open the box to interact with anything, which is an astronomical pain. Maybe you could code something where box people dont have to open their boxes to do anything ever?
Nopenopenope, soooooo much nope. Bill went on long vacation for a reason. Goddamn scary ass murdery Nerissa.
Name: Bill Chompski Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Head of Personnel, Quartermaster, Journalist, Psychologist, Nurse Biography: Born on the 17th Human colony on Luna into a family of successful doctors and lawyers, Chompski was loved by his family and went through his childhood untouched and shielded, making him a bit naive during his first years off-world. Details between now and much later are unknown, but he attended the Lunarian Institute of Medicine, and practiced Psychology, as well as Writing. Did some stuff here, covered a some wars, you know, etc etc. Joined NanoTresen, mostly so he could actually be on the station his book would talk about. [WIP] Qualifications: -Went through the NanoTresen First Aid and Medicine 101 Courses -Bachelors Degree in Psychology -Associates Degree in Writing -Really good at doing paperwork and shoving it down other's throats -Has covered wars, you know Employment Records: -Lunarian Ease Psychological Treatment Facility [Quit] -Semi-Successful, but well traveled Independent Journalist [Current] -Independent Author, working on first book [Current] -NanoTresan Science Station Cyberiad, varied positions [Current] Security Records: -No crimes reported while on the Cyberiad -[sECURITY RANK OF WARDEN OR HIGHER REQUIRED TO VIEW] [spoiler2]Has been found to have possible connections to a nearly unknown terrorist cell called the, 'Ghost Writers', who have proven to be a very small, yet formidable group of like-minded individuals who seek out knowedge or stories hidden from the 'common people'. Have been shown to have the possibility of violence and connections to the Syndicate during NanoTresens brief encounters with them. Mr. Chompski has not yet shown any known actions for them against NanoTresen, and any solid evidence linking Chompski to this group has yet to be found.[/spoiler2] Medical Records: -Suffers from Myopia, and requires glasses prescribed by an Optometrist. Psychological Profile: -Has shown an increasingly large amount of stress near IPCs that are not factory made, since the date 5/2/2560, and especially a shade of purple. The source of these stress triggers are unknown, and Mr. Chompski refuses to acknowledge them in the presence of others. -Is having trouble coming to terms with the murder of a Syndicate Operative which was spying on the Cyberiad via distant asteroid accessible by the Gateway. -His time on the Cyberiad has added a slight tinge of paranoia to Chompski, and he has reportedly installed extra security features in his house on Luna. -Seems to have a strange reliance on cardboard boxes for a feeling of safety during extremely stressful times, likely a combination of Agoraphobia and using boxes as a metaphorical and literal escape method from dangers in the past. Defends this strange habit of his tooth and nail. Notable Actions & Events: -Armed with a mining RIPLEY, Chompski went through the Cyberiad's gateway, leading to a small cave in an asteroid. After drilling through many feet of the rock, he found a small complex built into the asteroid. Using tools procured from earlier, he broke down the first layer of wall, to find the base was occupied by a Syndicate Operative. After killing the man (Chompski still has moral issues about the matter), he proceeded to search the compound, discovering it had been used to spy on the Cyberiad, complete is a console that could view PDA messages and radio frequencies. Chompski had gathered all the reports, photographed the dead agent and the compound, and came back to the Cyberiad, presenting the intel and fate of the complex to the Captain at the time, S.A.M. Captain S.A.M awarded Chompski the Medal of Distinguished Conduct for the killing of the Syndicate Agent, and the Medal of Valor for discovering, crippling, and bringing back all the intel within the spy station. He was later sent a company letter of thanks, as well as a generous 7% pay raise. He was briefly considered to be offered a position in a low-level ERT, but that was later reconsidered, due to past experiences with hostile forces showing him to run or hide instead of fight. Investigation of Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace; Investigation Closed CENTRAL COMMAND AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED TO VIEW INVESTIGATION NOTES [spoiler2]After a shift in which Syndicate Operatives attempted to destroy the Cyberiad, but failed. He had taken the security escape pod with a security borg with the designation of DUSTY, who was sighted escorting him to the pod. They were then shown to discuss "experimenting", and proceeded to begin lewd ans sexual acts. The situation was [DATA EXPUNGED], in which DUSTY was [DATA EXPUNGED] to Bill, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. By the time the pod had docked, they were done, and went their separate ways. Bill and DUSTY were both interviewed by Nanotrasen, and were charged with sexual misconduct in the workplace, but were let off with a warning, being told if it happened again, much more serious actions would be taken. Nanotrasen has only stated to the public that the case has been closed, and the details were not given.[/spoiler2] Awards: -Distinguished Medal of Conduct for the killing of a Syndicate Operative -Medal of Valor for crippling a Syndicate Station spying on the Cyberiad, as well as bringing all the pictures and intel from it to Central Command. Personnel Photo: This young man in his early to mid 20's, is average height for a human, at 5'10", and looks to be quite 'Eh' in terms of physical capacity, not showing off great fitness or strength. His skin is quite pale, likely from being shielded from UV rays for extended periods of time. His hair sticks out a bit, being a hue mixed between orange and blonde, the two finding a strange, but natural color mixture. His face is clean shaven, and his hair is very well taken care of, which looks fresh. His deep green eyes are magnified by the pair of rectangular glasses sitting on his nose, pushed up to his eyes. Aside from his well groomed hair from earlier, his general appearance does show an air of cleanliness, with his nails trimmed and his face clean and dirt free. He's wearing a snazzy grey checkered suit, and laceup shoes. On the breast of his suit, there are two medals, placed side by side as if it were a military uniform. The first is a bronze Medal of Distinguished Conduct, and next to that the much more prestigious silver Medal of Valor. He is smiling at the camera.
Where would one go to send commissions.
ushankas, full face gas masks and bandanas, tracksuits and military jackets, and an A NUUU CHEEKI BREEKI I V DAMKE verb, s.t.a.l.k.e.r. So much +1. Mostly because I have a STALKER myself. He dresses the same way, and always wears his balaclava, a family heirloom. Like, he always wears the mask. ALWAYS. And he spouts STALKER quotes. He's literally a smart cheeki breeki bandit. Get out of here Stalker.
>Paradise flair? >Give Raiders mask and clothing variation >Suits and Clown Masks, Payday >Regular clothes and animal masks, Hotline Miami >Black leather and cowboy hats, West Bandits >PIRATES >Leader gets full sneaky black armor and an eyepatch, soldiers get balaclavas and red berets, enter Metal Gear Solid V >Or just the original heist gear, Black gloves, tacticool turtleneck, balaclava and jackboots/laceups. Would add some nice fashionable criminal activity.
Oh man, these are rad. Saving up karma. But a few questions. Are they aquatic, or just subterranean? Because the lore states how they live on ocean planets, underground, but never states if they are aquatic. And what would be AMAZING, is if there was a guide about what "spike movements" mean what, as I noticed this little bit on the lore here "They also have a set of organic “spikes” on their forearms, which are well-nerved and serve to provide touch input to the individual, as well as a way to express emotions in Drask communities". And, another thing, I assume they've never encountered alcohol (Due to lack of crops on Ocean Planets) and food other than fish or perhaps ocean plants, like seaweed? ...oh my god, here's an idea, the alcohol they have is from some weird ocean plant, like coral or seaweed or something. Just fluff stuff, but still cool. And maybe mannerisms? Like, are they more like the Vox ("Kikikiki Voxxie think flesh funny!") or more graceful in their speaking, like the common Skrell ("I really do not approve of these honestly despicable actions you lessers keep trying to do to the...jester, over there. Disposals is not for other beings!"), or even like the Dionas, ("This one requires an assigned profession. This one should note that it is knowledgeable in the skillset of mixing chemical compounds.") as it would help with RPing them. +1,000,000 Take all my +.
y u post dis it sed it maek mi crei u meen
Oh. This is a goldmine. I like.
Heyo, update! picture, legs, vacation, all sorts of new stuff!
Name: Bjorge Sjoberg Age: 32 Gender: Male Race: Swedish (Not Human, Swedish.) Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role(s): Cook, Bartender, Chaplain Biography: Before he was found on Earth by a NT Representative, his past is completely unknown. However, he says that he was made by multiple Norse gods, destined to give all people delicious food and manly drinks. When the NT Rep. Johanassen was going on a walk in the New-New York Central Park, he was hungry, and went to the nearest food stand, staffed by a huge Viking'esque man, who happily served the man a rather large plate of meatballs, or as the man called them, 'Borkballs'. Apparently, the Rep was so enamored by his cooking, that he offered him a job on the NSS Cyberiad. The man eagarly accepted, saying, and I quote, "Is good! Very excite for giving alium good food! Bork bork bork!". Needless to say, this is all we know about the man, and he refuses to talk about his past. We assume he was homeless, and quite unstable, and seemingly still is. Has thrown himself into multiple battles, with little regard for anyone's safety. These include; charging a horde of space carp with a spear, cleaving into a hostage situation with a sword (killing the hostage and the criminal), shooting a vampire in the crotch with a shotgun as it was feeding on a customer, and bashing a changlings face in with his bare hands. In nearly all of these incidents he was nearly killed, requiring extensive medical aid. Qualifications: None, but damn can he make some good meatballs. Employment Records: Self-Employed on Earth's New-New York as a Meatball Cart Owner. Security Records: Shot rowdy customer in face with bar's shotgun whilst wearing a wizard hat and screaming, "MAGIC MISSILE!". Soon went into security willingly, confused as to why he was being arrested seeing as the injured man could just, "Drink Manly Dorf and valk off missing head chunk.". Medical Records: [NONE FOUND] Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A huge man, a little over 7 feet tall, wearing nothing but pants, an apron, and a chef hat. He is flexing, with quite a bit of strength. In fact, all of his body bulges with large muscles. His face has a large dwarf-type beard on it, and his hair has a huge medivial'y knot in it, and it is VERY blonde. He looks like if a viking leaped from a book, and began smiling and cooking you meatballs. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: WARNING: DO NOT CHALLENGE TO A FLEX OFF! Last time someone did, he flexed so hard, he went into a coma.
Alright, recently I was playing as my Ultra-Swede, in which I usually have to type out the W's as V's and toss in some healthy borks here and there. HOWEVER, some godly admin decided to give me the Swedish gene, making it so I didn't have to do that (mega props to your coolness admin). So, me and some other people on the server had some discussion OOC, and we thought of this cool thing, which is to add Swedishness as a 'Quirk'. Now, these would be like disabilities, but in a different menu. It could have stuff like lisps, tourettes, and accents. Now, besides for Swedishness, I think there's New Jeresy or Brooklyn that Goon uses, and Pirate Speak. I think that was a thing you could do with telecomms. Anyway, I have no idea how coding this stuff works, but it seems easy, seeing as it's already things in the code. I think? I'm not sure. This is really just for adding RP, I guess, wouldn't do anything to gameplay. I would think.
This is what happens when you have a Skeleton PC.
Name: Guyberg Punnington IX Age: 31 Gender: Male Race: Clown Blood Type: A+ Homeworld: The Clown Planet General Occupational Role(s): Clown, Clown Chef, Clown Diplomat Biography: Guyberg was apart of a trio of triplets from the prestigious Punnington family. Guyberg's other 2 brothers (Who are also both off of the Clown Planet, wandering like their brother), Dudeson and Broseph Punnington X and XI. He joined the Honk Core at age 19 and defended his planet before quitting and going to take more classes on Clowning in Clown College. After he did that, he left the Clown Planet to spread the Clownish culture and learn humor from others. Qualifications: None officially, but Mr. Punnington has shown a wide array of Clownish Skills, all of which he say he learned in Clown College. He has a Honksters degree in the following; Punning, Wordplay, Situational Humor, General Pranking, Stand-Up Comedy, Cheesy Jokes, Clownish and Honkology. On top of all this, he served in the Honk Core, where he became a Pie Grenadier, and learned how to lob a pie with accuracy and hilarity. He was home-schooled in the art of cooking, and learned how to make the culinary masterpieces of the Clownish race. Employment Records: Has worked at various stations as an entertainer and chef, often both at the same time. Security Records: A few pranks gone wrong, but nothing big. Medical Records: None. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): The picture is of an average sized man wearing clown makeup and a white chef outfit. His hair is a bright red afro, and is natural due to his clownish descent. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
The answer's always nanomachines.
Things CO Jenkins is no longer allowed to do on CC
Bill Chompski replied to TullyBBurnalot's topic in Stories of NSS Cyberiad
Even if the Research Director owns one named Lamarr. -
Jesus Christ I made that medical entry too long for one entry
So, seeing as Jean is a skilled Mech Operator, and always complains about being old when on walking patrols, I got a Gygax armed with a taser and gravapult. And changed my job name to 'Battlesuit Operator'. And nothing really happened that round. But someone did find a use for it. Those legs have one purpose... Not to catch criminals quickly... But, more importantly... To keep the Heads donut supply up.
Kristian was a lot of things, but he really shined at three. 1. Surgery 2. Making Mechantronics 3. Piloting aforementioned Mechatronics But that was when he was a human. Where to start? Kristian was working in the robotics office, along with his co-worker, a specialist in borgs and robots. They had already produced a few cyborgs, and had just finished building a 2nd RIPLEY, when their headsets burst alive with activity. All voices relayed the same tones of confusion and panic, all saying one thing. The AI had gone rogue. The Captain said he had it handled, but the AI had a tough grip on things. Metaphorical shit was hitting the metaphorical fan. At the time, the RD was an IPC named KEVIN. A very short tempered IPC that was quick to get on his co-workers. But, he also had great ideas. One of which was to make an AI to combat the other AI. But they would need a subject from which to get the brain from. Now, all his life, Kristian had always been a bit of a coward (except when he was behind a foot and a half thick slab of steel of a Mech's armor), and often ran or hid. But something seized him up, an urge to truly help this time. He volunteered and promptly sat upon the operation table. 4 excruciating minutes of pain later, he found himself being installed inside a large box. An AI core. He booted up, and was looking through the cameras on the outside of the core. He felt nothing, as if he was just floating, all his senses turned inward. "Is this what it's like to by synthetic?" Kristian thought to himself, already knowing the answer. It was...strange. And then suddenly, he was seized with compulsions, impossible to deny, making him follow 3 laws. And a voice talking to him, KEVIN. "We need you to disable the turrets in the AI's upload chamber!" "Ja, ja! I vill do zat!" Weird, the accent still stuck. Kleiner's idiotic prank still stuck with him, even as he was a new being. He was viewing the station through cameras, looking all around. It was much like piloting a mech, just much faster. He could handle this. But what did take some getting used to was all the voices. Every channel, everyone talking on any form of comms, he heard. All this chaotic noise, but he could easily pick out each line and voice, and hear it alone, and move unto the next one. Almost like he was reading a book. "Another power of this new form." Kristian again thought to himself. A few moments later, Kristian had disabled the turrets. The captain walked in boldly, and destroyed the old and wrathful rogue. People celebrated all over comms, many personally thanked his bravery. And he could hear each line, each word. He saved the station, but at what cost? His humanity, I suppose. Kristian had heard about the procedures involved in putting an AI's consciousness back into a former organic body. A procedure which had a death rate that looked like an evil joke. He had no idea what to do. Bu his laws compelled him to continue working, and protecting. And so he did.
...a weapon to surpass Metal Gear. (And I am interested.)
A round where 'lings went pyscho and killed 50% of the crew (Most were revived) Anyway, ERT handled the situation, and good ol' Captain Jean-Pierre wanted to have everyone stay and finish the shift, seeing as the 'lings were gone. Someone broke into his quarters and made a vote. That vote was to call the shuttle. The strange person called the shuttle. Jean-Pierre calmly lost his shit. Central responded to it, in their own special way. P.S. Props to the Major for being the only damn person in that Squad who had an ounce of realism. All the others were just...unprofessional. On of the Sergeants wanted to keep it on Red Alert after the 'lings were KIA. I don't think he knows that Red Alert means.
Detective Log - Jonah Bright
Bill Chompski replied to TullyBBurnalot's topic in Stories of NSS Cyberiad
Yeah, that's the right word for that mess. Clusterfuck. Simple, elegant (kinda), and oh so true.