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Everything posted by Cobradude

  1. Advanced Med HUD health bar should be higher above the playermodel. Also "Officer level brig access(even lockers! Which phys may never open usually)" problem solved, grab a stun baton.
  2. RISSA is neat, I like the buttoned eyes on the cat on their monitor. Really cool little detail. Dar looks like Dar, his expression makes him look like he wants to burn my house down which I found funny and oddly fitting. Tristen's rosie cheeks almost made me forget about that time when he emptied his energy gun into my face. Almost. (viewtopic.php?f=42&t=7591, at least he kind of made me into a Bond villain in this). Again, cool stuff. Keep it up, this is my number 1 thread to stalk.
  3. Thought so too. Could shorten it down to your characters and a few others you interact with the most, to potentially lower the work load. Up to you, I'm here to help with the brainstorming if need be.
  4. Like always, I'm late on this. But if you want to do some big one year project, you *could* do some large group portrait thing. Kinda like when you'd have class photos done 'back int day'. Not trying to pressure you, naturally, just thought I'd suggest an idea. I'll let myself out.
  5. I remember when you faxed me this as HoS, I was confused. 10/10.
  6. Sup.
  7. Stage adaptation when?
  8. That's what makes it horrible to look at 10/10
  9. The ultimate prank. God save us all.
  10. They really wanted that bedsheet.
  11. If that's what he's swimming in I get why he's bored amirite? But on a serious note, neat-o drawings. Liking it.
  12. That was fucking poetic, Spark. If only we could get clowns this funny.
  13. This is late, but I've seen Nar Sie fuck up some shadow ling acendents like it was nothing.
  14. So people get what I'm saying.
  15. Okay, okay bear with me here. So, Advanced Med HUD really useful right? Really great? Well yes, it is. BUUUUT I have an issue with the height of the "health bar" in relation to the player model, it kind of morphs into the top of my character's head. Noticed this cus I've been playing blueshield, actually found myself opting for standard sunglasses over the HUD because it was bugging me. I assume it would be easy to code moving the bar a few pixels up?
  16. Okay then
  17. Nooooooooo http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com
  18. Achievement get. Eli's a cool cat, well not really cat but you get my point.
  19. "Rynnt Oenthe says, "FUCKING ANIMALS" Bones has been diced in the upper body with energy dagger by Rynnt Oenthe! Duke Masterson twitches violently. Rynnt Oenthe says, "I'LL PUT YOU ALL DOWN" Everyone was killing each other, I flipped my shit then killed them all.
  20. I for one like this idea a lot, I 100% agree it would need to be a very strict selection process, but if done right it could make some really memorable rounds. I can already picture, station goes to hell, cult overrun the shuttle but there to greet them is comms officer Jenkins with a deathsquad mech. 10/10 would action movie again
  21. Awesome, you'll probably experience that at some stage seeing as I almost exclusively play sec.
  22. Three cheers for spelling.
  23. It was a pretty good round, only down side was the amount of "warden do ur job!!1!" I got, once someone failed to handcuff I guy I'd just knocked down and blamed it on me, I was also bwoinked multiple times because a guy couldn't handle the fact resisting arrest, assault of an officer and workplace hazard = 30 minutes and reported me (not saying the admin was at fault, they handled it very well). Every time I went to medical because I was dying I was shouted at, people disregarding I had gone go toe to toe with a super solidier after being EMP'd so my stuns and right arm weren't working and somehow pulled it off. Rant, rant, rant, you get the picture. I was laughing about it in the end though. Now excuse me whilst I get a psychiatrist for the PTSD that round gave me. https://m.imgur.com/account/Dunkstein/images/3dTUqze
  24. I'm still gonna stick with the cynical "it's prison, not an arcade" viewpoint.
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