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Everything posted by Tars

  1. Well like the title says. I think it would be a good feature for people who are not having good luck when it comes to spawning as antag and it wouldn't be OP cause it'd be 1 karma to buy to play as any random antag for one round but then you couldn't buy it again for the whole day to stop people spamming it. as soon as you buy it you'll be a antag next round and the system will override randoming selecting people until it hits a antag limit. and when that happens a message in chat says "no more room for antags or something" to anyone who trys to buy a round when the antag limit is hit. Feedback feedback feedback
  2. Hey! I really like the bodyguard idea cause just getting the HoP to change your name from sec officer to bodyguard doesn't really give much trust towards the person you want to protect, I think you should get a choose with who you want to protect.. obviously should be one of the heads first! Or maybe CC send a random person for you to protect each round. You'd spawn in with handcuffs and taser similar to detective maybe (non-lethal), you could also double as a assistent since you'd be a "NT" bodyguard. But I don't see much happening with mercenary because it'd still be a non-antag and you can't do much different than what a civilian can. Or maybe the mercenary can be the first bridge between non-antag and antag because you could be used to do someones dirty work for them, for a price of course. Or maybe it could be more of a bounty hunter role, that'd be cool or clearing the asteroid for the miners. keep carps away from the station? similar to pod pilot maybe too? But please let me know? suggestions? good idea? shit idea? plausible?
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