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Everything posted by lalinnee

  1. Ivan met you, Ivan very happy to finaly see you outside of game. Ivan and Rynnt could become good friends comrad. *nods nods*
  2. Good day everyonr in Paradise Station. I always wanted to do one of these but never got around to it, but it is my official introduction! Played SS13 a while ago on the server but slowly drifted away, but im back! The character Im currently stuck on playing is Ivan Akookalof, He loves speakinf in third character and always tends to his job. Still tryi g to learn all the mechaics of the game and newer things. So far Ivan likes to tend to the bar or the kitchen. It builds Charactor. See you guys online!
  3. Good day everyonr in Paradise Station. I always wanted to do one of these but never got around to it, but it is my official introduction! Played SS13 a while ago on the server but slowly drifted away, but im back! The character Im currently stuck on playing is Ivan Akookalof, He loves speakinf in third character and always tends to his job. Still tryi g to learn all the mechaics of the game and newer things. So far Ivan likes to tend to the bar or the kitchen. It builds Charactor. See you guys online!
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