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Posts posted by Marcrell


    People that use nongalactic common languages over general comms.


    People that act like I'm Space Hitler for asking people to use galactic common on comms.


    When I have horrid ping than get an assassinate objective.



    Poor Mime. The flag in his office tells a tale of repression, of brave Mime revolutionaries who fought for freedom for the tyranny of the clowns.


    Hard pressed to think of a third one. Maybe something with bottles of nothing. Syringe Gun thing but with Nothing.


    I support element being in space. Same z-level as Clown shuttle maybe. Both crashed in combat against one another or something.


    Honestly I just want a showdown between the Clown and Mime in both Mechs.



    HoS is SUPPOSED to be the most armed/defended person aboard, and has the means to get insulated gloves already. It's really not a big deal either way, but I see a pretty big gap in logic to give the Blueshield, who isn't even sec, the most combat-ready pair of gloves on the station, whilst the HoS gets standard ones.

    Blueshield's job is supposed to be ultimate body guard. Protect all the heads, including the HoS, though he's usually a lower priority as he's the most equipped to protect himself. Still one of the Blueshield's charges. HoS isn't supposed to spawn an unstoppable super soldier, he's supposed to manage sec and have access to a lot of weapons for arming the station in times of crisis. Blueshield is supposed to be generally combat ready, even in Code Green, so he has special gloves to handle whatever situation he has to go through in order to keep the heads alive to keep order. Security, and by extension the HoS, is supposed to be ready for minor crimes on these levels, and when they need insulated gloves for a threat to get them instead of start with them.


    Tl:dr; Blueshield gets gloves because he isn't sec.



    Probably a 0. Maybe -6? I've won one fight in my entire time playing SS13, where as HOP I was the only head and stunned and cuffed a cultist on the bridge with my energy gun because they'd captured someone on the bridge. I have lost every other fight I've been in.


    My best strength is that I can spam radio like you won't believe, and if anything ever gets bad I will just spam Centcomm for an ERT until they send one. They can be robust for me.


  5. In slow rounds one janitor can handle any messes with ease. Bar sweep, med sweep, respond to calls. After that as Janitor there's not much to do besides wait and chucklefuck. Dirt adds something to do. Regular messes rarely, if ever, are too much for a janitor.


    Have to be a bit of a Space Law rewrite, but I'm definitely a fan of botany and mining in perma. Law currently only offers perma, execution, or borging for capital crimes. Rewrite law to offer labor camp with tracking implant, and add the option to set no point limit on the shuttle for labor camp for permanent residents.


    I might also support a system to "loan" them out to other departments. Either with a new implant or use tracking+chem. They can go and work on the station, but are closely monitored and if they get out of line you pop the Chem implant. If the Quartermaster didn't have any techs, you could loan out a perma occupant to work there.


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