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IK3I last won the day on February 12 2018

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About IK3I

  • Birthday 07/06/1993

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  1. well this is just 4x10 mastermind, so I'm sure you can find an inbrowser clone if you want to test yourself
  2. Jetpacks are just miniature rockets. Jetpacks designed for space have very low thrust to weight ratios as they don't want to injure or kill their pilot by over-accelerating. If gravity comes into play, you're probably not going to get anywhere. Maybe if you're on wheels you could use them, but your feet are more than enough traction under normal scenarios. Now if you remove the gravity, but keep the atmos, air resistance at low speeds is negligible, so you'd be fine to use it.
  3. On the one hand, you have my attention, on the other hand, I'm not starting this without some admins and at least one maintainer on your side.
  4. I tend to use a different route for my solutions. It's based off of reducing the space of possible digits, then testing conditionals 1. check 0123 and 4567 This splits the space into up to three groups. We know how many from each set by how many show up in each answer 2. if more than one group is used, check its proportion of the total against other groups so if you have 2 from 0-3, 1 from 4-7 and 1 from 8-9, then you should pick two from the first group, and one from the other groups 3. This divides your groups into grids of potential digits for each position and group. You should strive to make each continued guess eliminate as many items from the grid as possible This can get rather complex, so I'll just show an example of how can you put this into use CODE TO SOLVE: 1376 A. 0123 0 2 B. 4567 0 2 Code contains 2 from first set, two from second set, and neither 8 or 9 C. 1045 1 0 We now know that 3 of the four correct digits are on the right side of the initial guess group We can determine which is the correct one by working through permutations moving positions and numbers. Any guess from here on will have a minimum of 2 correct digits D. 3026 1 1 Because we only have two correct digits, we know that the digit from the first group must be wrong. This follows from the fact that the second group can only ever contribute one wrong digit, which is has. Therefore, we should work our way through the first set, and pick another permutation of the second set maintaining one position from the previous guess. We can deduce something further about the fourth digit in particular here. It has 5 possible digits, as C tells us the only first group answer is 5, we can already see that neither 3 or seven are correct in the second group bringing us to the following three possibilities: 2,5,6 If 2 is the correct digit, then it follows that 3 must be in the correct position in D and 6 must not be in the code. If 5 is the correct digit, then it follows that 3 is in the correct position in D due to A and either 2 or 6 is not in the code. If 6 is the correct digit, then it follows that either 2 or 3 is not in the code and either 1 or 4 is correct We should now seek to eliminate each of these options by testing as many as possible at once E. 1635 1 2 We've just tested all of our statements with this sequence. If 2 is correct, then 3 would have to be in position one. We know that either the 1 or 5 must be correct as we have three correct digits with two selections from the first group If the one is correct, then 2 is not in the last position. If the five is correct, then 2 is not in the last postion. Therefore 2 is not in the last position If 5 is correct, then 3 must be in position 1. We know that 3 and 6 are also in the code. We can see that 6 has been in all positions except one, but has never been in the correct position. Therefore, it must be in position one. Two numbers can not be in position one, therefore, five is incorrect If 6 is correct, then no issues arise and we can deduce the following: 1 is correct 6 is in the fourth position 3 is in the second position as its the only position is has not been in while also never being in a correct position 7 must be in position three as we know that the 2 isn't in the code from D F. 1376 Done
  5. I did a thing: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/8754
  6. IK3I

    New brig

    If there's no officer monitoring the area to release them, then there's also no officer there to stop them smashing the glass door open and pressing the button. It would be better to just hook the blast doors directly into the cell timer if you wanted to do this, but a dedicated one way door would be the superior option, like turnstyles in Oracle Genpop
  7. When my motivation to code returns, I MIGHT look at Icon Code revamps, but I'm still a bit salty about the 20 days of maintainer silence on my utility PR so idk when I'm gonna start being productive again.
  8. We've got spooder butts from multiple angles this time around. This is the first full draft of the queen. Might need a couple tweaks, but the form is pretty much there at this point. I'll be moving on to the mother now so I have fresh eyes when I come back to do final touches.
  9. My point was that more devs isn't the solution, but rather a more robust review process. As it stands, if a maintainer is having issues IRL, then the review and merge process dies until they can resume their duties. This is the least robust form of QC and creates situations like this where we have multiweek stretches of zero relevant changes. Rewards should only ever be given out on a case by case basis and should never affect anything IC in a balance altering fashion. I'm simply suggesting that the admins and maintainers get together and assign trusted individuals to act in their stead should they encounter a situation IRL that would prevent them doing their duty for para.
  10. So I think there is a deeper issue at work here in terms of the review process. As it stands, if dev is bottlenecked by a maintainer not having time to review code for an extended period of time, there should be failsafes in place such as authorized reviewers that can condense it into something they can meaningfully review or a temporary stand in that can act on their behalf for the time they take their leave. While this is at its core a hobby we all indulge in, having no means of production for more than a few days at a time should not be an acceptable state. I don't know what process works best, but as it stands, its been a week since anything was merged even with simple bugfixes and features on the table for significantly longer that that time. Active development is the lifeblood of SS13 and it would be best to ensure it can continue even when the normal team is having issues.
  11. Some spooder sprites for actual use. or at least the design process towards them. I'll be updating this as I hit some milestones in the creative process. Currently I'm working on making unique sprites for the queen and mother as they are considered a "boss" class by tzo and should have appearances to reflect that. Queen sprite VU: The initial linework and color palette was based on the real world wolf and spitting spiders. Shown here next to the red. After some discussion, the palette was darkened and desaturated, then some purple was introduced to the shading layer to make it less greyscale. The eyes were brightened and more prominently highlighted and the spots on its back made more prominent. The next version is slated to have a bit more blue in it, depending on if it can be worked in reasonably well. I'll be posting that up in the next batch.
  12. I got a terrible idea and went through with it, so here's SPURK the SPARK lookalike in a hastily sprited SPORK suit.
  13. So I recently made some sprites for a cyber spooder that while ultimately won't be used, I had fun producing. Plus a modified version is the new brown tspider so I guess one out of ten is good enough. Anyway, I'll be dumping anything else I happen to sprite here and who knows, if you like my work and want something made, I may be able to draw something up for you. Without further ado: The Spooders raw sprites: And their Organic Cousin joining the ranks of a TS Colony near you! And because they're animated, enjoy some GIFS General Animations: WEEEEEEEEEEE!
  14. So as someone who spends far to much time in the realm of formal logic to be healthy, You can get most of my thoughts from this PR discussion: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/8631 However, this seems to be the most relevant piece of information about AI laws that every synthetic player should know and understand.
  15. The problem with explaining changelings is that they are designed with options in mind. You have a large array of tools at your disposal and your playstyle and targets determine how you use them. For instance, if you have dissonant shriek, you can freely disable borgs, cameras, IPCs, and anything that requires a battery. This is great in situations where you may have multiple enemies coming at you, such as if your objective is on the bridge. You also have enhanced methods of kidnapping people via mute sting. You can use this in combination with regular means or a grab tentacle to grab and deal with someone. The main thing to be successful is to adapt and readapt as needed. All it takes is one absorption and you can reselect all of your abilities once. All you have to do to be successful is ask what you want to do and what powers are critical to that. Select those first. From there, look at things to increase utility or that favor your general playstyle. Once you get your first kill, hold the readaption until you need to change your approach. It's your most powerful tool. A good example would be if you had to kill a sec officer. The options open to you are anything as mundane as a stunprod with mutesting to something as extravagant as tentacles and armblades with a shriek to take his baton and taser away. Being a good changeling simply requires one to be willing and able to compile a strategy from a sum of lesser parts. You get ten points and anything on the station you can get your hands on.
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