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Everything posted by DisreputableSquid
Reach the highest number without an admin posting
DisreputableSquid replied to Mrs Dobbins's topic in Civilian's Days
31 Parrots Stealing -
Yeah I meant the Binary Channel. I don't see why they WOULDN't have access to it, even if they cant talk on it. And technically the maintdrones DO have access to the AI private channel. they can set Intercoms to it.
Well that is just fantastic! time to play more Maintenance Drone! That said, another petty change might be to include other ways for maintenance drones to be contacted then just by maintenance drone console. Do they have access to the AI channel? They should, even if they arn't allowed to talk on it so the AI can at least INFORM the drones of work to be done
First thing that comes to mind for me is for someone to fix the crossbow so it actually hits people, been broken for ages and it just seems to keep falling through the cracks. Other things... Magboots for Maintnence Drones so they don't get constantly swept around by atmosphere, and replace their Plastic sheets with Plasteel ones so they can actually fix reinforced walls. I'm not sure if this is a bug, a problem with the Diona code, or some weird temperature problem in maintenance tunnels, but make it so that Diona don't spontaneously start taking burn damage while walking around the maintenance tunnels. (seriously, it happens.) hmmm.... thats all I can think of off the top of my head
if they do have some clipping, maybe the design could be tweaked to at least make the clipping look 'intendted' much like how Diona tendrils clip through their clothes. If Kidan plates poke through at certain spots it could be handwaved away as just poking through slots in their jumpsuits. Course this is more of a problem with EVA suits....
Putting duct tape on people's mouths
DisreputableSquid replied to Ayylmaoxdxd's topic in Suggestions
Thats why you don't just use a 'piece' of tape. You gotta wind that stuff around their head a couple times at the very least. Better yet, shove something in their mouth like a sock to muffle them then put a couple winds of ducttape around their head to keep it there. Course, this just makes the whole process take much longer and stripping the headset probably would be easier at that point. Might as well just add a mechanic to stuff an item into their mouth instead. -
Engineering Job SOP --- Complete!
DisreputableSquid replied to TullyBBurnalot's topic in Wiki Development
There should probably be something in here about access in emergency situations and/or to deal with breaches. Their job usually involves going into other departments to fix something, but unlike Sec they do not wield the threat of brigging for non-compliance. Perhaps part of of the CE's SoP should be to communicate with the heads of the other departments to ensure that their engineers are always granted access to needed areas (I'm looking at you, science. It takes more time to be let into science than actually fix the damage sometimes.) or include somewhere in the Engineer SoP about times were engineers are legally allowed to hack doors to access damaged areas. Also need to include SoP about hacking in general, as the engineers are the best equipped bunch to do so. I know when I play Glow of Moonlight the first thing I do after setting up the engine is I head over to the Construction area and quickly pulse all the door wires to ensure I know what they all do. -
ADDENDUM: Implant SOP for Science and Medical
DisreputableSquid replied to TullyBBurnalot's topic in Wiki Development
I can confirm this, as I have done this as the pAI of a Traitor before. Combined with the medhuds ability to change physical status, these both could be abused like hell. Best keep them out of the hand of anyone outside the respective departments -
I'd like to see mice (and all small pests, really) be able to be picked up and carried around. This could be all sorts of fun for reasons stated above, but also nice as it would give them an inventory size so you could do things like put them in a box and wrap it as a gift, keep them in pockets as portable pets, and of course fill someones chest with them.
+1 for sure! I enjoy playing maintenance drones a lot (its like being in engineering without the drama!) but the fact that they slip and slide around due to pressure makes it impossible to deal with some things like hull breaches, ESPECIALLY since you can move over/under most objects in the game and can't pull anything.
Malpractice bay 2.0 or WTF are you doing with my organs?
DisreputableSquid replied to Fethas's topic in Guides
the new Diona organs seem to be functioning a bit different than the old ones. Will have to test further to confirm. All I know is currenly Diona eyes actualy take damage while welding, where they didn't before. Also for some reason they couldn't implant me as a Diona. -
"Mouser" style robots!- Eliminating those pests!
DisreputableSquid replied to Travelling Merchant's topic in Suggestions
I get the feeling that there is now one more thing on the station thats going to be hungry for nymphs xP -
Ill try and grab some pictures next round I play as Glow of Moonlight, though its basically just going to be a Diona in an engineering Jumpsuit with a hard hat, dufflebag, hazard vest, and shiny green Mesons glasses holding a flashlight. He's not particularly exciting My own description of Dionae in the spoiler below, because I'm terrible at editing myself down to a suitable length Also, damn, thats spooky o.0 You make good spooky drawings!
Man, all of these are great! I can see why so many people use them as their forum avatars you really have improved as well. Makes me want to get in on the action, except I don't think I've Been around long enough/become memorable enough yet for my character to be remembered. Plus, Diona are weird to draw for most people they all kind of look alike, so its usually only their clothes and personality that sets them apart.
"Mouser" style robots!- Eliminating those pests!
DisreputableSquid replied to Travelling Merchant's topic in Suggestions
I would love one of these things. I would call it Chompy. I would make it make cute noises then throw up a human hand. All in all, I really like these things and would love to see them in game. Only real problem is that pest control is rarely a problem (outside spiders and spacecarp) since things like mice dont breed in maitnance. Or anything. If we made it so that more pests appeared around the station, then I could consider those justifiable (along with any use of mousetraps or Beartraps. As it is, its pretty much useless to use any of those things.) -
Wow, you play Yuki, Regen? awesome, I never knew that!
Better placed/more Guest Pass Terminals.
DisreputableSquid replied to davidchan's topic in Suggestions
I had no idea Engineering had one either.... There should be a way to have them printed off remotely by the ai, honestly -
The nymphs ARE adorable. I never get to look at them anymore though, since I always play my Diona character and the moment I see a Nymph I Hoover them up into my Biomass. Still, I always thought the nymphs themselves were more brown then green, so I was shocked at how vividly green the Diona was
You really drew the Diona in an interesting way. I'd always thought of them as looking more like a Nymphy-Groot, being mostly brown rough rather then viney, but its still a good look for them
Woah, awesome! I love the style of your work!
My goodness! Someone finally drew a mature Diona!
Better placed/more Guest Pass Terminals.
DisreputableSquid replied to davidchan's topic in Suggestions
I definitely support the whole Guestpass idea, and WISH more areas had them. Medbays is invaluable when letting people like the janitor in to deal with messes or letting engineering do their job, and I didn't even KNOW science had a guestpass terminal! How many lives could have been saved by giving a doctor a pass rather than wait for an escort? How bloody USEFUL would it be to have engineers able to get in to Fix toxins? -
Supply Job SOP --- Complete!
DisreputableSquid replied to TullyBBurnalot's topic in Wiki Development
This kind of brings up a point that probably should have been addressed in the Science SoP. Scientists really shouldn't be running up to the ore machine, emptying it of absolutely everything except metal and glass, then running off again without even letting a cargo-tech know. Plasma really is used my multiple departments and science ends up with a ton locked away, and in general it always seems a bad idea to have a scientist running across the station with a locker of resources when Cargo can and really SHOULD be able to just as easily load them into a crate, wrap it, and securely send it to science via Disposals. It also would help Cargo keep track of how much is being sent out and how much they still have, so they can can, say, have miners return early if they have plasma to refine when Cargo runs low, rather then waiting till someone goes "oh shit we need plassteel to seal a hull breach" only to look into the redeemer and find you havn't got a puff of plasma left there and all your miners are going to take at least ten minutes to hike back to the station. Seems like cargo would be wise to have a few sheets of plasma kept on hand for emergencies like that in general, to hand off to engineering for plassteel or PACMAN generators or for an extra bonus of points so you can afford to buy weapons and armor crates when the station is being attacked by xenos. Science is supposed to be using the materials mining hauls up, yes, but its Cargo's job to distribute it to them and the rest of the station. -
Full Name: The Warm Glow Of Moonlight Upon The Shimmering Steel Petals Of Many Great Void Seeds ID Card Name: Glow of Moonlight Gestalt Age: Unknown (at least 82) Gender: Diona Race: Dionae Blood Type: None General Occupational Role(s): Station Engineer Biography: Glow of Moonlight was first found by a human mining ship while surveying a uranium rich asteroid. One of the surveyors, after losing their footing on the asteroid and drifting off, was surprised when a nearby 'Rock' suddenly reached out and pulled them back in. After some discussion Glow of Moonlight was brought to the nearest station and, through the Skrell Embassy and their ties to the Diona Gestalts, gained proper Identification paperwork and employment. In the years since, Glow of Moonlight has traveled across several worlds and many vessels, collecting impressive technical knowledge along the way. While they are more than willing to share this knowledge with others they find, as well as educating others about the Diona race, they refuse to answer questions about their time before being discovered. If questioned on the subject, they will often simply become silent. Qualifications: No Formal EducationEngineering - No Formal Training, but has Expert-level knowledge on all areas (excluding atmospherics) after 70+ years of experience. Approved to work in all areas of Engineering except Atmospherics. Special Clearance to work in High-Radiation areas. Botany - General Knowledge in all areas. High Technical Knowledge and Skill in the growth and care of Diona Seeds and Nymphs. Mining - Basic Knowledge. 5+ Years Practical Experience. Employment Records: Across their 80+ years Glow of Moonlight has been employed in engineering positions on various ships, stations, colonies, and outposts. They have been employed by NT for the last twenty three years. Security Records: Glow of Moonlight has a fairly good reputation with Security, as their passive, practical, and honest nature means that they often have little interaction with security other then exchanging greetings in the hall. If they do become embroiled in a Security Incident, they will often attempt resolve situations any way possible before resorting to violence. Medical Records: Glow of Moonlight's medical records with NT consists of little more than the mandatory Medbay information guide on their species and treatment. More often then not, Glow's visits to medbay are done as part of their engineering duties, but the rare cases that they do need treatment, its often because they need defibrillation or limb reattachment after accidents, or charcoal to purge toxins from their systems. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): WIP Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
Yeah, that's pretty much what they are still. If you do ever decide to draw one, let me know, because I'd love to get in on one of your adventures! (\(^-^)/) They look fun! I think I'm one of the very, very few people who actually plays a Diona as their main character (I play Glow of Moonlight) So I'm probably pretty alone in the struggle to find a good picture of one