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Posts posted by Purpose2

  1. I was playing Starcraft Brood War at a high level, (would get matched against local pros, who'd stomp the fuck out of me)... and they were all called things like 'Yellow' 'Really' 'Fantasy' 'Flash' etc... who were my heroes, so I decided I wanted a cool Korean 1 namer.

  2. @Fox McCloud Mmm an interesting summary of Goon mining - something I had no experience with.


    As for Lavaland is there anyone actively working on this? My understanding was 'no'... It is an enormous undertaking - perhaps we could work this out logically, run it as a proper project with multiple contributors working in tandem?

  3. On 6/10/2017 at 1:00 PM, Sothangel said:

    Kichichitiyaki heres, to informs kins of Voxxy lifes. Yaya, is goodies youse asks for way of kins.

    Kichichitiyaki nods.

    Me is tell youse Voxxy secrets, is listens closelies.

    Firstlies, always is call everyones "Dustlungs". Is veeeeery importants to being full Voxxy.
    Seconds, is always pursue shinies. Shinies is goods and is will never leaves youse.
    Thirdies, is be proud that Voxxy is has tree. Dustlungs no have trees, is treeless. Is importants to mocks constantlies.
    Fours, if anything scaries is goings on, IS HIDES. Hidesies in box, in lockers, anythings is goods. Skrek, maybe even just hidesies and jump outs at dustlungs in maintenance to is take shinies...
    Fivesies, skrek. Skrek is youse ticket to is being understands that Voxxy is displeaseds.
    Sixies, if skrek meat-dustlungs is botherings kin, shrieks REALLY LOUDLIES in their faces, is very goods at makings go aways.
    Sevens, is knows insults. Humansies is meats, Skrells is wets (Or is just calls Skreks but is vagues, maybe is no understands Voxxy choosies specific wordsies in this cases) and IPCs is toasters. Waitsies.... is generals insults that everyonesies uses, but is still trues, kikikikikiki.

    Kichichitiyaki thinks for a moment.

    Oh, is also another things. When if anyone is ever takes Voxygens aways, is make sures entire stations knows, yaya? 

    Is all me is can thinkies of for nows. Me is going to goes and sit in lockers whilst waitings for trash to comes throughs disposals, and Voxxy is takes shinies from theres, kikiki. Skrek meat is no knows values of dearies shinies...


    Kichichitiyaki slinks away into the distance.


    Nothing about hats, 8/10

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  4. 6 minutes ago, whiskeyfur said:

    And they're trying to solve it with code... sorry, as someone who came from the age of dial-in BBS's and door games, all through MUX's and MUSH's and into our current crop of games, minecraft admin and alll... sorry, you can not fix player behavior with code. The BEST that can be done is to whitelist every antag position, with whitelisting meaning the admins have vetted that player as being responsible enough to know he is not playing for himself and can make the rounds interesting for all.

    The only way to fix this is to crack down on the players themselves with admin setting the standard on what game requires. Applying code blindly, is like applying a bandaid to fix a broken leg.. on the arm. It just doesn't work.

    I also come from a MUD background, playing and developing... and yes and no. You can /help/ fix behavior issues with code - however 99 times out of 100, its not anything direct that you tweak....

    Your environment has a huge influence what you view as acceptable, and making measured tweaks can help reduce the occurrence, frequency and impact of the negative behaviors.

    That can be code, and that can be admins adequately setting standards, as you put it. I can influence only one of those ;)

  5. 3 minutes ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    I'm not a science player but wouldn't finishing RnD be finishing your job, not setting it up?

    This. A thousand times this. R&D isn't supposed to be something you fucking macro and complete in 10 minutes like people have. You are supposed to be researching and developing. This should take time. This should then result in rewards for the station. What actually happens is 10 mins in the RD has done it, has given himself all the ugprades and starts building himself a mech.

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  6. These proposed solutions are not good ones.

    I don't personally have the solution myself, but I know these certainly aren't it. I'll give some proposals, but they probably aren't the solution either.


    Often the reason why antags are going wider with their objectives (and subsequently getting bwoinked by overzealous admins..) are that there isn't much chaos nor confusion going on, which is where an antagonist thrives. Maybe they want to disrupt the power system. Maybe they want to de-pressurize part of maintenance to discourage travellers...

    Add a miscreant system. Similar to the previously added Conspirators system, or abductee system. Low level objectives to up the amount of stuff going on, and the amount of chaos that could be thriving. The idea is for them to be indistinguishable from greytides (who are typically assholes with nothing to do). Non-tracked objectives such as "Break the arm of the barkeeper" "Start a meth lab" "Burn down the library" ... but they would all have the caveat of "no one can directly die from your actions".

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