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Posts posted by Purpose2


    Don't get me wrong, getting rid of the xeno eggs was the right decision, but purging all the fun stuff was just too much.

    You may have a point. I can probably think of two fun things that were removed for every one fun thing that was added.



    The worst that could happen is holocarps and no doubt medical would be grateful for the distraction.

    Inclined to agree.



    The game's combat system is robust and instastunning takes a lot of that away, don't nuke it, just don't make it so fucking universal.




    They never question each other and that results in shittery flying under the radar, most sec players are decent officers but enough shit happens to taint them all, they're never antags for one so why should they? They simply don't have so they don't.

    I don't think sec would be able to function if they had to constantly wonder if each other were antags.

    I've played rounds where I've changeling'd into Warden and implanted myself. Confirm, sec melts.


    If we expect the heads of staff to actually lead instead of behave like petulant feudal nobles maybe they will?

    Would love to see more of this.

    Someone in OOC remarked the other day that its obvious when I'm Antag as CE, because I go from solving every problem, to never being seen at the scene of a problem. Kind of a problem with the Heads being Antags.


    One would be more admin events

    Admins are encouraged to add in *something* if all antags are dealt with.

    It can be a new kind of antag, it can be a RP thing. But, something to keep the round interesting.

    Separately, I also support more admin events.

    Big fan of bus, and especially RP bus. I don't mean "Assassinate X Y and Z, and escape alive". I mean "Photograph the armoury, emag a fax machine and send the photos to the syndicate". Then giving followup objectives depending on how the round is shaping up. Granted this requests the min being in observe than playing.


    There is always a need for entertainment or those needing less serious roles....................plus you can't get rid of clowns from SS13.

    That's like removing the mascot.

    Yes, entertainment is needed. IAA however, is meant to be a serious role.

    Personally, I find clowns nothing but annoying, and would be fine with their complete removal from the game.

    Clown done right is more like a solo Griffon pulling low level comedically bad pranks. However 9 out of 10 clowns are 'LOL U SLIPPED'.


    A feature unfreeze would be nice and new heavy tweaks or fun things added is most likely going to drag me back in.

    Sounds like a good path.

    I was reading comments from Marky questioning why we're still on a freeze... it'd be good to get some clarification around the purposes of this freeze, as the number isn't even drastically reduced at the moment.


    But now, that cadre is gone. And we have Security being staffed almost exclusively by new players who will have one taste, then run off somewhere funner. And that is a great issue that, frankly, cannot be solved easily apart from going, and going, and going, and working towards making sure Security works properly each round.


    More then that can be done. Examples:

    1) Prevent day-0 players from playing security. They won't have a good time, their suspects won't have a good time, and it will put them off playing security for a long time.

    2) Ensure HoS and Warden have higher requirements, so more experienced/capable players get these roles.

    3) Consider buffing/pushing IAA as well, so there is more of an incentive for goodsec.

    Day 0 players can't play Security right now. The problem is people logged onto Paradise once a year ago, then joining, and having everything unlocked because they logged on once in the past. As you know, there is a PR in the works, but I'm sure you know better than I where that is in its stages of completion or implementation.


    I still quite like the idea of whitelisting Captain and HoS, or be far far swifter in smacking down job bans on offenders..



    3.) Free job. Actual Coroner, with their own office. Would only require remaping and access changes.

    Like it. I'm currently mapping a new station in my spare time. It has a coroners office in it as well. Like the role a lot, just needs to be fleshed better.


    ALSO one big thing. Creating backpack like tanks that cant be removed by player... Why?... cause of voxes and plasmaman using their tanks to break out. now you can safely remove their tanks when they get replaced by these unremovable ones.

    Love it. It'll be nice to be able to visit perma as a plasmaman for once.




    Please lets keep this constructive.


    Remember there are no dumb ideas, only dumb people.


    So submit all your proposed thoughts, then we can approach lots of this all at once...


    but that would make them immune to facehuggers.


    Not necessarily a bad thing, imo.



    There is a lot of talk of diversifying the races, and all over about forty different threads....


    Dump some ideas in here and I'll amalgamate it, and make it easier to have the conversation with clarified thoughts and ideas.


    Already got a load of submissions from Discord.... just keep adding them, there is no limit to what you can add... just keep your memes and trolling to a minimum.





    Firstly, love the idea.


    Secondly, if its possible to save like that in bulk, could we not setup a separate server. (I'm happy to host) In which we build a new station. From scratch. With a crack team of people working on it?


    I say this because I've been working a lot (in isolation) on a new station. Its really good fun, and frankly isn't -too- much work... the real problem is then balancing and adding all the little fiddley bits that matter.



    Something I wish more people did as Coroner is to bring the IDs and PDAs of the deceased to the HoP queue to terminate. Also... most coroners don't even remember to set them to deceased.


    If it really is a slow shift, drag one of the two photocopiers from Medbay hallways into there with you, copy your autopsys, write a conclusion page. Have the CMO stamp it and deliver / fax to the NT Rep.



    This is an extremely interesting question... out of it I'd say there is both good and bad news. Good news is, there is nothing -majorly- wrong. Bad news is there is nothing -majorly- wrong. Because that'd be easy, fix the one thing. However its more likely there are a series of things that can be done to make things more interesting.


    Let's not forget the reason we are here: to play a game, and while the dedicated volunteer work of the admins and maintainers is VERY appreciated, I think they often forget that the players are the lifeblood of the game. Without players, a multiplayer game is just an empty skeleton of code and tears. And I feel that players should be part of the loop in major decisions that affect the server.

    Agreed. (It may have changed lately) but when I was working with the Wiki team, we weren't given much/any heads up about patches coming so that we could ensure everything was added in ahead of time.... and 90% of mentoring is pointing someone at a wiki page or telling them to test it out themselves. :P


    As for events, would it be feasible for a low-level Game Master position to be created, with access and duties pertaining solely to spicing things up?

    Sadly this wouldn't be a 'low-level' role due to the huge influence they'd have, however I think it'd be great having more people dedicated to creating interesting stories for the players and not have to focus so much on the 'Why do you think its acceptable to space that clown?". The sort of role that people who've been GM's for D&D campaigns sly nudge would be ideally suited for.


    This'll help cut down on meta gaming, and re-add a lot more of the 'Paranoia' of being on a space station back into the game.


    It'd be interesting to trial NT objectives too, similar to how Scientists/Roboticists have objectives to build Ripleys etc.


    These are the sorts of things you can't just -add- you have to manually craft and test to determine what actually helps make an interesting round.


  8. I do actually try to play the sort of 'mailman' role on the few occasions I do get Cargo Tech.... running disposals, organising it, and distributing items that people might want that came through it... saving all the auto-injectors people disposal and mailing it to medical etc.




    No way to loophole that, especially if it is, indeed, law 1 or 0. At that point it's just ignoring the law.


    Disagree. You can't suicide like players, so, 'you must do as soon as possible'... It isn't possible, so you can just ignore the suicide part. You also can't instruct your borgs to do it, because then it wouldn't be suicide.



    Overall opinion: Awesome lets do it.


    However the devil is in the details.


    1) With the Janitor's closet's new location - would you consider implementing a camera for the AI in that room?




    1 - For the janitor a new centralized office could be both good and bad, but overall the rewards outweigh the risk for it. Just make sure to have a camera installed in there.




    The current janitor's closet doesn't have a camera and is basically in maint, why would we need one here?


    Yes, it doesn't have a camera currently. But with its new location fully within maintenance, we should at least consider including one. Also it isn't "basically in maint" any more than the Paramedic's is currently. AKA it isn't. Where as this new location is much closer to being electrical maintenance.


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