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Grey Tider (1/37)
Two questions then: Why is okay for the chef to have this then? If you're argument is that people don't come into the kitchen and cause trouble, that's kinda proving my point that something like this is needed. Having a look at the combos, what if it was cqc without the harm? CQC sans harm is as follow: Disarm: 65% chance for 5 brute and to take what's in hand. Grab: Instant aggressive grab. Grab Grab: Applies 5 stun and "restrains" them for 5 seconds. If they are restrained and you use a disarm they get hit with a chokehold for 10 sleep. Disarm Grab: Does 60 stam damage. 75% chance to block melee if you are in throw stance with an item in hand
Let's outline the problem first off. A pretty common complaint in the department section of the poll was that people tend to run a muck, take things, or do whatever they want in medical. Compared to basically any other department, people don't respect the access or understand that it is trespassing to go in without being invited by someone who works there. Similarly stocking up on medicines as security or mining in particular is meta, and no one treats this like the theft it is. The common response to this is security should be dealing with this, but in most cases this both something they don't care about and are too busy to do it. The other problem medbay often has is the frankly massive amount of blood everywhere, however as infections are a thing and medbay should be kept clean it either means harassing the janitor or getting soap or cleaner with a doctor or the CMO cleaning the floor instead of treating people. My proposal to solve this is adding a new job named orderly. Possible alternate names "ward attendant", "nurse assistant", or "healthcare assistant". Their access would be limited to the main areas of medical. They would be expected to keep medical clean and orderly. This includes cleaning the floors, restraining violent or resisting patients, and removing trespassers. Additionally doing minor first aid and manning the front desk are recommended. Their equipment would include a bar of soap and a bottle of cleaner. Give them a locker in the front desk area. From here I have two divergent ideas on how they can deal with either people breaking in, Give them a baton and a way to apply ether(patches, hypo, syringe). This would come with an SOP where they are treated like bartender regarding their baton and taking it outside of medical where they would be subject to possession of a weapon charge. This is to prevent valid hunting. I prefer this idea. Take a page out of the cook's loadout and give them a martial art that only works in the medbay. This solves the issue about valid hunting as a orderly only has the ability to easily trip and grab people inside the medbay. UPDATE: If I go the CQC route I would be removing all harm based moves from the CQC which leaves them with the following: Disarm: 65% chance for 5 brute and to take what's in hand. Grab: Instant aggressive grab. Grab Grab: Applies 5 stun and "restrains" them for 5 seconds. If they are restrained and you use a disarm they get hit with a chokehold for 10 sleep. Disarm Grab: Does 60 stam damage. 75% chance to block melee if you are in throw stance with an item in hand In conclusion: Pros: Keeps medical clean. Reduces disruptions to medical working. Lets doctors focus on serious injuries by dealing with minor external injuries. Removes dealing with people fucking around in medical from security’s workload, as they are already too busy to do it. Cons: Possible valid hunting. - This can be addressed with SOP to be possessing a weapon outside medbay for their baton, or giving a martial art instead that only works in medbay. Medbay is already crowded. - This should be mitigated by their existence, rather than exacerbated by it because they should be removing everyone who doesn't belong in medbay from medbay. I'd like to refine this idea enough that I can make a PR for it that will get serious consideration so I welcome any and all feedback.
Not a terrible idea, since scanners can detect shadowling thralls.
A few other points worth raising. If I were to give holy water damage, I would make the damage happen around the point a cultist gets deconverted. No antag will ever use a toxin that takes 150 seconds to do anything. Even if it was codified into SOP, as someone pointed out, SOP doesn't have much teeth unless command wants to enforce it, or an IAA/NT rep raises a stink about it. There is currently a PR under review to allow the chaplain to switch rods mid round, which would allow them to use rosary beads against cult much easier. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/14206 People mention that the chaplain is required to make holy water, however there is a second way to acquire it, people are just spoiled about having a 1000u tank. Combine water, wine, and mercury, sec could easily take wine bottles to chem. On the subject of it dealing damage however, pure mercury does brain damage if ingested, so it dealing damage wouldn't be that odd. Mechanically I think toxin damage is better than brain as brain can be fixed with manitol, almost everything that fixes toxin damage also eliminates chems in the body.
So, coder chiming in here to rectify a few misconceptions for what holy water does and doesn't do. When you ingest holy water for the first 12 units/60 seconds/30 chem ticks it remove some jitter. Once that passes you will be made to stutter and be dizzy. Additionally if you are a cultist, you have a 5% chance to stammer cult words. Once it has been in your system for 30 units/150 seconds/75 chem ticks every tick past that it will have a 33% chance to make you confused and remove cultist/thrall. if it removes cultist or thrall it purges all remaining units from your system. If damage was added at this point it would only slightly affect people who need to be deconverted. If they are not a cultist or thrall however they would continue taking damage until it is out of their system. The reason people think holy water does brain damage is because the bible healing has a chance of inflicting brain damage.
I would like to point something out. You keep mentioning other servers for how they do medical. Yea except bay lacks cloning. death is permenant, yet because they can stabilize people, it's rare you leave the round.
I mean you very well can, if we add ways to save the living before they become dead, then making it harder to comeback is fine.
I mostly like the new system, however, I see one glaring thing missing. We can look at bay station for this example, they don't have cloning at all, yet people don't get removed from the round that often. Why? They have systems in place to let the paramedic get you to medical ALIVE. First off paramedics have Dexalin Plus, Tramadol, Inaprovaline, bandages, and so on to try and stabilize the patient and stop further damage, if that is not an option they have stasis bags that will stop all injuries from progressing, but on bay, these are a limited resource to be jealously guarded. I would support a system like this, if we add ways to let the paramedic get people to medbay alive, and actually stop them from taking more damage in the field without being 100% dependant on chem giving them the right drugs. Plus the drugs that would just stop further damage don't exist in our code.
The Honkmother's Wrath (Clown's turn for hijack!)
Warior4356 replied to Warior4356's topic in Suggestions
Are you talking about the chain saw or the virus? -
The Honkmother's Wrath (Clown's turn for hijack!)
Warior4356 replied to Warior4356's topic in Suggestions
I see what you are going for with the virus. However the he issue I see is that the point of hijack items is to make the objective for everyone on the station. A virus has next to no counter play, except for medical everyone on the station has to just lie down to die. Against a chainsaw wielding freak everyone can pickup a toolbox and swing for the head making for more interesting content. -
So a discussion was had and we came the the relization that there a a decent number of roleplay heavy roles that lack tools or access that getting hijack is just not fun. So using the chaplain's toolbox his grace as an example we set out to make each of these characters an antag item. Each of these items will cost 20 TC, have some sort of risk or drawback. As well as have a strong thematic element to them appropriate to the job. So first of the clown. There is only one way to go this. Horror movies. Evil clowns with weapons are scary. We decided on a chainsaw. But why stop there why not add jaws too for maximum fear. So I present to you the existing and possible features of this item for your consideration while I try to finalize the code. First once picked up it can never be dropped the only way to take the chain saw away from the clown is to take the whole arm off. This is the first drawback of the item. Second the chain saw allows its weilder to slip into the vents and prowl the station like a predator. Except intend of the dun dun of jaws this one lurks with a chorus of Honk. Honk. Third similar to his grace I was thinking it should have a leveling mechanic, on each kill your power grows. In this case I was think buffing move speed and swing speed a small amount with each kill. Possibly giving bonuses at say every 5 kills like the ability to cut welded vents, gain slip immune, stun immune, etc setting kill mile stones for the weapon. If this leveling is added though it should also have the draw back of his grace, you don't kill. Then the Honkmother takes your blood instead. Until you have none left to give. So thoughts? I would love to hear your feedback and tweaks. Remember this is supposed to be powerful it costs 20TC only on hijack. And progress wise I am most of the way through one and two for coding.
I do not belive you could ever do that, and I think that was a bug. Regardless as it stands now, nothing short of an admin deleting it or getting eaten by lord singloth will destroy the vault safe. If the NAD is inside it only comes out if picked. Wall safes can be c4ed however, is it possible that you were going for one of these?
To surmise for those who are in a hurry I am proposing three separate suggestions. 1. Make the indestructible standing and floor safes no longer indestructible, specifically to any explosion with a heavy size of 3 or more. 2. Add a new syndicate item for opening doors and safes. Plus making an edit to an existing item. 3. Add an alarm to wall safes to make them usable. Recently there was a large fuss thrown over a captain placing the NAD inside the safe in the vault on a Nuclear Operative round. The general complaints were that Nukies did not know how to open the safe, and that they had no tools that could either. On the first point I have written a wiki article explaining the safe for anyone who is interested. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Safe On the second point I am proposing that the safe be made vulnerable to large explosives, such as the syndicate bomb or anything bigger so it can be breached if need be. Further this one is more of a stretch and I know it would be more work to code, but this is called the suggestions forum for a reason. I am proposing a new syndicate item called the suspicious looking drill, or heavy drill, call it whatever you want. What I am thinking is a tool that is a recolored surgical drill that is used for opening anything the Emag cant. The only things that come to mind are bolted doors and safes. I had thought for stats on the item, if I had to come up with them, same damage as a surgical drill, when attached to an object it takes 10-20 seconds to force open a bolted door, and 180 seconds to open a safe. In both cases it should make a loud grinding sound of some sort, and perhaps have it stall on occasion and need to be reset. Price: 4-7 tc. Also adding a stethoscope to the surgury bag would be a logical place to give tratiors access to one. Seems like a quick thing to me to give traitors safe cracking tools for tc. Finally on the subject of wall safes, they are never used because they are easily breached and can be Emaged open. The easiest fix to this vulnerability that comes to my mind is giving the AI the same warning it gets when a pAI hacks a door, to be sent to the AI when a multitool resets the code, or an Emag is used on the safe. For example: "The the bar wall safe has been overridden externally." These are my suggestions and I welcome your feedback, thank you for reading.